YES 12.428 H-Termination proof of /home/matraf/haskell/eval_FullyBlown_Fast/FiniteMap.hs
H-Termination of the given Haskell-Program with start terms could successfully be proven:

  ↳ LR

mainModule FiniteMap
  ((addListToFM :: (Ord b, Ord c) => FiniteMap (b,c) a  ->  [((b,c),a)]  ->  FiniteMap (b,c) a) :: (Ord c, Ord b) => FiniteMap (b,c) a  ->  [((b,c),a)]  ->  FiniteMap (b,c) a)

module FiniteMap where
  import qualified Maybe
import qualified Prelude

  data FiniteMap b a = EmptyFM  | Branch b a Int (FiniteMap b a) (FiniteMap b a

  instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (FiniteMap b a) where 
(==) fm_1 fm_2 sizeFM fm_1 == sizeFM fm_2 && fmToList fm_1 == fmToList fm_2

  addListToFM :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  [(b,a)]  ->  FiniteMap b a
addListToFM fm key_elt_pairs addListToFM_C (\old new ->new) fm key_elt_pairs

  addListToFM_C :: Ord b => (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  [(b,a)]  ->  FiniteMap b a
addListToFM_C combiner fm key_elt_pairs 
foldl add fm key_elt_pairs where 
add fmap (key,eltaddToFM_C combiner fmap key elt

  addToFM_C :: Ord b => (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a
addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt unitFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt 
 | new_key < key = 
mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_elt) fm_r
 | new_key > key = 
mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
 | otherwise = 
Branch new_key (combiner elt new_elt) size fm_l fm_r

  emptyFM :: FiniteMap b a
emptyFM EmptyFM

  findMax :: FiniteMap a b  ->  (a,b)
findMax (Branch key elt _ _ EmptyFM(key,elt)
findMax (Branch key elt _ _ fm_rfindMax fm_r

  findMin :: FiniteMap b a  ->  (b,a)
findMin (Branch key elt _ EmptyFM _) (key,elt)
findMin (Branch key elt _ fm_l _) findMin fm_l

  fmToList :: FiniteMap b a  ->  [(b,a)]
fmToList fm foldFM (\key elt rest ->(key,elt: rest) [] fm

  foldFM :: (c  ->  b  ->  a  ->  a ->  a  ->  FiniteMap c b  ->  a
foldFM k z EmptyFM z
foldFM k z (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_rfoldFM k (k key elt (foldFM k z fm_r)) fm_l

  mkBalBranch :: Ord a => a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R 
 | size_l + size_r < 2 = 
mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
 | size_r > sIZE_RATIO * size_l = 
case fm_R of
  Branch _ _ _ fm_rl fm_rr
 | sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr -> 
single_L fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise -> 
double_L fm_L fm_R
 | size_l > sIZE_RATIO * size_r = 
case fm_L of
  Branch _ _ _ fm_ll fm_lr
 | sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll -> 
single_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise -> 
double_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise = 
mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R where 
double_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r _ (Branch key_rl elt_rl _ fm_rll fm_rlr) fm_rrmkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 key elt fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)
double_R (Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr _ fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 key elt fm_lrr fm_r)
single_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r _ fm_rl fm_rrmkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 key elt fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr
single_R (Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll fm_lrfm_r mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 key elt fm_lr fm_r)
size_l sizeFM fm_L
size_r sizeFM fm_R

  mkBranch :: Ord b => Int  ->  b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
mkBranch which key elt fm_l fm_r 
result Branch key elt (unbox (1 + left_size + right_size)) fm_l fm_r
in result
balance_ok True
case fm_l of
  EmptyFM-> True
  Branch left_key _ _ _ _-> 
biggest_left_key fst (findMax fm_l)
in biggest_left_key < key
left_size sizeFM fm_l
case fm_r of
  EmptyFM-> True
  Branch right_key _ _ _ _-> 
smallest_right_key fst (findMin fm_r)
in key < smallest_right_key
right_size sizeFM fm_r
unbox :: Int  ->  Int
unbox x x

  sIZE_RATIO :: Int

  sizeFM :: FiniteMap a b  ->  Int
sizeFM EmptyFM 0
sizeFM (Branch _ _ size _ _) size

  unitFM :: a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b
unitFM key elt Branch key elt 1 emptyFM emptyFM

module Maybe where
  import qualified FiniteMap
import qualified Prelude

Lambda Reductions:
The following Lambda expression
\keyeltrest→(key,elt: rest

is transformed to
fmToList0 key elt rest = (key,elt: rest

The following Lambda expression

is transformed to
addListToFM0 old new = new

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR

mainModule FiniteMap
  ((addListToFM :: (Ord b, Ord c) => FiniteMap (c,b) a  ->  [((c,b),a)]  ->  FiniteMap (c,b) a) :: (Ord b, Ord c) => FiniteMap (c,b) a  ->  [((c,b),a)]  ->  FiniteMap (c,b) a)

module FiniteMap where
  import qualified Maybe
import qualified Prelude

  data FiniteMap a b = EmptyFM  | Branch a b Int (FiniteMap a b) (FiniteMap a b

  instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (FiniteMap b a) where 
(==) fm_1 fm_2 sizeFM fm_1 == sizeFM fm_2 && fmToList fm_1 == fmToList fm_2

  addListToFM :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  [(b,a)]  ->  FiniteMap b a
addListToFM fm key_elt_pairs addListToFM_C addListToFM0 fm key_elt_pairs

addListToFM0 old new new

  addListToFM_C :: Ord a => (b  ->  b  ->  b ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  [(a,b)]  ->  FiniteMap a b
addListToFM_C combiner fm key_elt_pairs 
foldl add fm key_elt_pairs where 
add fmap (key,eltaddToFM_C combiner fmap key elt

  addToFM_C :: Ord b => (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a
addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt unitFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt 
 | new_key < key = 
mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_elt) fm_r
 | new_key > key = 
mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
 | otherwise = 
Branch new_key (combiner elt new_elt) size fm_l fm_r

  emptyFM :: FiniteMap a b
emptyFM EmptyFM

  findMax :: FiniteMap b a  ->  (b,a)
findMax (Branch key elt _ _ EmptyFM(key,elt)
findMax (Branch key elt _ _ fm_rfindMax fm_r

  findMin :: FiniteMap a b  ->  (a,b)
findMin (Branch key elt _ EmptyFM _) (key,elt)
findMin (Branch key elt _ fm_l _) findMin fm_l

  fmToList :: FiniteMap b a  ->  [(b,a)]
fmToList fm foldFM fmToList0 [] fm

fmToList0 key elt rest (key,elt: rest

  foldFM :: (b  ->  a  ->  c  ->  c ->  c  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  c
foldFM k z EmptyFM z
foldFM k z (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_rfoldFM k (k key elt (foldFM k z fm_r)) fm_l

  mkBalBranch :: Ord b => b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R 
 | size_l + size_r < 2 = 
mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
 | size_r > sIZE_RATIO * size_l = 
case fm_R of
  Branch _ _ _ fm_rl fm_rr
 | sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr -> 
single_L fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise -> 
double_L fm_L fm_R
 | size_l > sIZE_RATIO * size_r = 
case fm_L of
  Branch _ _ _ fm_ll fm_lr
 | sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll -> 
single_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise -> 
double_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise = 
mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R where 
double_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r _ (Branch key_rl elt_rl _ fm_rll fm_rlr) fm_rrmkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 key elt fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)
double_R (Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr _ fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 key elt fm_lrr fm_r)
single_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r _ fm_rl fm_rrmkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 key elt fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr
single_R (Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll fm_lrfm_r mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 key elt fm_lr fm_r)
size_l sizeFM fm_L
size_r sizeFM fm_R

  mkBranch :: Ord b => Int  ->  b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
mkBranch which key elt fm_l fm_r 
result Branch key elt (unbox (1 + left_size + right_size)) fm_l fm_r
in result
balance_ok True
case fm_l of
  EmptyFM-> True
  Branch left_key _ _ _ _-> 
biggest_left_key fst (findMax fm_l)
in biggest_left_key < key
left_size sizeFM fm_l
case fm_r of
  EmptyFM-> True
  Branch right_key _ _ _ _-> 
smallest_right_key fst (findMin fm_r)
in key < smallest_right_key
right_size sizeFM fm_r
unbox :: Int  ->  Int
unbox x x

  sIZE_RATIO :: Int

  sizeFM :: FiniteMap b a  ->  Int
sizeFM EmptyFM 0
sizeFM (Branch _ _ size _ _) size

  unitFM :: a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b
unitFM key elt Branch key elt 1 emptyFM emptyFM

module Maybe where
  import qualified FiniteMap
import qualified Prelude

Case Reductions:
The following Case expression
case fm_l of
 EmptyFM → True
 Branch left_key _ _ _ _ → 
biggest_left_key  = fst (findMax fm_l)
in biggest_left_key < key

is transformed to
left_ok0 fm_l key EmptyFM = True
left_ok0 fm_l key (Branch left_key _ _ _ _) = 
biggest_left_key  = fst (findMax fm_l)
in biggest_left_key < key

The following Case expression
case fm_r of
 EmptyFM → True
 Branch right_key _ _ _ _ → 
smallest_right_key  = fst (findMin fm_r)
in key < smallest_right_key

is transformed to
right_ok0 fm_r key EmptyFM = True
right_ok0 fm_r key (Branch right_key _ _ _ _) = 
smallest_right_key  = fst (findMin fm_r)
in key < smallest_right_key

The following Case expression
case fm_R of
 Branch _ _ _ fm_rl fm_rr
 | sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr
 → single_L fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise
 → double_L fm_L fm_R

is transformed to
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch _ _ _ fm_rl fm_rr)
 | sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr
 = single_L fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise
 = double_L fm_L fm_R

The following Case expression
case fm_L of
 Branch _ _ _ fm_ll fm_lr
 | sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll
 → single_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise
 → double_R fm_L fm_R

is transformed to
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch _ _ _ fm_ll fm_lr)
 | sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll
 = single_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise
 = double_R fm_L fm_R

The following Case expression
case compare x y of
 EQ → o
 LT → LT
 GT → GT

is transformed to
primCompAux0 o EQ = o
primCompAux0 o LT = LT
primCompAux0 o GT = GT

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
          ↳ IFR

mainModule FiniteMap
  ((addListToFM :: (Ord a, Ord c) => FiniteMap (c,a) b  ->  [((c,a),b)]  ->  FiniteMap (c,a) b) :: (Ord c, Ord a) => FiniteMap (c,a) b  ->  [((c,a),b)]  ->  FiniteMap (c,a) b)

module FiniteMap where
  import qualified Maybe
import qualified Prelude

  data FiniteMap a b = EmptyFM  | Branch a b Int (FiniteMap a b) (FiniteMap a b

  instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (FiniteMap b a) where 
(==) fm_1 fm_2 sizeFM fm_1 == sizeFM fm_2 && fmToList fm_1 == fmToList fm_2

  addListToFM :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  [(a,b)]  ->  FiniteMap a b
addListToFM fm key_elt_pairs addListToFM_C addListToFM0 fm key_elt_pairs

addListToFM0 old new new

  addListToFM_C :: Ord b => (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  [(b,a)]  ->  FiniteMap b a
addListToFM_C combiner fm key_elt_pairs 
foldl add fm key_elt_pairs where 
add fmap (key,eltaddToFM_C combiner fmap key elt

  addToFM_C :: Ord b => (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a
addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt unitFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt 
 | new_key < key = 
mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_elt) fm_r
 | new_key > key = 
mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
 | otherwise = 
Branch new_key (combiner elt new_elt) size fm_l fm_r

  emptyFM :: FiniteMap b a
emptyFM EmptyFM

  findMax :: FiniteMap b a  ->  (b,a)
findMax (Branch key elt _ _ EmptyFM(key,elt)
findMax (Branch key elt _ _ fm_rfindMax fm_r

  findMin :: FiniteMap a b  ->  (a,b)
findMin (Branch key elt _ EmptyFM _) (key,elt)
findMin (Branch key elt _ fm_l _) findMin fm_l

  fmToList :: FiniteMap a b  ->  [(a,b)]
fmToList fm foldFM fmToList0 [] fm

fmToList0 key elt rest (key,elt: rest

  foldFM :: (a  ->  c  ->  b  ->  b ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a c  ->  b
foldFM k z EmptyFM z
foldFM k z (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_rfoldFM k (k key elt (foldFM k z fm_r)) fm_l

  mkBalBranch :: Ord a => a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R 
 | size_l + size_r < 2 = 
mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
 | size_r > sIZE_RATIO * size_l = 
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R fm_R
 | size_l > sIZE_RATIO * size_r = 
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R fm_L
 | otherwise = 
mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R where 
double_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r _ (Branch key_rl elt_rl _ fm_rll fm_rlr) fm_rrmkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 key elt fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)
double_R (Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr _ fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 key elt fm_lrr fm_r)
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch _ _ _ fm_rl fm_rr
 | sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr = 
single_L fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise = 
double_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch _ _ _ fm_ll fm_lr
 | sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll = 
single_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise = 
double_R fm_L fm_R
single_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r _ fm_rl fm_rrmkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 key elt fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr
single_R (Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll fm_lrfm_r mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 key elt fm_lr fm_r)
size_l sizeFM fm_L
size_r sizeFM fm_R

  mkBranch :: Ord b => Int  ->  b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
mkBranch which key elt fm_l fm_r 
result Branch key elt (unbox (1 + left_size + right_size)) fm_l fm_r
in result
balance_ok True
left_ok left_ok0 fm_l key fm_l
left_ok0 fm_l key EmptyFM True
left_ok0 fm_l key (Branch left_key _ _ _ _) 
biggest_left_key fst (findMax fm_l)
in biggest_left_key < key
left_size sizeFM fm_l
right_ok right_ok0 fm_r key fm_r
right_ok0 fm_r key EmptyFM True
right_ok0 fm_r key (Branch right_key _ _ _ _) 
smallest_right_key fst (findMin fm_r)
in key < smallest_right_key
right_size sizeFM fm_r
unbox :: Int  ->  Int
unbox x x

  sIZE_RATIO :: Int

  sizeFM :: FiniteMap b a  ->  Int
sizeFM EmptyFM 0
sizeFM (Branch _ _ size _ _) size

  unitFM :: a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b
unitFM key elt Branch key elt 1 emptyFM emptyFM

module Maybe where
  import qualified FiniteMap
import qualified Prelude

If Reductions:
The following If expression
if primGEqNatS x y then Succ (primDivNatS (primMinusNatS x y) (Succ y)) else Zero

is transformed to
primDivNatS0 x y True = Succ (primDivNatS (primMinusNatS x y) (Succ y))
primDivNatS0 x y False = Zero

The following If expression
if primGEqNatS x y then primModNatS (primMinusNatS x y) (Succ y) else Succ x

is transformed to
primModNatS0 x y True = primModNatS (primMinusNatS x y) (Succ y)
primModNatS0 x y False = Succ x

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
              ↳ BR

mainModule FiniteMap
  ((addListToFM :: (Ord a, Ord c) => FiniteMap (c,a) b  ->  [((c,a),b)]  ->  FiniteMap (c,a) b) :: (Ord a, Ord c) => FiniteMap (c,a) b  ->  [((c,a),b)]  ->  FiniteMap (c,a) b)

module FiniteMap where
  import qualified Maybe
import qualified Prelude

  data FiniteMap b a = EmptyFM  | Branch b a Int (FiniteMap b a) (FiniteMap b a

  instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (FiniteMap a b) where 
(==) fm_1 fm_2 sizeFM fm_1 == sizeFM fm_2 && fmToList fm_1 == fmToList fm_2

  addListToFM :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  [(a,b)]  ->  FiniteMap a b
addListToFM fm key_elt_pairs addListToFM_C addListToFM0 fm key_elt_pairs

addListToFM0 old new new

  addListToFM_C :: Ord b => (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  [(b,a)]  ->  FiniteMap b a
addListToFM_C combiner fm key_elt_pairs 
foldl add fm key_elt_pairs where 
add fmap (key,eltaddToFM_C combiner fmap key elt

  addToFM_C :: Ord a => (b  ->  b  ->  b ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b
addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt unitFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt 
 | new_key < key = 
mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_elt) fm_r
 | new_key > key = 
mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
 | otherwise = 
Branch new_key (combiner elt new_elt) size fm_l fm_r

  emptyFM :: FiniteMap a b
emptyFM EmptyFM

  findMax :: FiniteMap a b  ->  (a,b)
findMax (Branch key elt _ _ EmptyFM(key,elt)
findMax (Branch key elt _ _ fm_rfindMax fm_r

  findMin :: FiniteMap b a  ->  (b,a)
findMin (Branch key elt _ EmptyFM _) (key,elt)
findMin (Branch key elt _ fm_l _) findMin fm_l

  fmToList :: FiniteMap b a  ->  [(b,a)]
fmToList fm foldFM fmToList0 [] fm

fmToList0 key elt rest (key,elt: rest

  foldFM :: (c  ->  b  ->  a  ->  a ->  a  ->  FiniteMap c b  ->  a
foldFM k z EmptyFM z
foldFM k z (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_rfoldFM k (k key elt (foldFM k z fm_r)) fm_l

  mkBalBranch :: Ord a => a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R 
 | size_l + size_r < 2 = 
mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
 | size_r > sIZE_RATIO * size_l = 
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R fm_R
 | size_l > sIZE_RATIO * size_r = 
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R fm_L
 | otherwise = 
mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R where 
double_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r _ (Branch key_rl elt_rl _ fm_rll fm_rlr) fm_rrmkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 key elt fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)
double_R (Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr _ fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 key elt fm_lrr fm_r)
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch _ _ _ fm_rl fm_rr
 | sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr = 
single_L fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise = 
double_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch _ _ _ fm_ll fm_lr
 | sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll = 
single_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise = 
double_R fm_L fm_R
single_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r _ fm_rl fm_rrmkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 key elt fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr
single_R (Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll fm_lrfm_r mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 key elt fm_lr fm_r)
size_l sizeFM fm_L
size_r sizeFM fm_R

  mkBranch :: Ord a => Int  ->  a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkBranch which key elt fm_l fm_r 
result Branch key elt (unbox (1 + left_size + right_size)) fm_l fm_r
in result
balance_ok True
left_ok left_ok0 fm_l key fm_l
left_ok0 fm_l key EmptyFM True
left_ok0 fm_l key (Branch left_key _ _ _ _) 
biggest_left_key fst (findMax fm_l)
in biggest_left_key < key
left_size sizeFM fm_l
right_ok right_ok0 fm_r key fm_r
right_ok0 fm_r key EmptyFM True
right_ok0 fm_r key (Branch right_key _ _ _ _) 
smallest_right_key fst (findMin fm_r)
in key < smallest_right_key
right_size sizeFM fm_r
unbox :: Int  ->  Int
unbox x x

  sIZE_RATIO :: Int

  sizeFM :: FiniteMap a b  ->  Int
sizeFM EmptyFM 0
sizeFM (Branch _ _ size _ _) size

  unitFM :: a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b
unitFM key elt Branch key elt 1 emptyFM emptyFM

module Maybe where
  import qualified FiniteMap
import qualified Prelude

Replaced joker patterns by fresh variables and removed binding patterns.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                  ↳ COR

mainModule FiniteMap
  ((addListToFM :: (Ord a, Ord c) => FiniteMap (a,c) b  ->  [((a,c),b)]  ->  FiniteMap (a,c) b) :: (Ord c, Ord a) => FiniteMap (a,c) b  ->  [((a,c),b)]  ->  FiniteMap (a,c) b)

module FiniteMap where
  import qualified Maybe
import qualified Prelude

  data FiniteMap b a = EmptyFM  | Branch b a Int (FiniteMap b a) (FiniteMap b a

  instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (FiniteMap b a) where 
(==) fm_1 fm_2 sizeFM fm_1 == sizeFM fm_2 && fmToList fm_1 == fmToList fm_2

  addListToFM :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  [(a,b)]  ->  FiniteMap a b
addListToFM fm key_elt_pairs addListToFM_C addListToFM0 fm key_elt_pairs

addListToFM0 old new new

  addListToFM_C :: Ord a => (b  ->  b  ->  b ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  [(a,b)]  ->  FiniteMap a b
addListToFM_C combiner fm key_elt_pairs 
foldl add fm key_elt_pairs where 
add fmap (key,eltaddToFM_C combiner fmap key elt

  addToFM_C :: Ord b => (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a
addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt unitFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt 
 | new_key < key = 
mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_elt) fm_r
 | new_key > key = 
mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
 | otherwise = 
Branch new_key (combiner elt new_elt) size fm_l fm_r

  emptyFM :: FiniteMap b a
emptyFM EmptyFM

  findMax :: FiniteMap a b  ->  (a,b)
findMax (Branch key elt vuv vuw EmptyFM(key,elt)
findMax (Branch key elt vux vuy fm_rfindMax fm_r

  findMin :: FiniteMap a b  ->  (a,b)
findMin (Branch key elt wz EmptyFM xu(key,elt)
findMin (Branch key elt xv fm_l xwfindMin fm_l

  fmToList :: FiniteMap a b  ->  [(a,b)]
fmToList fm foldFM fmToList0 [] fm

fmToList0 key elt rest (key,elt: rest

  foldFM :: (c  ->  b  ->  a  ->  a ->  a  ->  FiniteMap c b  ->  a
foldFM k z EmptyFM z
foldFM k z (Branch key elt wy fm_l fm_rfoldFM k (k key elt (foldFM k z fm_r)) fm_l

  mkBalBranch :: Ord a => a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R 
 | size_l + size_r < 2 = 
mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
 | size_r > sIZE_RATIO * size_l = 
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R fm_R
 | size_l > sIZE_RATIO * size_r = 
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R fm_L
 | otherwise = 
mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R where 
double_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r zv (Branch key_rl elt_rl zw fm_rll fm_rlr) fm_rrmkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 key elt fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)
double_R (Branch key_l elt_l yw fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr yx fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 key elt fm_lrr fm_r)
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr
 | sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr = 
single_L fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise = 
double_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr
 | sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll = 
single_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise = 
double_R fm_L fm_R
single_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r vuu fm_rl fm_rrmkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 key elt fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr
single_R (Branch key_l elt_l yv fm_ll fm_lrfm_r mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 key elt fm_lr fm_r)
size_l sizeFM fm_L
size_r sizeFM fm_R

  mkBranch :: Ord b => Int  ->  b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
mkBranch which key elt fm_l fm_r 
result Branch key elt (unbox (1 + left_size + right_size)) fm_l fm_r
in result
balance_ok True
left_ok left_ok0 fm_l key fm_l
left_ok0 fm_l key EmptyFM True
left_ok0 fm_l key (Branch left_key vw vx vy vz
biggest_left_key fst (findMax fm_l)
in biggest_left_key < key
left_size sizeFM fm_l
right_ok right_ok0 fm_r key fm_r
right_ok0 fm_r key EmptyFM True
right_ok0 fm_r key (Branch right_key wu wv ww wx
smallest_right_key fst (findMin fm_r)
in key < smallest_right_key
right_size sizeFM fm_r
unbox :: Int  ->  Int
unbox x x

  sIZE_RATIO :: Int

  sizeFM :: FiniteMap b a  ->  Int
sizeFM EmptyFM 0
sizeFM (Branch xx xy size xz yusize

  unitFM :: b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a
unitFM key elt Branch key elt 1 emptyFM emptyFM

module Maybe where
  import qualified FiniteMap
import qualified Prelude

Cond Reductions:
The following Function with conditions
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr)
 | sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll
 = single_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise
 = double_R fm_L fm_R

is transformed to
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr) = mkBalBranch12 fm_L fm_R (Branch yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr)

mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr True = single_R fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr False = mkBalBranch10 fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr otherwise

mkBalBranch10 fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr True = double_R fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch12 fm_L fm_R (Branch yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr) = mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr (sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll)

The following Function with conditions
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr)
 | sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr
 = single_L fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise
 = double_L fm_L fm_R

is transformed to
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBalBranch02 fm_L fm_R (Branch zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr)

mkBalBranch00 fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr True = double_L fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr True = single_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr False = mkBalBranch00 fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr otherwise

mkBalBranch02 fm_L fm_R (Branch zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr (sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr)

The following Function with conditions
mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R
 | size_l + size_r < 2
 = mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
 | size_r > sIZE_RATIO * size_l
 = mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R fm_R
 | size_l > sIZE_RATIO * size_r
 = mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R fm_L
 | otherwise
 = mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R
double_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r zv (Branch key_rl elt_rl zw fm_rll fm_rlrfm_rr) = mkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 key elt fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)
double_R (Branch key_l elt_l yw fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr yx fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r = mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 key elt fm_lrr fm_r)
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr)
 | sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr
 = single_L fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise
 = double_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr)
 | sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll
 = single_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise
 = double_R fm_L fm_R
single_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r vuu fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 key elt fm_l fm_rlfm_rr
single_R (Branch key_l elt_l yv fm_ll fm_lrfm_r = mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 key elt fm_lr fm_r)
size_l  = sizeFM fm_L
size_r  = sizeFM fm_R

is transformed to
mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R = mkBalBranch6 key elt fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6 key elt fm_L fm_R = 
mkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R (size_l + size_r < 2)
double_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r zv (Branch key_rl elt_rl zw fm_rll fm_rlrfm_rr) = mkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 key elt fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)
double_R (Branch key_l elt_l yw fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr yx fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r = mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 key elt fm_lrr fm_r)
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBalBranch02 fm_L fm_R (Branch zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr)
mkBalBranch00 fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr True = double_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr True = single_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr False = mkBalBranch00 fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr otherwise
mkBalBranch02 fm_L fm_R (Branch zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr (sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr)
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr) = mkBalBranch12 fm_L fm_R (Branch yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr)
mkBalBranch10 fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr True = double_R fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr True = single_R fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr False = mkBalBranch10 fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr otherwise
mkBalBranch12 fm_L fm_R (Branch yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr) = mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr (sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll)
mkBalBranch2 key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch3 key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R fm_L
mkBalBranch3 key elt fm_L fm_R False = mkBalBranch2 key elt fm_L fm_R otherwise
mkBalBranch4 key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R fm_R
mkBalBranch4 key elt fm_L fm_R False = mkBalBranch3 key elt fm_L fm_R (size_l > sIZE_RATIO * size_r)
mkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R False = mkBalBranch4 key elt fm_L fm_R (size_r > sIZE_RATIO * size_l)
single_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r vuu fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 key elt fm_l fm_rlfm_rr
single_R (Branch key_l elt_l yv fm_ll fm_lrfm_r = mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 key elt fm_lr fm_r)
size_l  = sizeFM fm_L
size_r  = sizeFM fm_R

The following Function with conditions
addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt = unitFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt
 | new_key < key
 = mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_eltfm_r
 | new_key > key
 = mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
 | otherwise
 = Branch new_key (combiner elt new_eltsize fm_l fm_r

is transformed to
addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt = addToFM_C4 combiner EmptyFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt = addToFM_C3 combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt

addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True = mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_eltfm_r
addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt False = addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt (new_key > key)

addToFM_C0 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True = Branch new_key (combiner elt new_eltsize fm_l fm_r

addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True = mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt False = addToFM_C0 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt otherwise

addToFM_C3 combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt = addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt (new_key < key)

addToFM_C4 combiner EmptyFM key elt = unitFM key elt
addToFM_C4 wuu wuv wuw wux = addToFM_C3 wuu wuv wuw wux

The following Function with conditions
compare x y
 | x == y
 = EQ
 | x <= y
 = LT
 | otherwise
 = GT

is transformed to
compare x y = compare3 x y

compare0 x y True = GT

compare1 x y True = LT
compare1 x y False = compare0 x y otherwise

compare2 x y True = EQ
compare2 x y False = compare1 x y (x <= y)

compare3 x y = compare2 x y (x == y)

The following Function with conditions
gcd' x 0 = x
gcd' x y = gcd' y (x `rem` y)

is transformed to
gcd' x wuy = gcd'2 x wuy
gcd' x y = gcd'0 x y

gcd'0 x y = gcd' y (x `rem` y)

gcd'1 True x wuy = x
gcd'1 wuz wvu wvv = gcd'0 wvu wvv

gcd'2 x wuy = gcd'1 (wuy == 0) x wuy
gcd'2 wvw wvx = gcd'0 wvw wvx

The following Function with conditions
gcd 0 0 = error []
gcd x y = 
gcd' (abs x) (abs y)
gcd' x 0 = x
gcd' x y = gcd' y (x `rem` y)

is transformed to
gcd wvy wvz = gcd3 wvy wvz
gcd x y = gcd0 x y

gcd0 x y = 
gcd' (abs x) (abs y)
gcd' x wuy = gcd'2 x wuy
gcd' x y = gcd'0 x y
gcd'0 x y = gcd' y (x `rem` y)
gcd'1 True x wuy = x
gcd'1 wuz wvu wvv = gcd'0 wvu wvv
gcd'2 x wuy = gcd'1 (wuy == 0) x wuy
gcd'2 wvw wvx = gcd'0 wvw wvx

gcd1 True wvy wvz = error []
gcd1 wwu wwv www = gcd0 wwv www

gcd2 True wvy wvz = gcd1 (wvz == 0) wvy wvz
gcd2 wwx wwy wwz = gcd0 wwy wwz

gcd3 wvy wvz = gcd2 (wvy == 0) wvy wvz
gcd3 wxu wxv = gcd0 wxu wxv

The following Function with conditions
absReal x
 | x >= 0
 = x
 | otherwise
 = `negate` x

is transformed to
absReal x = absReal2 x

absReal0 x True = `negate` x

absReal1 x True = x
absReal1 x False = absReal0 x otherwise

absReal2 x = absReal1 x (x >= 0)

The following Function with conditions
 | False
 = undefined

is transformed to
undefined  = undefined1

undefined0 True = undefined

undefined1  = undefined0 False

The following Function with conditions
reduce x y
 | y == 0
 = error []
 | otherwise
 = x `quot` d :% (y `quot` d)
d  = gcd x y

is transformed to
reduce x y = reduce2 x y

reduce2 x y = 
reduce1 x y (y == 0)
d  = gcd x y
reduce0 x y True = x `quot` d :% (y `quot` d)
reduce1 x y True = error []
reduce1 x y False = reduce0 x y otherwise

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                      ↳ LetRed

mainModule FiniteMap
  ((addListToFM :: (Ord c, Ord b) => FiniteMap (b,c) a  ->  [((b,c),a)]  ->  FiniteMap (b,c) a) :: (Ord b, Ord c) => FiniteMap (b,c) a  ->  [((b,c),a)]  ->  FiniteMap (b,c) a)

module FiniteMap where
  import qualified Maybe
import qualified Prelude

  data FiniteMap b a = EmptyFM  | Branch b a Int (FiniteMap b a) (FiniteMap b a

  instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (FiniteMap b a) where 
(==) fm_1 fm_2 sizeFM fm_1 == sizeFM fm_2 && fmToList fm_1 == fmToList fm_2

  addListToFM :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  [(a,b)]  ->  FiniteMap a b
addListToFM fm key_elt_pairs addListToFM_C addListToFM0 fm key_elt_pairs

addListToFM0 old new new

  addListToFM_C :: Ord a => (b  ->  b  ->  b ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  [(a,b)]  ->  FiniteMap a b
addListToFM_C combiner fm key_elt_pairs 
foldl add fm key_elt_pairs where 
add fmap (key,eltaddToFM_C combiner fmap key elt

  addToFM_C :: Ord a => (b  ->  b  ->  b ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b
addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt addToFM_C4 combiner EmptyFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt addToFM_C3 combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_r) new_key new_elt

addToFM_C0 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True Branch new_key (combiner elt new_elt) size fm_l fm_r

addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt False addToFM_C0 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt otherwise

addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_elt) fm_r
addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt False addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt (new_key > key)

addToFM_C3 combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt (new_key < key)

addToFM_C4 combiner EmptyFM key elt unitFM key elt
addToFM_C4 wuu wuv wuw wux addToFM_C3 wuu wuv wuw wux

  emptyFM :: FiniteMap b a
emptyFM EmptyFM

  findMax :: FiniteMap a b  ->  (a,b)
findMax (Branch key elt vuv vuw EmptyFM(key,elt)
findMax (Branch key elt vux vuy fm_rfindMax fm_r

  findMin :: FiniteMap b a  ->  (b,a)
findMin (Branch key elt wz EmptyFM xu(key,elt)
findMin (Branch key elt xv fm_l xwfindMin fm_l

  fmToList :: FiniteMap a b  ->  [(a,b)]
fmToList fm foldFM fmToList0 [] fm

fmToList0 key elt rest (key,elt: rest

  foldFM :: (b  ->  c  ->  a  ->  a ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b c  ->  a
foldFM k z EmptyFM z
foldFM k z (Branch key elt wy fm_l fm_rfoldFM k (k key elt (foldFM k z fm_r)) fm_l

  mkBalBranch :: Ord a => a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R mkBalBranch6 key elt fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6 key elt fm_L fm_R 
mkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R (size_l + size_r < 2) where 
double_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r zv (Branch key_rl elt_rl zw fm_rll fm_rlr) fm_rrmkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 key elt fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)
double_R (Branch key_l elt_l yw fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr yx fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 key elt fm_lrr fm_r)
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rrmkBalBranch02 fm_L fm_R (Branch zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr)
mkBalBranch00 fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr True double_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr True single_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr False mkBalBranch00 fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr otherwise
mkBalBranch02 fm_L fm_R (Branch zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rrmkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr (sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr)
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lrmkBalBranch12 fm_L fm_R (Branch yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr)
mkBalBranch10 fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr True double_R fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr True single_R fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr False mkBalBranch10 fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr otherwise
mkBalBranch12 fm_L fm_R (Branch yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lrmkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr (sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll)
mkBalBranch2 key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch3 key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R fm_L
mkBalBranch3 key elt fm_L fm_R False mkBalBranch2 key elt fm_L fm_R otherwise
mkBalBranch4 key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R fm_R
mkBalBranch4 key elt fm_L fm_R False mkBalBranch3 key elt fm_L fm_R (size_l > sIZE_RATIO * size_r)
mkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R False mkBalBranch4 key elt fm_L fm_R (size_r > sIZE_RATIO * size_l)
single_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r vuu fm_rl fm_rrmkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 key elt fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr
single_R (Branch key_l elt_l yv fm_ll fm_lrfm_r mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 key elt fm_lr fm_r)
size_l sizeFM fm_L
size_r sizeFM fm_R

  mkBranch :: Ord a => Int  ->  a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkBranch which key elt fm_l fm_r 
result Branch key elt (unbox (1 + left_size + right_size)) fm_l fm_r
in result
balance_ok True
left_ok left_ok0 fm_l key fm_l
left_ok0 fm_l key EmptyFM True
left_ok0 fm_l key (Branch left_key vw vx vy vz
biggest_left_key fst (findMax fm_l)
in biggest_left_key < key
left_size sizeFM fm_l
right_ok right_ok0 fm_r key fm_r
right_ok0 fm_r key EmptyFM True
right_ok0 fm_r key (Branch right_key wu wv ww wx
smallest_right_key fst (findMin fm_r)
in key < smallest_right_key
right_size sizeFM fm_r
unbox :: Int  ->  Int
unbox x x

  sIZE_RATIO :: Int

  sizeFM :: FiniteMap b a  ->  Int
sizeFM EmptyFM 0
sizeFM (Branch xx xy size xz yusize

  unitFM :: a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b
unitFM key elt Branch key elt 1 emptyFM emptyFM

module Maybe where
  import qualified FiniteMap
import qualified Prelude

Let/Where Reductions:
The bindings of the following Let/Where expression
result  = Branch key elt (unbox (1 + left_size + right_size)) fm_l fm_r
in result
balance_ok  = True
left_ok  = left_ok0 fm_l key fm_l
left_ok0 fm_l key EmptyFM = True
left_ok0 fm_l key (Branch left_key vw vx vy vz) = 
biggest_left_key  = fst (findMax fm_l)
in biggest_left_key < key
left_size  = sizeFM fm_l
right_ok  = right_ok0 fm_r key fm_r
right_ok0 fm_r key EmptyFM = True
right_ok0 fm_r key (Branch right_key wu wv ww wx) = 
smallest_right_key  = fst (findMin fm_r)
in key < smallest_right_key
right_size  = sizeFM fm_r
unbox x = x

are unpacked to the following functions on top level
mkBranchRight_size wxw wxx wxy = sizeFM wxw

mkBranchLeft_ok wxw wxx wxy = mkBranchLeft_ok0 wxw wxx wxy wxx wxy wxx

mkBranchBalance_ok wxw wxx wxy = True

mkBranchRight_ok wxw wxx wxy = mkBranchRight_ok0 wxw wxx wxy wxw wxy wxw

mkBranchUnbox wxw wxx wxy x = x

mkBranchLeft_ok0 wxw wxx wxy fm_l key EmptyFM = True
mkBranchLeft_ok0 wxw wxx wxy fm_l key (Branch left_key vw vx vy vz) = mkBranchLeft_ok0Biggest_left_key fm_l < key

mkBranchLeft_size wxw wxx wxy = sizeFM wxx

mkBranchRight_ok0 wxw wxx wxy fm_r key EmptyFM = True
mkBranchRight_ok0 wxw wxx wxy fm_r key (Branch right_key wu wv ww wx) = key < mkBranchRight_ok0Smallest_right_key fm_r

The bindings of the following Let/Where expression
result  = Branch key elt (unbox (1 + left_size + right_size)) fm_l fm_r
in result

are unpacked to the following functions on top level
mkBranchResult wxz wyu wyv wyw = Branch wxz wyu (mkBranchUnbox wyv wyw wxz (1 + mkBranchLeft_size wyv wyw wxz + mkBranchRight_size wyv wyw wxz)) wyw wyv

The bindings of the following Let/Where expression
mkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R (size_l + size_r < 2)
double_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r zv (Branch key_rl elt_rl zw fm_rll fm_rlrfm_rr) = mkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 key elt fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)
double_R (Branch key_l elt_l yw fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr yx fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r = mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 key elt fm_lrr fm_r)
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBalBranch02 fm_L fm_R (Branch zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr)
mkBalBranch00 fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr True = double_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr True = single_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr False = mkBalBranch00 fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr otherwise
mkBalBranch02 fm_L fm_R (Branch zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr (sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr)
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr) = mkBalBranch12 fm_L fm_R (Branch yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr)
mkBalBranch10 fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr True = double_R fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr True = single_R fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr False = mkBalBranch10 fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr otherwise
mkBalBranch12 fm_L fm_R (Branch yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr) = mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr (sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll)
mkBalBranch2 key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch3 key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R fm_L
mkBalBranch3 key elt fm_L fm_R False = mkBalBranch2 key elt fm_L fm_R otherwise
mkBalBranch4 key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R fm_R
mkBalBranch4 key elt fm_L fm_R False = mkBalBranch3 key elt fm_L fm_R (size_l > sIZE_RATIO * size_r)
mkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R False = mkBalBranch4 key elt fm_L fm_R (size_r > sIZE_RATIO * size_l)
single_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r vuu fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 key elt fm_l fm_rlfm_rr
single_R (Branch key_l elt_l yv fm_ll fm_lrfm_r = mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 key elt fm_lr fm_r)
size_l  = sizeFM fm_L
size_r  = sizeFM fm_R

are unpacked to the following functions on top level
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R (Branch zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch02 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R (Branch zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr)

mkBalBranch6Size_r wyx wyy wyz wzu = sizeFM wyx

mkBalBranch6Double_L wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r zv (Branch key_rl elt_rl zw fm_rll fm_rlrfm_rr) = mkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 wyy wyz fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch10 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr True = mkBalBranch6Double_R wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R False = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R (mkBalBranch6Size_l wyx wyy wyz wzu > sIZE_RATIO * mkBalBranch6Size_r wyx wyy wyz wzu)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr True = mkBalBranch6Single_R wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr False = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch10 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr otherwise

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R False = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R (mkBalBranch6Size_r wyx wyy wyz wzu > sIZE_RATIO * mkBalBranch6Size_l wyx wyy wyz wzu)

mkBalBranch6Double_R wyx wyy wyz wzu (Branch key_l elt_l yw fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr yx fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r = mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 wyy wyz fm_lrr fm_r)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr True = mkBalBranch6Single_L wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr False = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch00 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr otherwise

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch12 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R (Branch yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr) = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr (sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll)

mkBalBranch6Size_l wyx wyy wyz wzu = sizeFM wzu

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch02 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R (Branch zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr (sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr)

mkBalBranch6Single_R wyx wyy wyz wzu (Branch key_l elt_l yv fm_ll fm_lrfm_r = mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 wyy wyz fm_lr fm_r)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch00 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr True = mkBalBranch6Double_L wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch2 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6Single_L wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r vuu fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 wyy wyz fm_l fm_rlfm_rr

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R (Branch yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr) = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch12 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R (Branch yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R fm_L
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R False = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch2 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R otherwise

The bindings of the following Let/Where expression
foldl add fm key_elt_pairs
add fmap (key,elt) = addToFM_C combiner fmap key elt

are unpacked to the following functions on top level
addListToFM_CAdd wzv fmap (key,elt) = addToFM_C wzv fmap key elt

The bindings of the following Let/Where expression
biggest_left_key  = fst (findMax fm_l)
in biggest_left_key < key

are unpacked to the following functions on top level
mkBranchLeft_ok0Biggest_left_key wzw = fst (findMax wzw)

The bindings of the following Let/Where expression
smallest_right_key  = fst (findMin fm_r)
in key < smallest_right_key

are unpacked to the following functions on top level
mkBranchRight_ok0Smallest_right_key wzx = fst (findMin wzx)

The bindings of the following Let/Where expression
reduce1 x y (y == 0)
d  = gcd x y
reduce0 x y True = x `quot` d :% (y `quot` d)
reduce1 x y True = error []
reduce1 x y False = reduce0 x y otherwise

are unpacked to the following functions on top level
reduce2Reduce0 wzy wzz x y True = x `quot` reduce2D wzy wzz :% (y `quot` reduce2D wzy wzz)

reduce2Reduce1 wzy wzz x y True = error []
reduce2Reduce1 wzy wzz x y False = reduce2Reduce0 wzy wzz x y otherwise

reduce2D wzy wzz = gcd wzy wzz

The bindings of the following Let/Where expression
gcd' (abs x) (abs y)
gcd' x wuy = gcd'2 x wuy
gcd' x y = gcd'0 x y
gcd'0 x y = gcd' y (x `rem` y)
gcd'1 True x wuy = x
gcd'1 wuz wvu wvv = gcd'0 wvu wvv
gcd'2 x wuy = gcd'1 (wuy == 0) x wuy
gcd'2 wvw wvx = gcd'0 wvw wvx

are unpacked to the following functions on top level
gcd0Gcd'1 True x wuy = x
gcd0Gcd'1 wuz wvu wvv = gcd0Gcd'0 wvu wvv

gcd0Gcd' x wuy = gcd0Gcd'2 x wuy
gcd0Gcd' x y = gcd0Gcd'0 x y

gcd0Gcd'2 x wuy = gcd0Gcd'1 (wuy == 0) x wuy
gcd0Gcd'2 wvw wvx = gcd0Gcd'0 wvw wvx

gcd0Gcd'0 x y = gcd0Gcd' y (x `rem` y)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                          ↳ NumRed

mainModule FiniteMap
  ((addListToFM :: (Ord b, Ord c) => FiniteMap (c,b) a  ->  [((c,b),a)]  ->  FiniteMap (c,b) a) :: (Ord c, Ord b) => FiniteMap (c,b) a  ->  [((c,b),a)]  ->  FiniteMap (c,b) a)

module FiniteMap where
  import qualified Maybe
import qualified Prelude

  data FiniteMap b a = EmptyFM  | Branch b a Int (FiniteMap b a) (FiniteMap b a

  instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (FiniteMap a b) where 
(==) fm_1 fm_2 sizeFM fm_1 == sizeFM fm_2 && fmToList fm_1 == fmToList fm_2

  addListToFM :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  [(b,a)]  ->  FiniteMap b a
addListToFM fm key_elt_pairs addListToFM_C addListToFM0 fm key_elt_pairs

addListToFM0 old new new

  addListToFM_C :: Ord b => (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  [(b,a)]  ->  FiniteMap b a
addListToFM_C combiner fm key_elt_pairs foldl (addListToFM_CAdd combiner) fm key_elt_pairs

addListToFM_CAdd wzv fmap (key,eltaddToFM_C wzv fmap key elt

  addToFM_C :: Ord a => (b  ->  b  ->  b ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b
addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt addToFM_C4 combiner EmptyFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt addToFM_C3 combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_r) new_key new_elt

addToFM_C0 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True Branch new_key (combiner elt new_elt) size fm_l fm_r

addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt False addToFM_C0 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt otherwise

addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_elt) fm_r
addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt False addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt (new_key > key)

addToFM_C3 combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt (new_key < key)

addToFM_C4 combiner EmptyFM key elt unitFM key elt
addToFM_C4 wuu wuv wuw wux addToFM_C3 wuu wuv wuw wux

  emptyFM :: FiniteMap b a
emptyFM EmptyFM

  findMax :: FiniteMap a b  ->  (a,b)
findMax (Branch key elt vuv vuw EmptyFM(key,elt)
findMax (Branch key elt vux vuy fm_rfindMax fm_r

  findMin :: FiniteMap b a  ->  (b,a)
findMin (Branch key elt wz EmptyFM xu(key,elt)
findMin (Branch key elt xv fm_l xwfindMin fm_l

  fmToList :: FiniteMap b a  ->  [(b,a)]
fmToList fm foldFM fmToList0 [] fm

fmToList0 key elt rest (key,elt: rest

  foldFM :: (c  ->  a  ->  b  ->  b ->  b  ->  FiniteMap c a  ->  b
foldFM k z EmptyFM z
foldFM k z (Branch key elt wy fm_l fm_rfoldFM k (k key elt (foldFM k z fm_r)) fm_l

  mkBalBranch :: Ord b => b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R mkBalBranch6 key elt fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6 key elt fm_L fm_R mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5 fm_R key elt fm_L key elt fm_L fm_R (mkBalBranch6Size_l fm_R key elt fm_L + mkBalBranch6Size_r fm_R key elt fm_L < 2)

mkBalBranch6Double_L wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r zv (Branch key_rl elt_rl zw fm_rll fm_rlr) fm_rrmkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 wyy wyz fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)

mkBalBranch6Double_R wyx wyy wyz wzu (Branch key_l elt_l yw fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr yx fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 wyy wyz fm_lrr fm_r)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R (Branch zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rrmkBalBranch6MkBalBranch02 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R (Branch zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch00 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr True mkBalBranch6Double_L wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr True mkBalBranch6Single_L wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch00 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr otherwise

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch02 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R (Branch zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rrmkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr (sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R (Branch yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lrmkBalBranch6MkBalBranch12 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R (Branch yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch10 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr True mkBalBranch6Double_R wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr True mkBalBranch6Single_R wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch10 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr otherwise

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch12 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R (Branch yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lrmkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr (sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch2 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R fm_L
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch2 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R otherwise

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R (mkBalBranch6Size_l wyx wyy wyz wzu > sIZE_RATIO * mkBalBranch6Size_r wyx wyy wyz wzu)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R (mkBalBranch6Size_r wyx wyy wyz wzu > sIZE_RATIO * mkBalBranch6Size_l wyx wyy wyz wzu)

mkBalBranch6Single_L wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r vuu fm_rl fm_rrmkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 wyy wyz fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr

mkBalBranch6Single_R wyx wyy wyz wzu (Branch key_l elt_l yv fm_ll fm_lrfm_r mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 wyy wyz fm_lr fm_r)

mkBalBranch6Size_l wyx wyy wyz wzu sizeFM wzu

mkBalBranch6Size_r wyx wyy wyz wzu sizeFM wyx

  mkBranch :: Ord a => Int  ->  a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkBranch which key elt fm_l fm_r mkBranchResult key elt fm_r fm_l

mkBranchBalance_ok wxw wxx wxy True

mkBranchLeft_ok wxw wxx wxy mkBranchLeft_ok0 wxw wxx wxy wxx wxy wxx

mkBranchLeft_ok0 wxw wxx wxy fm_l key EmptyFM True
mkBranchLeft_ok0 wxw wxx wxy fm_l key (Branch left_key vw vx vy vzmkBranchLeft_ok0Biggest_left_key fm_l < key

mkBranchLeft_ok0Biggest_left_key wzw fst (findMax wzw)

mkBranchLeft_size wxw wxx wxy sizeFM wxx

mkBranchResult wxz wyu wyv wyw Branch wxz wyu (mkBranchUnbox wyv wyw wxz (1 + mkBranchLeft_size wyv wyw wxz + mkBranchRight_size wyv wyw wxz)) wyw wyv

mkBranchRight_ok wxw wxx wxy mkBranchRight_ok0 wxw wxx wxy wxw wxy wxw

mkBranchRight_ok0 wxw wxx wxy fm_r key EmptyFM True
mkBranchRight_ok0 wxw wxx wxy fm_r key (Branch right_key wu wv ww wxkey < mkBranchRight_ok0Smallest_right_key fm_r

mkBranchRight_ok0Smallest_right_key wzx fst (findMin wzx)

mkBranchRight_size wxw wxx wxy sizeFM wxw

  mkBranchUnbox :: Ord a =>  ->  (FiniteMap a b) ( ->  (FiniteMap a b) ( ->  a (Int  ->  Int)))
mkBranchUnbox wxw wxx wxy x x

  sIZE_RATIO :: Int

  sizeFM :: FiniteMap b a  ->  Int
sizeFM EmptyFM 0
sizeFM (Branch xx xy size xz yusize

  unitFM :: b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a
unitFM key elt Branch key elt 1 emptyFM emptyFM

module Maybe where
  import qualified FiniteMap
import qualified Prelude

Num Reduction: All numbers are transformed to thier corresponding representation with Pos, Neg, Succ and Zero.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                              ↳ Narrow

mainModule FiniteMap
  (addListToFM :: (Ord b, Ord a) => FiniteMap (b,a) c  ->  [((b,a),c)]  ->  FiniteMap (b,a) c)

module FiniteMap where
  import qualified Maybe
import qualified Prelude

  data FiniteMap b a = EmptyFM  | Branch b a Int (FiniteMap b a) (FiniteMap b a

  instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (FiniteMap a b) where 
(==) fm_1 fm_2 sizeFM fm_1 == sizeFM fm_2 && fmToList fm_1 == fmToList fm_2

  addListToFM :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  [(b,a)]  ->  FiniteMap b a
addListToFM fm key_elt_pairs addListToFM_C addListToFM0 fm key_elt_pairs

addListToFM0 old new new

  addListToFM_C :: Ord b => (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  [(b,a)]  ->  FiniteMap b a
addListToFM_C combiner fm key_elt_pairs foldl (addListToFM_CAdd combiner) fm key_elt_pairs

addListToFM_CAdd wzv fmap (key,eltaddToFM_C wzv fmap key elt

  addToFM_C :: Ord a => (b  ->  b  ->  b ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b
addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt addToFM_C4 combiner EmptyFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt addToFM_C3 combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_r) new_key new_elt

addToFM_C0 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True Branch new_key (combiner elt new_elt) size fm_l fm_r

addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt False addToFM_C0 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt otherwise

addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_elt) fm_r
addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt False addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt (new_key > key)

addToFM_C3 combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt (new_key < key)

addToFM_C4 combiner EmptyFM key elt unitFM key elt
addToFM_C4 wuu wuv wuw wux addToFM_C3 wuu wuv wuw wux

  emptyFM :: FiniteMap a b
emptyFM EmptyFM

  findMax :: FiniteMap b a  ->  (b,a)
findMax (Branch key elt vuv vuw EmptyFM(key,elt)
findMax (Branch key elt vux vuy fm_rfindMax fm_r

  findMin :: FiniteMap a b  ->  (a,b)
findMin (Branch key elt wz EmptyFM xu(key,elt)
findMin (Branch key elt xv fm_l xwfindMin fm_l

  fmToList :: FiniteMap b a  ->  [(b,a)]
fmToList fm foldFM fmToList0 [] fm

fmToList0 key elt rest (key,elt: rest

  foldFM :: (b  ->  a  ->  c  ->  c ->  c  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  c
foldFM k z EmptyFM z
foldFM k z (Branch key elt wy fm_l fm_rfoldFM k (k key elt (foldFM k z fm_r)) fm_l

  mkBalBranch :: Ord b => b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R mkBalBranch6 key elt fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6 key elt fm_L fm_R mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5 fm_R key elt fm_L key elt fm_L fm_R (mkBalBranch6Size_l fm_R key elt fm_L + mkBalBranch6Size_r fm_R key elt fm_L < Pos (Succ (Succ Zero)))

mkBalBranch6Double_L wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r zv (Branch key_rl elt_rl zw fm_rll fm_rlr) fm_rrmkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))))) key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))))))) wyy wyz fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))))))) key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)

mkBalBranch6Double_R wyx wyy wyz wzu (Branch key_l elt_l yw fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr yx fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r mkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))))))))))) key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))))))))))) key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))))))))))))) wyy wyz fm_lrr fm_r)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R (Branch zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rrmkBalBranch6MkBalBranch02 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R (Branch zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch00 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr True mkBalBranch6Double_L wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr True mkBalBranch6Single_L wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch00 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr otherwise

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch02 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R (Branch zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rrmkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R zx zy zz fm_rl fm_rr (sizeFM fm_rl < Pos (Succ (Succ Zero)) * sizeFM fm_rr)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R (Branch yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lrmkBalBranch6MkBalBranch12 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R (Branch yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch10 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr True mkBalBranch6Double_R wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr True mkBalBranch6Single_R wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch10 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr otherwise

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch12 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R (Branch yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lrmkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R yy yz zu fm_ll fm_lr (sizeFM fm_lr < Pos (Succ (Succ Zero)) * sizeFM fm_ll)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch2 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ Zero))) key elt fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R fm_L
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch2 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R otherwise

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0 wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_L fm_R fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R (mkBalBranch6Size_l wyx wyy wyz wzu > sIZE_RATIO * mkBalBranch6Size_r wyx wyy wyz wzu)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBranch (Pos (Succ Zero)) key elt fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4 wyx wyy wyz wzu key elt fm_L fm_R (mkBalBranch6Size_r wyx wyy wyz wzu > sIZE_RATIO * mkBalBranch6Size_l wyx wyy wyz wzu)

mkBalBranch6Single_L wyx wyy wyz wzu fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r vuu fm_rl fm_rrmkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))) key_r elt_r (mkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))))) wyy wyz fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr

mkBalBranch6Single_R wyx wyy wyz wzu (Branch key_l elt_l yv fm_ll fm_lrfm_r mkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))))))))) key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))))))))) wyy wyz fm_lr fm_r)

mkBalBranch6Size_l wyx wyy wyz wzu sizeFM wzu

mkBalBranch6Size_r wyx wyy wyz wzu sizeFM wyx

  mkBranch :: Ord b => Int  ->  b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
mkBranch which key elt fm_l fm_r mkBranchResult key elt fm_r fm_l

mkBranchBalance_ok wxw wxx wxy True

mkBranchLeft_ok wxw wxx wxy mkBranchLeft_ok0 wxw wxx wxy wxx wxy wxx

mkBranchLeft_ok0 wxw wxx wxy fm_l key EmptyFM True
mkBranchLeft_ok0 wxw wxx wxy fm_l key (Branch left_key vw vx vy vzmkBranchLeft_ok0Biggest_left_key fm_l < key

mkBranchLeft_ok0Biggest_left_key wzw fst (findMax wzw)

mkBranchLeft_size wxw wxx wxy sizeFM wxx

mkBranchResult wxz wyu wyv wyw Branch wxz wyu (mkBranchUnbox wyv wyw wxz (Pos (Succ Zero+ mkBranchLeft_size wyv wyw wxz + mkBranchRight_size wyv wyw wxz)) wyw wyv

mkBranchRight_ok wxw wxx wxy mkBranchRight_ok0 wxw wxx wxy wxw wxy wxw

mkBranchRight_ok0 wxw wxx wxy fm_r key EmptyFM True
mkBranchRight_ok0 wxw wxx wxy fm_r key (Branch right_key wu wv ww wxkey < mkBranchRight_ok0Smallest_right_key fm_r

mkBranchRight_ok0Smallest_right_key wzx fst (findMin wzx)

mkBranchRight_size wxw wxx wxy sizeFM wxw

  mkBranchUnbox :: Ord a =>  ->  (FiniteMap a b) ( ->  (FiniteMap a b) ( ->  a (Int  ->  Int)))
mkBranchUnbox wxw wxx wxy x x

  sIZE_RATIO :: Int
sIZE_RATIO Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))))

  sizeFM :: FiniteMap a b  ->  Int
sizeFM EmptyFM Pos Zero
sizeFM (Branch xx xy size xz yusize

  unitFM :: b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a
unitFM key elt Branch key elt (Pos (Succ Zero)) emptyFM emptyFM

module Maybe where
  import qualified FiniteMap
import qualified Prelude

Haskell To QDPs

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                    ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_primEqNat(Succ(xuu400000), Succ(xuu30000)) → new_primEqNat(xuu400000, xuu30000)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_primCmpNat(Succ(xuu46000), Succ(xuu48000)) → new_primCmpNat(xuu46000, xuu48000)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_primMinusNat(Succ(xuu38200), Succ(xuu9700)) → new_primMinusNat(xuu38200, xuu9700)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_primPlusNat(Succ(xuu38200), Succ(xuu9700)) → new_primPlusNat(xuu38200, xuu9700)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_primMulNat(Succ(xuu4000000), Succ(xuu300000)) → new_primMulNat(xuu4000000, Succ(xuu300000))

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_esEs2(@2(xuu40000, xuu40001), @2(xuu3000, xuu3001), bbh, app(app(app(ty_@3, bcd), bce), bcf)) → new_esEs1(xuu40001, xuu3001, bcd, bce, bcf)
new_esEs2(@2(xuu40000, xuu40001), @2(xuu3000, xuu3001), app(app(ty_Either, baf), bag), bah) → new_esEs(xuu40000, xuu3000, baf, bag)
new_esEs1(@3(xuu40000, xuu40001, xuu40002), @3(xuu3000, xuu3001, xuu3002), gc, app(app(ty_@2, hb), hc), fb) → new_esEs2(xuu40001, xuu3001, hb, hc)
new_esEs0(:(xuu40000, xuu40001), :(xuu3000, xuu3001), app(ty_Maybe, ee)) → new_esEs3(xuu40000, xuu3000, ee)
new_esEs1(@3(xuu40000, xuu40001, xuu40002), @3(xuu3000, xuu3001, xuu3002), gc, app(app(app(ty_@3, gg), gh), ha), fb) → new_esEs1(xuu40001, xuu3001, gg, gh, ha)
new_esEs2(@2(xuu40000, xuu40001), @2(xuu3000, xuu3001), app(ty_[], bba), bah) → new_esEs0(xuu40000, xuu3000, bba)
new_esEs2(@2(xuu40000, xuu40001), @2(xuu3000, xuu3001), bbh, app(app(ty_@2, bcg), bch)) → new_esEs2(xuu40001, xuu3001, bcg, bch)
new_esEs(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), cb, app(ty_Maybe, dd)) → new_esEs3(xuu40000, xuu3000, dd)
new_esEs1(@3(xuu40000, xuu40001, xuu40002), @3(xuu3000, xuu3001, xuu3002), app(ty_[], fc), fa, fb) → new_esEs0(xuu40000, xuu3000, fc)
new_esEs2(@2(xuu40000, xuu40001), @2(xuu3000, xuu3001), app(ty_Maybe, bbg), bah) → new_esEs3(xuu40000, xuu3000, bbg)
new_esEs1(@3(xuu40000, xuu40001, xuu40002), @3(xuu3000, xuu3001, xuu3002), gc, app(ty_Maybe, hd), fb) → new_esEs3(xuu40001, xuu3001, hd)
new_esEs2(@2(xuu40000, xuu40001), @2(xuu3000, xuu3001), app(app(ty_@2, bbe), bbf), bah) → new_esEs2(xuu40000, xuu3000, bbe, bbf)
new_esEs2(@2(xuu40000, xuu40001), @2(xuu3000, xuu3001), bbh, app(ty_Maybe, bda)) → new_esEs3(xuu40001, xuu3001, bda)
new_esEs1(@3(xuu40000, xuu40001, xuu40002), @3(xuu3000, xuu3001, xuu3002), gc, fa, app(app(app(ty_@3, hh), baa), bab)) → new_esEs1(xuu40002, xuu3002, hh, baa, bab)
new_esEs3(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), app(ty_[], bdd)) → new_esEs0(xuu40000, xuu3000, bdd)
new_esEs2(@2(xuu40000, xuu40001), @2(xuu3000, xuu3001), app(app(app(ty_@3, bbb), bbc), bbd), bah) → new_esEs1(xuu40000, xuu3000, bbb, bbc, bbd)
new_esEs3(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), app(app(ty_@2, bdh), bea)) → new_esEs2(xuu40000, xuu3000, bdh, bea)
new_esEs1(@3(xuu40000, xuu40001, xuu40002), @3(xuu3000, xuu3001, xuu3002), gc, fa, app(app(ty_@2, bac), bad)) → new_esEs2(xuu40002, xuu3002, bac, bad)
new_esEs3(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), app(app(app(ty_@3, bde), bdf), bdg)) → new_esEs1(xuu40000, xuu3000, bde, bdf, bdg)
new_esEs1(@3(xuu40000, xuu40001, xuu40002), @3(xuu3000, xuu3001, xuu3002), gc, fa, app(ty_[], hg)) → new_esEs0(xuu40002, xuu3002, hg)
new_esEs1(@3(xuu40000, xuu40001, xuu40002), @3(xuu3000, xuu3001, xuu3002), app(app(app(ty_@3, fd), ff), fg), fa, fb) → new_esEs1(xuu40000, xuu3000, fd, ff, fg)
new_esEs(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), cb, app(app(app(ty_@3, cf), cg), da)) → new_esEs1(xuu40000, xuu3000, cf, cg, da)
new_esEs(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), cb, app(app(ty_Either, cc), cd)) → new_esEs(xuu40000, xuu3000, cc, cd)
new_esEs1(@3(xuu40000, xuu40001, xuu40002), @3(xuu3000, xuu3001, xuu3002), gc, fa, app(ty_Maybe, bae)) → new_esEs3(xuu40002, xuu3002, bae)
new_esEs0(:(xuu40000, xuu40001), :(xuu3000, xuu3001), app(app(app(ty_@3, dh), ea), eb)) → new_esEs1(xuu40000, xuu3000, dh, ea, eb)
new_esEs1(@3(xuu40000, xuu40001, xuu40002), @3(xuu3000, xuu3001, xuu3002), gc, fa, app(app(ty_Either, he), hf)) → new_esEs(xuu40002, xuu3002, he, hf)
new_esEs1(@3(xuu40000, xuu40001, xuu40002), @3(xuu3000, xuu3001, xuu3002), gc, app(ty_[], gf), fb) → new_esEs0(xuu40001, xuu3001, gf)
new_esEs1(@3(xuu40000, xuu40001, xuu40002), @3(xuu3000, xuu3001, xuu3002), app(ty_Maybe, gb), fa, fb) → new_esEs3(xuu40000, xuu3000, gb)
new_esEs(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), app(app(ty_@2, bg), bh), bb) → new_esEs2(xuu40000, xuu3000, bg, bh)
new_esEs3(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), app(ty_Maybe, beb)) → new_esEs3(xuu40000, xuu3000, beb)
new_esEs1(@3(xuu40000, xuu40001, xuu40002), @3(xuu3000, xuu3001, xuu3002), gc, app(app(ty_Either, gd), ge), fb) → new_esEs(xuu40001, xuu3001, gd, ge)
new_esEs2(@2(xuu40000, xuu40001), @2(xuu3000, xuu3001), bbh, app(app(ty_Either, bca), bcb)) → new_esEs(xuu40001, xuu3001, bca, bcb)
new_esEs(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), app(ty_Maybe, ca), bb) → new_esEs3(xuu40000, xuu3000, ca)
new_esEs3(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), app(app(ty_Either, bdb), bdc)) → new_esEs(xuu40000, xuu3000, bdb, bdc)
new_esEs1(@3(xuu40000, xuu40001, xuu40002), @3(xuu3000, xuu3001, xuu3002), app(app(ty_Either, eg), eh), fa, fb) → new_esEs(xuu40000, xuu3000, eg, eh)
new_esEs0(:(xuu40000, xuu40001), :(xuu3000, xuu3001), app(app(ty_Either, de), df)) → new_esEs(xuu40000, xuu3000, de, df)
new_esEs(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), app(app(app(ty_@3, bd), be), bf), bb) → new_esEs1(xuu40000, xuu3000, bd, be, bf)
new_esEs(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), app(ty_[], bc), bb) → new_esEs0(xuu40000, xuu3000, bc)
new_esEs2(@2(xuu40000, xuu40001), @2(xuu3000, xuu3001), bbh, app(ty_[], bcc)) → new_esEs0(xuu40001, xuu3001, bcc)
new_esEs0(:(xuu40000, xuu40001), :(xuu3000, xuu3001), app(ty_[], dg)) → new_esEs0(xuu40000, xuu3000, dg)
new_esEs1(@3(xuu40000, xuu40001, xuu40002), @3(xuu3000, xuu3001, xuu3002), app(app(ty_@2, fh), ga), fa, fb) → new_esEs2(xuu40000, xuu3000, fh, ga)
new_esEs(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), cb, app(ty_[], ce)) → new_esEs0(xuu40000, xuu3000, ce)
new_esEs0(:(xuu40000, xuu40001), :(xuu3000, xuu3001), app(app(ty_@2, ec), ed)) → new_esEs2(xuu40000, xuu3000, ec, ed)
new_esEs(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), cb, app(app(ty_@2, db), dc)) → new_esEs2(xuu40000, xuu3000, db, dc)
new_esEs0(:(xuu40000, xuu40001), :(xuu3000, xuu3001), ef) → new_esEs0(xuu40001, xuu3001, ef)
new_esEs(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), app(app(ty_Either, h), ba), bb) → new_esEs(xuu40000, xuu3000, h, ba)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_lt3(xuu460, xuu480, bed) → new_compare22(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs7(xuu460, xuu480, bed), bed)
new_ltEs1(@3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612), @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812), fd, app(app(app(ty_@3, ga), gb), gc), ed) → new_lt1(xuu4611, xuu4811, ga, gb, gc)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, xuu461), @2(xuu480, xuu481), False, dg, app(ty_[], dh)) → new_compare0(xuu461, xuu481, dh)
new_ltEs(@2(xuu4610, xuu4611), @2(xuu4810, xuu4811), app(ty_[], bc), bb) → new_lt0(xuu4610, xuu4810, bc)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, Left(xuu4610)), @2(xuu480, Left(xuu4810)), False, dg, app(app(ty_Either, app(app(ty_@2, hh), baa)), bab)) → new_ltEs(xuu4610, xuu4810, hh, baa)
new_compare0(:(xuu4600, xuu4601), :(xuu4800, xuu4801), bdf) → new_compare0(xuu4601, xuu4801, bdf)
new_ltEs2(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), app(app(ty_Either, bag), bah), bab) → new_ltEs2(xuu4610, xuu4810, bag, bah)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, Right(xuu4610)), @2(xuu480, Right(xuu4810)), False, dg, app(app(ty_Either, bbb), app(app(ty_@2, bbc), bbd))) → new_ltEs(xuu4610, xuu4810, bbc, bbd)
new_ltEs1(@3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612), @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812), app(app(ty_@2, ea), eb), ec, ed) → new_lt(xuu4610, xuu4810, ea, eb)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, @2(xuu4610, xuu4611)), @2(xuu480, @2(xuu4810, xuu4811)), False, dg, app(app(ty_@2, app(app(ty_@2, h), ba)), bb)) → new_lt(xuu4610, xuu4810, h, ba)
new_compare(xuu460, xuu480, de, df) → new_compare2(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs4(xuu460, xuu480, de, df), de, df)
new_ltEs(@2(xuu4610, xuu4611), @2(xuu4810, xuu4811), cb, app(ty_[], ce)) → new_ltEs0(xuu4611, xuu4811, ce)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, @3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612)), @2(xuu480, @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812)), False, dg, app(app(app(ty_@3, fd), ec), app(ty_Maybe, hg))) → new_ltEs3(xuu4612, xuu4812, hg)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, @3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612)), @2(xuu480, @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812)), False, dg, app(app(app(ty_@3, fd), ec), app(app(ty_Either, he), hf))) → new_ltEs2(xuu4612, xuu4812, he, hf)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, @3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612)), @2(xuu480, @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812)), False, dg, app(app(app(ty_@3, fd), ec), app(ty_[], ha))) → new_ltEs0(xuu4612, xuu4812, ha)
new_ltEs(@2(xuu4610, xuu4611), @2(xuu4810, xuu4811), cb, app(ty_Maybe, dd)) → new_ltEs3(xuu4611, xuu4811, dd)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, @2(xuu4610, xuu4611)), @2(xuu480, @2(xuu4810, xuu4811)), False, dg, app(app(ty_@2, cb), app(app(ty_@2, cc), cd))) → new_ltEs(xuu4611, xuu4811, cc, cd)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, @2(xuu4610, xuu4611)), @2(xuu480, @2(xuu4810, xuu4811)), False, dg, app(app(ty_@2, cb), app(app(ty_Either, db), dc))) → new_ltEs2(xuu4611, xuu4811, db, dc)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, Just(xuu4610)), @2(xuu480, Just(xuu4810)), False, dg, app(ty_Maybe, app(ty_[], bcf))) → new_ltEs0(xuu4610, xuu4810, bcf)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, @3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612)), @2(xuu480, @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812)), False, dg, app(app(app(ty_@3, fd), app(ty_Maybe, gf)), ed)) → new_lt3(xuu4611, xuu4811, gf)
new_ltEs1(@3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612), @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812), fd, ec, app(app(ty_@2, gg), gh)) → new_ltEs(xuu4612, xuu4812, gg, gh)
new_compare2(@2(:(xuu4600, xuu4601), xuu461), @2(:(xuu4800, xuu4801), xuu481), False, app(ty_[], bdf), bde) → new_compare0(xuu4601, xuu4801, bdf)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, @3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612)), @2(xuu480, @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812)), False, dg, app(app(app(ty_@3, fd), app(ty_[], fh)), ed)) → new_lt0(xuu4611, xuu4811, fh)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, Right(xuu4610)), @2(xuu480, Right(xuu4810)), False, dg, app(app(ty_Either, bbb), app(ty_[], bbe))) → new_ltEs0(xuu4610, xuu4810, bbe)
new_lt0(:(xuu4600, xuu4601), :(xuu4800, xuu4801), bdf) → new_primCompAux(xuu4600, xuu4800, new_compare1(xuu4601, xuu4801, bdf), bdf)
new_primCompAux(xuu4600, xuu4800, xuu135, app(app(ty_@2, bee), bef)) → new_compare(xuu4600, xuu4800, bee, bef)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, @2(xuu4610, xuu4611)), @2(xuu480, @2(xuu4810, xuu4811)), False, dg, app(app(ty_@2, cb), app(ty_Maybe, dd))) → new_ltEs3(xuu4611, xuu4811, dd)
new_ltEs1(@3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612), @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812), app(ty_Maybe, fc), ec, ed) → new_lt3(xuu4610, xuu4810, fc)
new_compare2(@2(:(xuu4600, xuu4601), xuu461), @2(:(xuu4800, xuu4801), xuu481), False, app(ty_[], bdf), bde) → new_primCompAux(xuu4600, xuu4800, new_compare1(xuu4601, xuu4801, bdf), bdf)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, @2(xuu4610, xuu4611)), @2(xuu480, @2(xuu4810, xuu4811)), False, dg, app(app(ty_@2, app(ty_[], bc)), bb)) → new_lt0(xuu4610, xuu4810, bc)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, @3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612)), @2(xuu480, @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812)), False, dg, app(app(app(ty_@3, fd), ec), app(app(ty_@2, gg), gh))) → new_ltEs(xuu4612, xuu4812, gg, gh)
new_compare21(xuu460, xuu480, False, beb, bec) → new_ltEs2(xuu460, xuu480, beb, bec)
new_ltEs2(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bbb, app(ty_[], bbe)) → new_ltEs0(xuu4610, xuu4810, bbe)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, @3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612)), @2(xuu480, @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812)), False, dg, app(app(app(ty_@3, app(ty_[], ee)), ec), ed)) → new_lt0(xuu4610, xuu4810, ee)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, xuu461), @2(xuu480, xuu481), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, bdg), bdh), bea), bde) → new_compare20(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs5(xuu460, xuu480, bdg, bdh, bea), bdg, bdh, bea)
new_ltEs0(xuu461, xuu481, dh) → new_compare0(xuu461, xuu481, dh)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, @3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612)), @2(xuu480, @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812)), False, dg, app(app(app(ty_@3, app(ty_Maybe, fc)), ec), ed)) → new_lt3(xuu4610, xuu4810, fc)
new_ltEs3(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), app(ty_[], bcf)) → new_ltEs0(xuu4610, xuu4810, bcf)
new_primCompAux(xuu4600, xuu4800, xuu135, app(app(app(ty_@3, beh), bfa), bfb)) → new_compare3(xuu4600, xuu4800, beh, bfa, bfb)
new_ltEs(@2(xuu4610, xuu4611), @2(xuu4810, xuu4811), app(app(ty_Either, bg), bh), bb) → new_lt2(xuu4610, xuu4810, bg, bh)
new_ltEs(@2(xuu4610, xuu4611), @2(xuu4810, xuu4811), app(ty_Maybe, ca), bb) → new_lt3(xuu4610, xuu4810, ca)
new_ltEs(@2(xuu4610, xuu4611), @2(xuu4810, xuu4811), cb, app(app(ty_@2, cc), cd)) → new_ltEs(xuu4611, xuu4811, cc, cd)
new_ltEs1(@3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612), @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812), fd, ec, app(app(app(ty_@3, hb), hc), hd)) → new_ltEs1(xuu4612, xuu4812, hb, hc, hd)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, Left(xuu4610)), @2(xuu480, Left(xuu4810)), False, dg, app(app(ty_Either, app(ty_Maybe, bba)), bab)) → new_ltEs3(xuu4610, xuu4810, bba)
new_ltEs2(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bbb, app(app(ty_@2, bbc), bbd)) → new_ltEs(xuu4610, xuu4810, bbc, bbd)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, @2(xuu4610, xuu4611)), @2(xuu480, @2(xuu4810, xuu4811)), False, dg, app(app(ty_@2, app(app(ty_Either, bg), bh)), bb)) → new_lt2(xuu4610, xuu4810, bg, bh)
new_compare0(:(xuu4600, xuu4601), :(xuu4800, xuu4801), bdf) → new_primCompAux(xuu4600, xuu4800, new_compare1(xuu4601, xuu4801, bdf), bdf)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, @2(xuu4610, xuu4611)), @2(xuu480, @2(xuu4810, xuu4811)), False, dg, app(app(ty_@2, app(ty_Maybe, ca)), bb)) → new_lt3(xuu4610, xuu4810, ca)
new_ltEs(@2(xuu4610, xuu4611), @2(xuu4810, xuu4811), app(app(app(ty_@3, bd), be), bf), bb) → new_lt1(xuu4610, xuu4810, bd, be, bf)
new_ltEs3(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), app(app(app(ty_@3, bcg), bch), bda)) → new_ltEs1(xuu4610, xuu4810, bcg, bch, bda)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, Just(xuu4610)), @2(xuu480, Just(xuu4810)), False, dg, app(ty_Maybe, app(app(app(ty_@3, bcg), bch), bda))) → new_ltEs1(xuu4610, xuu4810, bcg, bch, bda)
new_compare4(xuu460, xuu480, beb, bec) → new_compare21(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs6(xuu460, xuu480, beb, bec), beb, bec)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, Right(xuu4610)), @2(xuu480, Right(xuu4810)), False, dg, app(app(ty_Either, bbb), app(app(app(ty_@3, bbf), bbg), bbh))) → new_ltEs1(xuu4610, xuu4810, bbf, bbg, bbh)
new_ltEs3(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), app(ty_Maybe, bdd)) → new_ltEs3(xuu4610, xuu4810, bdd)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, Left(xuu4610)), @2(xuu480, Left(xuu4810)), False, dg, app(app(ty_Either, app(ty_[], bac)), bab)) → new_ltEs0(xuu4610, xuu4810, bac)
new_ltEs2(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), app(ty_[], bac), bab) → new_ltEs0(xuu4610, xuu4810, bac)
new_lt(xuu460, xuu480, de, df) → new_compare2(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs4(xuu460, xuu480, de, df), de, df)
new_ltEs1(@3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612), @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812), fd, app(ty_Maybe, gf), ed) → new_lt3(xuu4611, xuu4811, gf)
new_ltEs1(@3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612), @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812), app(ty_[], ee), ec, ed) → new_lt0(xuu4610, xuu4810, ee)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, @3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612)), @2(xuu480, @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812)), False, dg, app(app(app(ty_@3, fd), app(app(ty_Either, gd), ge)), ed)) → new_lt2(xuu4611, xuu4811, gd, ge)
new_ltEs1(@3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612), @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812), fd, ec, app(ty_Maybe, hg)) → new_ltEs3(xuu4612, xuu4812, hg)
new_ltEs1(@3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612), @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812), fd, app(app(ty_@2, ff), fg), ed) → new_lt(xuu4611, xuu4811, ff, fg)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, @3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612)), @2(xuu480, @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812)), False, dg, app(app(app(ty_@3, app(app(app(ty_@3, ef), eg), eh)), ec), ed)) → new_lt1(xuu4610, xuu4810, ef, eg, eh)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, Right(xuu4610)), @2(xuu480, Right(xuu4810)), False, dg, app(app(ty_Either, bbb), app(app(ty_Either, bca), bcb))) → new_ltEs2(xuu4610, xuu4810, bca, bcb)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, @2(xuu4610, xuu4611)), @2(xuu480, @2(xuu4810, xuu4811)), False, dg, app(app(ty_@2, cb), app(app(app(ty_@3, cf), cg), da))) → new_ltEs1(xuu4611, xuu4811, cf, cg, da)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, @3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612)), @2(xuu480, @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812)), False, dg, app(app(app(ty_@3, fd), app(app(app(ty_@3, ga), gb), gc)), ed)) → new_lt1(xuu4611, xuu4811, ga, gb, gc)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, xuu461), @2(xuu480, xuu481), False, app(ty_Maybe, bed), bde) → new_compare22(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs7(xuu460, xuu480, bed), bed)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, Just(xuu4610)), @2(xuu480, Just(xuu4810)), False, dg, app(ty_Maybe, app(app(ty_Either, bdb), bdc))) → new_ltEs2(xuu4610, xuu4810, bdb, bdc)
new_ltEs1(@3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612), @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812), fd, app(ty_[], fh), ed) → new_lt0(xuu4611, xuu4811, fh)
new_compare5(xuu460, xuu480, bed) → new_compare22(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs7(xuu460, xuu480, bed), bed)
new_ltEs(@2(xuu4610, xuu4611), @2(xuu4810, xuu4811), cb, app(app(ty_Either, db), dc)) → new_ltEs2(xuu4611, xuu4811, db, dc)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, Just(xuu4610)), @2(xuu480, Just(xuu4810)), False, dg, app(ty_Maybe, app(app(ty_@2, bcd), bce))) → new_ltEs(xuu4610, xuu4810, bcd, bce)
new_ltEs2(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), app(ty_Maybe, bba), bab) → new_ltEs3(xuu4610, xuu4810, bba)
new_compare22(xuu460, xuu480, False, bed) → new_ltEs3(xuu460, xuu480, bed)
new_ltEs(@2(xuu4610, xuu4611), @2(xuu4810, xuu4811), app(app(ty_@2, h), ba), bb) → new_lt(xuu4610, xuu4810, h, ba)
new_ltEs2(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), app(app(app(ty_@3, bad), bae), baf), bab) → new_ltEs1(xuu4610, xuu4810, bad, bae, baf)
new_ltEs3(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), app(app(ty_Either, bdb), bdc)) → new_ltEs2(xuu4610, xuu4810, bdb, bdc)
new_ltEs2(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), app(app(ty_@2, hh), baa), bab) → new_ltEs(xuu4610, xuu4810, hh, baa)
new_primCompAux(xuu4600, xuu4800, xuu135, app(ty_[], beg)) → new_compare0(xuu4600, xuu4800, beg)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, xuu461), @2(xuu480, xuu481), False, app(app(ty_@2, de), df), bde) → new_compare2(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs4(xuu460, xuu480, de, df), de, df)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, @2(xuu4610, xuu4611)), @2(xuu480, @2(xuu4810, xuu4811)), False, dg, app(app(ty_@2, app(app(app(ty_@3, bd), be), bf)), bb)) → new_lt1(xuu4610, xuu4810, bd, be, bf)
new_ltEs(@2(xuu4610, xuu4611), @2(xuu4810, xuu4811), cb, app(app(app(ty_@3, cf), cg), da)) → new_ltEs1(xuu4611, xuu4811, cf, cg, da)
new_compare3(xuu460, xuu480, bdg, bdh, bea) → new_compare20(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs5(xuu460, xuu480, bdg, bdh, bea), bdg, bdh, bea)
new_ltEs2(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bbb, app(app(app(ty_@3, bbf), bbg), bbh)) → new_ltEs1(xuu4610, xuu4810, bbf, bbg, bbh)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, @2(xuu4610, xuu4611)), @2(xuu480, @2(xuu4810, xuu4811)), False, dg, app(app(ty_@2, cb), app(ty_[], ce))) → new_ltEs0(xuu4611, xuu4811, ce)
new_ltEs1(@3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612), @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812), fd, app(app(ty_Either, gd), ge), ed) → new_lt2(xuu4611, xuu4811, gd, ge)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, Right(xuu4610)), @2(xuu480, Right(xuu4810)), False, dg, app(app(ty_Either, bbb), app(ty_Maybe, bcc))) → new_ltEs3(xuu4610, xuu4810, bcc)
new_primCompAux(xuu4600, xuu4800, xuu135, app(app(ty_Either, bfc), bfd)) → new_compare4(xuu4600, xuu4800, bfc, bfd)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, @3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612)), @2(xuu480, @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812)), False, dg, app(app(app(ty_@3, fd), ec), app(app(app(ty_@3, hb), hc), hd))) → new_ltEs1(xuu4612, xuu4812, hb, hc, hd)
new_ltEs2(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bbb, app(app(ty_Either, bca), bcb)) → new_ltEs2(xuu4610, xuu4810, bca, bcb)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, xuu461), @2(xuu480, xuu481), False, app(app(ty_Either, beb), bec), bde) → new_compare21(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs6(xuu460, xuu480, beb, bec), beb, bec)
new_ltEs1(@3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612), @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812), app(app(ty_Either, fa), fb), ec, ed) → new_lt2(xuu4610, xuu4810, fa, fb)
new_lt2(xuu460, xuu480, beb, bec) → new_compare21(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs6(xuu460, xuu480, beb, bec), beb, bec)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, Just(xuu4610)), @2(xuu480, Just(xuu4810)), False, dg, app(ty_Maybe, app(ty_Maybe, bdd))) → new_ltEs3(xuu4610, xuu4810, bdd)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, @3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612)), @2(xuu480, @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812)), False, dg, app(app(app(ty_@3, app(app(ty_Either, fa), fb)), ec), ed)) → new_lt2(xuu4610, xuu4810, fa, fb)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, Left(xuu4610)), @2(xuu480, Left(xuu4810)), False, dg, app(app(ty_Either, app(app(ty_Either, bag), bah)), bab)) → new_ltEs2(xuu4610, xuu4810, bag, bah)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, @3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612)), @2(xuu480, @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812)), False, dg, app(app(app(ty_@3, fd), app(app(ty_@2, ff), fg)), ed)) → new_lt(xuu4611, xuu4811, ff, fg)
new_lt1(xuu460, xuu480, bdg, bdh, bea) → new_compare20(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs5(xuu460, xuu480, bdg, bdh, bea), bdg, bdh, bea)
new_primCompAux(xuu4600, xuu4800, xuu135, app(ty_Maybe, bfe)) → new_compare5(xuu4600, xuu4800, bfe)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, Left(xuu4610)), @2(xuu480, Left(xuu4810)), False, dg, app(app(ty_Either, app(app(app(ty_@3, bad), bae), baf)), bab)) → new_ltEs1(xuu4610, xuu4810, bad, bae, baf)
new_compare2(@2(xuu460, @3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612)), @2(xuu480, @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812)), False, dg, app(app(app(ty_@3, app(app(ty_@2, ea), eb)), ec), ed)) → new_lt(xuu4610, xuu4810, ea, eb)
new_ltEs1(@3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612), @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812), fd, ec, app(ty_[], ha)) → new_ltEs0(xuu4612, xuu4812, ha)
new_ltEs2(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bbb, app(ty_Maybe, bcc)) → new_ltEs3(xuu4610, xuu4810, bcc)
new_ltEs3(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), app(app(ty_@2, bcd), bce)) → new_ltEs(xuu4610, xuu4810, bcd, bce)
new_ltEs1(@3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612), @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812), fd, ec, app(app(ty_Either, he), hf)) → new_ltEs2(xuu4612, xuu4812, he, hf)
new_lt0(:(xuu4600, xuu4601), :(xuu4800, xuu4801), bdf) → new_compare0(xuu4601, xuu4801, bdf)
new_ltEs1(@3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612), @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812), app(app(app(ty_@3, ef), eg), eh), ec, ed) → new_lt1(xuu4610, xuu4810, ef, eg, eh)
new_compare20(xuu460, xuu480, False, bdg, bdh, bea) → new_ltEs1(xuu460, xuu480, bdg, bdh, bea)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_ltEs15(xuu461, xuu481) → new_fsEs(new_compare6(xuu461, xuu481))
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), app(ty_Maybe, chd)) → new_esEs7(xuu40000, xuu3000, chd)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(ty_Maybe, cbf)) → new_esEs7(xuu40000, xuu3000, cbf)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bbb, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_primCmpNat2(Zero, xuu4600) → LT
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Int) → new_lt16(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(ty_[], dae)) → new_esEs16(xuu40000, xuu3000, dae)
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), ty_Double) → new_ltEs6(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, app(ty_Ratio, cch)) → new_ltEs16(xuu4612, xuu4812, cch)
new_esEs5(@3(xuu40000, xuu40001, xuu40002), @3(xuu3000, xuu3001, xuu3002), chg, chh, daa) → new_asAs(new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, chg), new_asAs(new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, chh), new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, daa)))
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, app(app(ty_@2, bee), bef)) → new_compare11(xuu4600, xuu4800, bee, bef)
new_esEs17(Char(xuu40000), Char(xuu3000)) → new_primEqNat0(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(ty_[], ce)) → new_ltEs10(xuu4611, xuu4811, ce)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(app(ty_@2, ff), fg)) → new_esEs4(xuu4611, xuu4811, ff, fg)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_compare10(xuu460, xuu480, True, beb, bec) → LT
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ced, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Float) → new_lt14(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, app(app(ty_Either, bfc), bfd)) → new_compare31(xuu4600, xuu4800, bfc, bfd)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_Ratio, ccf)) → new_lt9(xuu4610, xuu4810, ccf)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(ty_Maybe, dbc)) → new_esEs7(xuu40000, xuu3000, dbc)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ced, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, ty_Double) → new_compare8(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, app(app(app(ty_@3, beh), bfa), bfb)) → new_compare15(xuu4600, xuu4800, beh, bfa, bfb)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(xuu4612, xuu4812)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(ty_@2, h), ba)) → new_lt6(xuu4610, xuu4810, h, ba)
new_ltEs12(Nothing, Nothing, ccb) → True
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), app(app(ty_Either, cgc), cgd)) → new_esEs6(xuu40000, xuu3000, cgc, cgd)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_[], bc)) → new_esEs16(xuu4610, xuu4810, bc)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT) → False
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), ty_Char, bab) → new_ltEs8(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, ty_Int) → new_compare17(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Integer) → new_lt4(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(ty_Either, bg), bh)) → new_lt17(xuu4610, xuu4810, bg, bh)
new_lt8(xuu460, xuu480) → new_esEs8(new_compare16(xuu460, xuu480), LT)
new_compare1([], :(xuu4800, xuu4801), bdf) → LT
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), ty_Float, bab) → new_ltEs5(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, app(ty_Maybe, ddg)) → new_esEs7(xuu40002, xuu3002, ddg)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, ty_Double) → new_ltEs6(xuu4612, xuu4812)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ced, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(ty_Ratio, cag)) → new_esEs14(xuu40000, xuu3000, cag)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt10(xuu460, xuu480) → new_esEs8(new_compare7(xuu460, xuu480), LT)
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Ordering) → new_lt8(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_lt18(xuu460, xuu480, bed) → new_esEs8(new_compare19(xuu460, xuu480, bed), LT)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, ty_Char) → new_ltEs8(xuu461, xuu481)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_Ratio, ccf)) → new_esEs14(xuu4610, xuu4810, ccf)
new_compare112(xuu110, xuu111, xuu112, xuu113, False, xuu115, cbh, cca) → new_compare111(xuu110, xuu111, xuu112, xuu113, xuu115, cbh, cca)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, app(ty_Ratio, cbg)) → new_esEs14(xuu460, xuu480, cbg)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), app(app(ty_@2, chb), chc)) → new_esEs4(xuu40000, xuu3000, chb, chc)
new_esEs12(@0, @0) → True
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, app(app(ty_Either, beb), bec)) → new_esEs6(xuu460, xuu480, beb, bec)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT) → True
new_lt11(xuu460, xuu480) → new_esEs8(new_compare27(xuu460, xuu480), LT)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, app(ty_Maybe, hg)) → new_ltEs12(xuu4612, xuu4812, hg)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), app(ty_Ratio, cge)) → new_esEs14(xuu40000, xuu3000, cge)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(xuu461, xuu481)
new_compare11(xuu460, xuu480, de, df) → new_compare210(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs4(xuu460, xuu480, de, df), de, df)
new_ltEs16(xuu461, xuu481, cce) → new_fsEs(new_compare18(xuu461, xuu481, cce))
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, dbh), dca), dcb)) → new_esEs5(xuu40001, xuu3001, dbh, dca, dcb)
new_primCmpNat1(xuu4600, Succ(xuu4800)) → new_primCmpNat0(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_compare19(xuu460, xuu480, bed) → new_compare26(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs7(xuu460, xuu480, bed), bed)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, ty_Ordering) → new_compare16(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), ty_Float, cdc) → new_esEs11(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ) → True
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ced, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, app(app(ty_Either, he), hf)) → new_ltEs4(xuu4612, xuu4812, he, hf)
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), app(ty_Ratio, ccc)) → new_ltEs16(xuu4610, xuu4810, ccc)
new_pePe(False, xuu134) → xuu134
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, app(app(app(ty_@3, fd), ec), ed)) → new_ltEs7(xuu461, xuu481, fd, ec, ed)
new_lt16(xuu460, xuu480) → new_esEs8(new_compare17(xuu460, xuu480), LT)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ced, app(ty_Ratio, ceg)) → new_esEs14(xuu40000, xuu3000, ceg)
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), app(app(ty_@2, cea), ceb), cdc) → new_esEs4(xuu40000, xuu3000, cea, ceb)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Bool) → new_lt13(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_primCmpNat1(xuu4600, Zero) → GT
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(ty_Ratio, cga)) → new_ltEs16(xuu4611, xuu4811, cga)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(ty_Maybe, cac)) → new_esEs7(xuu40001, xuu3001, cac)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(ty_@2, ea), eb)) → new_esEs4(xuu4610, xuu4810, ea, eb)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_compare31(xuu460, xuu480, beb, bec) → new_compare23(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs6(xuu460, xuu480, beb, bec), beb, bec)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(app(ty_Either, db), dc)) → new_ltEs4(xuu4611, xuu4811, db, dc)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(ty_Maybe, gf)) → new_esEs7(xuu4611, xuu4811, gf)
new_esEs4(@2(xuu40000, xuu40001), @2(xuu3000, xuu3001), bff, bfg) → new_asAs(new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, bff), new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, bfg))
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu460, xuu480)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, bhf), bhg), bhh)) → new_esEs5(xuu40001, xuu3001, bhf, bhg, bhh)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ) → True
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bbb, app(app(ty_Either, bca), bcb)) → new_ltEs4(xuu4610, xuu4810, bca, bcb)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_compare18(:%(xuu4600, xuu4601), :%(xuu4800, xuu4801), ty_Integer) → new_compare6(new_sr0(xuu4600, xuu4801), new_sr0(xuu4800, xuu4601))
new_ltEs11(False, True) → True
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Char) → new_lt10(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bbb, bab) → True
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, app(app(ty_@2, dde), ddf)) → new_esEs4(xuu40002, xuu3002, dde, ddf)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, app(ty_Maybe, bed)) → new_lt18(xuu460, xuu480, bed)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bbb, app(app(app(ty_@3, bbf), bbg), bbh)) → new_ltEs7(xuu4610, xuu4810, bbf, bbg, bbh)
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(xuu48000)) → LT
new_primCompAux0(xuu4600, xuu4800, xuu135, bdf) → new_primCompAux00(xuu135, new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, bdf))
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, ty_@0) → new_lt11(xuu460, xuu480)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, app(ty_[], beg)) → new_compare1(xuu4600, xuu4800, beg)
new_compare15(xuu460, xuu480, bdg, bdh, bea) → new_compare24(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs5(xuu460, xuu480, bdg, bdh, bea), bdg, bdh, bea)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), ced, cdc) → False
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ced, cdc) → False
new_esEs8(LT, LT) → True
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), app(ty_Maybe, bba), bab) → new_ltEs12(xuu4610, xuu4810, bba)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_Ratio, cfh)) → new_lt9(xuu4610, xuu4810, cfh)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(ty_Ratio, ccg)) → new_lt9(xuu4611, xuu4811, ccg)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(ty_Ratio, bgb)) → new_esEs14(xuu40000, xuu3000, bgb)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_compare25(xuu460, xuu480, False) → new_compare13(xuu460, xuu480, new_ltEs9(xuu460, xuu480))
new_pePe(True, xuu134) → True
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero) → True
new_esEs14(:%(xuu40000, xuu40001), :%(xuu3000, xuu3001), cfg) → new_asAs(new_esEs24(xuu40000, xuu3000, cfg), new_esEs25(xuu40001, xuu3001, cfg))
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), ty_Char) → new_ltEs8(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_Maybe, ca)) → new_lt18(xuu4610, xuu4810, ca)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(app(ty_Either, gd), ge)) → new_esEs6(xuu4611, xuu4811, gd, ge)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Double) → new_lt5(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), ty_Int, bab) → new_ltEs17(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs11(Float(xuu40000, xuu40001), Float(xuu3000, xuu3001)) → new_esEs13(new_sr(xuu40000, xuu3000), new_sr(xuu40001, xuu3001))
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Int) → new_lt16(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bbb, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, app(app(ty_Either, beb), bec)) → new_lt17(xuu460, xuu480, beb, bec)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ced, app(app(ty_Either, cee), cef)) → new_esEs6(xuu40000, xuu3000, cee, cef)
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), ty_Double, cdc) → new_esEs15(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs19(True, True) → True
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT) → False
new_esEs25(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40002, xuu3002)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_sr(xuu40000, xuu3000) → new_primMulInt(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs25(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_compare12(xuu460, xuu480, True, bdg, bdh, bea) → LT
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ced, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), app(ty_[], cgf)) → new_esEs16(xuu40000, xuu3000, cgf)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(app(ty_Either, dbd), dbe)) → new_esEs6(xuu40001, xuu3001, dbd, dbe)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(ty_[], bgc)) → new_esEs16(xuu40000, xuu3000, bgc)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ced, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs8(GT, GT) → True
new_esEs13(xuu4000, xuu300) → new_primEqInt(xuu4000, xuu300)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(xuu1010), xuu300000) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(xuu1010, xuu300000)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(xuu4600)), Pos(xuu480)) → new_primCmpNat1(xuu4600, xuu480)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, app(app(app(ty_@3, bdg), bdh), bea)) → new_lt15(xuu460, xuu480, bdg, bdh, bea)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs8(LT, GT) → False
new_esEs8(GT, LT) → False
new_ltEs13(@2(xuu4610, xuu4611), @2(xuu4810, xuu4811), cb, bb) → new_pePe(new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, cb), new_asAs(new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, cb), new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, bb)))
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(app(ty_@3, ef), eg), eh)) → new_lt15(xuu4610, xuu4810, ef, eg, eh)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(app(ty_Either, gd), ge)) → new_lt17(xuu4611, xuu4811, gd, ge)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), ty_Ordering, bab) → new_ltEs9(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, ty_Bool) → new_compare30(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Ordering) → new_lt8(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_compare24(xuu460, xuu480, True, bdg, bdh, bea) → EQ
new_compare25(xuu460, xuu480, True) → EQ
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(xuu400000)), Neg(Succ(xuu30000))) → new_primEqNat0(xuu400000, xuu30000)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, ty_Integer) → new_compare6(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(xuu38200), Zero) → Succ(xuu38200)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(xuu9700)) → Succ(xuu9700)
new_compare13(xuu460, xuu480, False) → GT
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), ty_@0) → new_ltEs14(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), ty_Bool, bab) → new_ltEs11(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_compare111(xuu110, xuu111, xuu112, xuu113, True, cbh, cca) → LT
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(ty_Maybe, gf)) → new_lt18(xuu4611, xuu4811, gf)
new_esEs19(False, False) → True
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs11(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs17(xuu461, xuu481) → new_fsEs(new_compare17(xuu461, xuu481))
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_primCmpNat2(Succ(xuu4800), xuu4600) → new_primCmpNat0(xuu4800, xuu4600)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, ty_@0) → new_ltEs14(xuu461, xuu481)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(xuu400000)), Neg(Zero)) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(xuu30000))) → False
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), app(app(ty_Either, bag), bah), bab) → new_ltEs4(xuu4610, xuu4810, bag, bah)
new_esEs8(EQ, EQ) → True
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), app(ty_Ratio, cdd), cdc) → new_esEs14(xuu40000, xuu3000, cdd)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ced, app(ty_[], ceh)) → new_esEs16(xuu40000, xuu3000, ceh)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_@0) → new_lt11(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_lt6(xuu460, xuu480, de, df) → new_esEs8(new_compare11(xuu460, xuu480, de, df), LT)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Float) → new_lt14(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Ordering) → new_lt8(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_compare7(Char(xuu4600), Char(xuu4800)) → new_primCmpNat0(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_ltEs9(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, app(ty_[], dda)) → new_esEs16(xuu40002, xuu3002, dda)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(app(ty_@3, ef), eg), eh)) → new_esEs5(xuu4610, xuu4810, ef, eg, eh)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu460, xuu480)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_compare18(:%(xuu4600, xuu4601), :%(xuu4800, xuu4801), ty_Int) → new_compare17(new_sr(xuu4600, xuu4801), new_sr(xuu4800, xuu4601))
new_lt5(xuu460, xuu480) → new_esEs8(new_compare8(xuu460, xuu480), LT)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, app(ty_Ratio, cce)) → new_ltEs16(xuu461, xuu481, cce)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(xuu46000), Succ(xuu48000)) → new_primCmpNat0(xuu46000, xuu48000)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(xuu400000)), Pos(Succ(xuu30000))) → new_primEqNat0(xuu400000, xuu30000)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, app(app(app(ty_@3, hb), hc), hd)) → new_ltEs7(xuu4612, xuu4812, hb, hc, hd)
new_compare10(xuu460, xuu480, False, beb, bec) → GT
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), app(app(app(ty_@3, cdf), cdg), cdh), cdc) → new_esEs5(xuu40000, xuu3000, cdf, cdg, cdh)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, ty_Char) → new_compare7(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bbb, ty_Double) → new_ltEs6(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs11(True, False) → False
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt7(xuu460, xuu480, bdf) → new_esEs8(new_compare1(xuu460, xuu480, bdf), LT)
new_compare14(xuu460, xuu480, False, bed) → GT
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(app(app(ty_@3, cf), cg), da)) → new_ltEs7(xuu4611, xuu4811, cf, cg, da)
new_esEs15(Double(xuu40000, xuu40001), Double(xuu3000, xuu3001)) → new_esEs13(new_sr(xuu40000, xuu3000), new_sr(xuu40001, xuu3001))
new_primEqNat0(Succ(xuu400000), Succ(xuu30000)) → new_primEqNat0(xuu400000, xuu30000)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(ty_Ratio, ccg)) → new_esEs14(xuu4611, xuu4811, ccg)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu40002, xuu3002)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(ty_@2, ea), eb)) → new_lt6(xuu4610, xuu4810, ea, eb)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs10(xuu461, xuu481, dh) → new_fsEs(new_compare1(xuu461, xuu481, dh))
new_primCompAux00(xuu140, LT) → LT
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Bool) → new_lt13(xuu460, xuu480)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(app(ty_Either, bfh), bga)) → new_esEs6(xuu40000, xuu3000, bfh, bga)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), app(ty_Ratio, che), bab) → new_ltEs16(xuu4610, xuu4810, che)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(ty_@2, h), ba)) → new_esEs4(xuu4610, xuu4810, h, ba)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, daf), dag), dah)) → new_esEs5(xuu40000, xuu3000, daf, dag, dah)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(xuu4612, xuu4812)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs11(xuu461, xuu481)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs7(Nothing, Nothing, cgb) → True
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_compare1(:(xuu4600, xuu4601), :(xuu4800, xuu4801), bdf) → new_primCompAux0(xuu4600, xuu4800, new_compare1(xuu4601, xuu4801, bdf), bdf)
new_esEs8(LT, EQ) → False
new_esEs8(EQ, LT) → False
new_compare30(xuu460, xuu480) → new_compare28(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs19(xuu460, xuu480))
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, ty_Double) → new_ltEs6(xuu461, xuu481)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(xuu400000)), Pos(Zero)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(xuu30000))) → False
new_lt4(xuu460, xuu480) → new_esEs8(new_compare6(xuu460, xuu480), LT)
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), ty_Bool) → new_ltEs11(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(ty_Maybe, dd)) → new_ltEs12(xuu4611, xuu4811, dd)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu460, xuu480)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu460, xuu480)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ced, app(ty_Maybe, cff)) → new_esEs7(xuu40000, xuu3000, cff)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(xuu46000), Zero) → GT
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(xuu4612, xuu4812)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(xuu4800))) → LT
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_@0) → new_ltEs14(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_esEs19(False, True) → False
new_esEs19(True, False) → False
new_sr0(Integer(xuu46000), Integer(xuu48010)) → Integer(new_primMulInt(xuu46000, xuu48010))
new_compare13(xuu460, xuu480, True) → LT
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bbb, ty_Char) → new_ltEs8(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_compare6(Integer(xuu4600), Integer(xuu4800)) → new_primCmpInt(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(xuu38200), Succ(xuu9700)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(xuu38200, xuu9700)))
new_compare16(xuu460, xuu480) → new_compare25(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs8(xuu460, xuu480))
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), ty_Char, cdc) → new_esEs17(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(xuu400000)), Neg(xuu3000)) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(xuu400000)), Pos(xuu3000)) → False
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), app(ty_Maybe, bdd)) → new_ltEs12(xuu4610, xuu4810, bdd)
new_esEs7(Nothing, Just(xuu3000), cgb) → False
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Nothing, cgb) → False
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, app(app(ty_Either, bbb), bab)) → new_ltEs4(xuu461, xuu481, bbb, bab)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, app(ty_Ratio, cbg)) → new_lt9(xuu460, xuu480, cbg)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Float) → new_lt14(xuu460, xuu480)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(xuu30000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(xuu30000))) → False
new_ltEs6(xuu461, xuu481) → new_fsEs(new_compare8(xuu461, xuu481))
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), app(app(ty_@2, bcd), bce)) → new_ltEs13(xuu4610, xuu4810, bcd, bce)
new_compare24(xuu460, xuu480, False, bdg, bdh, bea) → new_compare12(xuu460, xuu480, new_ltEs7(xuu460, xuu480, bdg, bdh, bea), bdg, bdh, bea)
new_primCompAux00(xuu140, EQ) → xuu140
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Bool) → new_lt13(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_@0) → new_lt11(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs5(xuu461, xuu481) → new_fsEs(new_compare9(xuu461, xuu481))
new_compare26(xuu460, xuu480, False, bed) → new_compare14(xuu460, xuu480, new_ltEs12(xuu460, xuu480, bed), bed)
new_esEs8(EQ, GT) → False
new_esEs8(GT, EQ) → False
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(ty_[], bhe)) → new_esEs16(xuu40001, xuu3001, bhe)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(ty_Ratio, dbf)) → new_esEs14(xuu40001, xuu3001, dbf)
new_compare26(xuu460, xuu480, True, bed) → EQ
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Double) → new_lt5(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, ty_Char) → new_ltEs8(xuu4612, xuu4812)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_Maybe, fc)) → new_lt18(xuu4610, xuu4810, fc)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, app(app(ty_@2, gg), gh)) → new_ltEs13(xuu4612, xuu4812, gg, gh)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_esEs24(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_not(False) → True
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), bbb, bab) → False
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), app(app(ty_Either, cda), cdb), cdc) → new_esEs6(xuu40000, xuu3000, cda, cdb)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Char) → new_lt10(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(ty_[], dbg)) → new_esEs16(xuu40001, xuu3001, dbg)
new_esEs24(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_compare210(xuu46, xuu48, True, dg, bde) → EQ
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, xuu300000) → Succ(xuu300000)
new_compare9(Float(xuu4600, xuu4601), Float(xuu4800, xuu4801)) → new_compare17(new_sr(xuu4600, xuu4800), new_sr(xuu4601, xuu4801))
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, app(ty_[], ha)) → new_ltEs10(xuu4612, xuu4812, ha)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_Ratio, cfh)) → new_esEs14(xuu4610, xuu4810, cfh)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(xuu4612, xuu4812)
new_compare12(xuu460, xuu480, False, bdg, bdh, bea) → GT
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs9(LT, GT) → True
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(app(app(ty_@3, ga), gb), gc)) → new_lt15(xuu4611, xuu4811, ga, gb, gc)
new_esEs16(:(xuu40000, xuu40001), :(xuu3000, xuu3001), cad) → new_asAs(new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, cad), new_esEs16(xuu40001, xuu3001, cad))
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Ordering) → new_lt8(xuu460, xuu480)
new_ltEs11(False, False) → True
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Integer) → new_lt4(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_compare28(xuu460, xuu480, True) → EQ
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(app(ty_Either, dab), dac)) → new_esEs6(xuu40000, xuu3000, dab, dac)
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), app(ty_[], bcf)) → new_ltEs10(xuu4610, xuu4810, bcf)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Float) → new_lt14(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, cba), cbb), cbc)) → new_esEs5(xuu40000, xuu3000, cba, cbb, cbc)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(xuu4600)), Neg(xuu480)) → GT
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(ty_Maybe, dce)) → new_esEs7(xuu40001, xuu3001, dce)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, app(app(app(ty_@3, bdg), bdh), bea)) → new_esEs5(xuu460, xuu480, bdg, bdh, bea)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_[], ee)) → new_esEs16(xuu4610, xuu4810, ee)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bbb, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, app(ty_Maybe, bed)) → new_esEs7(xuu460, xuu480, bed)
new_primMulInt(Pos(xuu400000), Pos(xuu30000)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(xuu400000, xuu30000))
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, app(app(ty_@2, de), df)) → new_esEs4(xuu460, xuu480, de, df)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), app(app(ty_@2, hh), baa), bab) → new_ltEs13(xuu4610, xuu4810, hh, baa)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), ty_@0, bab) → new_ltEs14(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_lt15(xuu460, xuu480, bdg, bdh, bea) → new_esEs8(new_compare15(xuu460, xuu480, bdg, bdh, bea), LT)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_primMulInt(Neg(xuu400000), Neg(xuu30000)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(xuu400000, xuu30000))
new_compare110(xuu460, xuu480, True) → LT
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bbb, app(app(ty_@2, bbc), bbd)) → new_ltEs13(xuu4610, xuu4810, bbc, bbd)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(xuu400000), Zero) → False
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(xuu30000)) → False
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), ty_Integer, bab) → new_ltEs15(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bbb, app(ty_Ratio, chf)) → new_ltEs16(xuu4610, xuu4810, chf)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, bgd), bge), bgf)) → new_esEs5(xuu40000, xuu3000, bgd, bge, bgf)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Int) → new_lt16(xuu460, xuu480)
new_compare110(xuu460, xuu480, False) → GT
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, app(ty_[], bdf)) → new_lt7(xuu460, xuu480, bdf)
new_compare23(xuu460, xuu480, False, beb, bec) → new_compare10(xuu460, xuu480, new_ltEs4(xuu460, xuu480, beb, bec), beb, bec)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt14(xuu460, xuu480) → new_esEs8(new_compare9(xuu460, xuu480), LT)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(app(ty_Either, cae), caf)) → new_esEs6(xuu40000, xuu3000, cae, caf)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, app(app(ty_@2, de), df)) → new_lt6(xuu460, xuu480, de, df)
new_esEs16([], :(xuu3000, xuu3001), cad) → False
new_esEs16(:(xuu40000, xuu40001), [], cad) → False
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, ty_Float) → new_compare9(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_ltEs9(GT, GT) → True
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, app(app(ty_Either, dcf), dcg)) → new_esEs6(xuu40002, xuu3002, dcf, dcg)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), app(ty_[], bac), bab) → new_ltEs10(xuu4610, xuu4810, bac)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), app(app(app(ty_@3, bad), bae), baf), bab) → new_ltEs7(xuu4610, xuu4810, bad, bae, baf)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, app(app(app(ty_@3, ddb), ddc), ddd)) → new_esEs5(xuu40002, xuu3002, ddb, ddc, ddd)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(ty_Either, fa), fb)) → new_lt17(xuu4610, xuu4810, fa, fb)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ced, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Integer) → new_lt4(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu460, xuu480)
new_compare23(xuu460, xuu480, True, beb, bec) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(xuu4800))) → GT
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), app(ty_Maybe, cec), cdc) → new_esEs7(xuu40000, xuu3000, cec)
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), ty_Ordering, cdc) → new_esEs8(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Double) → new_lt5(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Char) → new_ltEs8(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu40002, xuu3002)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ced, app(app(ty_@2, cfd), cfe)) → new_esEs4(xuu40000, xuu3000, cfd, cfe)
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), ty_Integer, cdc) → new_esEs18(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(app(ty_@2, ff), fg)) → new_lt6(xuu4611, xuu4811, ff, fg)
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), app(app(app(ty_@3, bcg), bch), bda)) → new_ltEs7(xuu4610, xuu4810, bcg, bch, bda)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Integer) → new_lt4(xuu460, xuu480)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, app(ty_[], dh)) → new_ltEs10(xuu461, xuu481, dh)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), app(app(app(ty_@3, cgg), cgh), cha)) → new_esEs5(xuu40000, xuu3000, cgg, cgh, cha)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(app(ty_@2, caa), cab)) → new_esEs4(xuu40001, xuu3001, caa, cab)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(app(ty_@2, bgg), bgh)) → new_esEs4(xuu40000, xuu3000, bgg, bgh)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Char) → new_lt10(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(ty_Ratio, dad)) → new_esEs14(xuu40000, xuu3000, dad)
new_compare112(xuu110, xuu111, xuu112, xuu113, True, xuu115, cbh, cca) → new_compare111(xuu110, xuu111, xuu112, xuu113, True, cbh, cca)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Bool) → new_lt13(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(ty_[], cah)) → new_esEs16(xuu40000, xuu3000, cah)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(app(ty_@2, dcc), dcd)) → new_esEs4(xuu40001, xuu3001, dcc, dcd)
new_asAs(False, xuu63) → False
new_ltEs11(True, True) → True
new_primMulInt(Pos(xuu400000), Neg(xuu30000)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(xuu400000, xuu30000))
new_primMulInt(Neg(xuu400000), Pos(xuu30000)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(xuu400000, xuu30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(xuu4600)), Neg(xuu480)) → new_primCmpNat2(xuu480, xuu4600)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(xuu300000)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(xuu4000000), Zero) → Zero
new_ltEs7(@3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612), @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812), fd, ec, ed) → new_pePe(new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, fd), new_asAs(new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, fd), new_pePe(new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ec), new_asAs(new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, ec), new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, ed)))))
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), app(app(ty_Either, bdb), bdc)) → new_ltEs4(xuu4610, xuu4810, bdb, bdc)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu460, xuu480)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu40002, xuu3002)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bbb, ty_@0) → new_ltEs14(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs8(xuu461, xuu481) → new_fsEs(new_compare7(xuu461, xuu481))
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_Maybe, ca)) → new_esEs7(xuu4610, xuu4810, ca)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu40002, xuu3002)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs18(Integer(xuu40000), Integer(xuu3000)) → new_primEqInt(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_compare17(xuu46, xuu48) → new_primCmpInt(xuu46, xuu48)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, app(ty_Maybe, ccb)) → new_ltEs12(xuu461, xuu481, ccb)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_[], bc)) → new_lt7(xuu4610, xuu4810, bc)
new_compare14(xuu460, xuu480, True, bed) → LT
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), ty_Double, bab) → new_ltEs6(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bbb, app(ty_Maybe, bcc)) → new_ltEs12(xuu4610, xuu4810, bcc)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(xuu4800))) → new_primCmpNat2(Zero, xuu4800)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(xuu461, xuu481)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu460, xuu480)
new_compare111(xuu110, xuu111, xuu112, xuu113, False, cbh, cca) → GT
new_ltEs12(Nothing, Just(xuu4810), ccb) → True
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, app(app(ty_@2, cb), bb)) → new_ltEs13(xuu461, xuu481, cb, bb)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, app(ty_Ratio, ccd)) → new_compare18(xuu4600, xuu4800, ccd)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(app(ty_@2, cbd), cbe)) → new_esEs4(xuu40000, xuu3000, cbd, cbe)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, ty_@0) → new_compare27(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ) → False
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, ty_@0) → new_ltEs14(xuu4612, xuu4812)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu40002, xuu3002)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(app(ty_@2, dba), dbb)) → new_esEs4(xuu40000, xuu3000, dba, dbb)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs16([], [], cad) → True
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bbb, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_lt13(xuu460, xuu480) → new_esEs8(new_compare30(xuu460, xuu480), LT)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(ty_Maybe, bha)) → new_esEs7(xuu40000, xuu3000, bha)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(xuu461, xuu481)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(ty_Either, fa), fb)) → new_esEs6(xuu4610, xuu4810, fa, fb)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bbb, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs11(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), ty_Int, cdc) → new_esEs13(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt17(xuu460, xuu480, beb, bec) → new_esEs8(new_compare31(xuu460, xuu480, beb, bec), LT)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), ty_Bool, cdc) → new_esEs19(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bbb, app(ty_[], bbe)) → new_ltEs10(xuu4610, xuu4810, bbe)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(xuu4800))) → new_primCmpNat1(xuu4800, Zero)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(app(ty_@3, bd), be), bf)) → new_lt15(xuu4610, xuu4810, bd, be, bf)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu460, xuu480)
new_lt9(xuu460, xuu480, cbg) → new_esEs8(new_compare18(xuu460, xuu480, cbg), LT)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(ty_Ratio, bhd)) → new_esEs14(xuu40001, xuu3001, bhd)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(ty_[], fh)) → new_esEs16(xuu4611, xuu4811, fh)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(ty_Either, bg), bh)) → new_esEs6(xuu4610, xuu4810, bg, bh)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_ltEs14(xuu461, xuu481) → new_fsEs(new_compare27(xuu461, xuu481))
new_asAs(True, xuu63) → xuu63
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_compare27(@0, @0) → EQ
new_primMulNat0(Succ(xuu4000000), Succ(xuu300000)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(xuu4000000, Succ(xuu300000)), xuu300000)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(app(ty_@3, bd), be), bf)) → new_esEs5(xuu4610, xuu4810, bd, be, bf)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(app(ty_Either, bhb), bhc)) → new_esEs6(xuu40001, xuu3001, bhb, bhc)
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), ty_@0, cdc) → new_esEs12(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(ty_[], fh)) → new_lt7(xuu4611, xuu4811, fh)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_compare8(Double(xuu4600, xuu4601), Double(xuu4800, xuu4801)) → new_compare17(new_sr(xuu4600, xuu4800), new_sr(xuu4601, xuu4801))
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Nothing, ccb) → False
new_compare1(:(xuu4600, xuu4601), [], bdf) → GT
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40002, xuu3002)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_fsEs(xuu122) → new_not(new_esEs8(xuu122, GT))
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_@0) → new_lt11(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Double) → new_ltEs6(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Int) → new_lt16(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(app(app(ty_@3, ga), gb), gc)) → new_esEs5(xuu4611, xuu4811, ga, gb, gc)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Char) → new_lt10(xuu460, xuu480)
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(xuu461, xuu481)
new_compare210(@2(xuu460, xuu461), @2(xuu480, xuu481), False, dg, bde) → new_compare112(xuu460, xuu461, xuu480, xuu481, new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, dg), new_asAs(new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, dg), new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, bde)), dg, bde)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(app(ty_@2, cc), cd)) → new_ltEs13(xuu4611, xuu4811, cc, cd)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, app(ty_Ratio, dch)) → new_esEs14(xuu40002, xuu3002, dch)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Double) → new_lt5(xuu460, xuu480)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, app(ty_Maybe, bfe)) → new_compare19(xuu4600, xuu4800, bfe)
new_compare28(xuu460, xuu480, False) → new_compare110(xuu460, xuu480, new_ltEs11(xuu460, xuu480))
new_primCompAux00(xuu140, GT) → GT
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, app(ty_[], bdf)) → new_esEs16(xuu460, xuu480, bdf)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ced, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), app(ty_[], cde), cdc) → new_esEs16(xuu40000, xuu3000, cde)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ced, app(app(app(ty_@3, cfa), cfb), cfc)) → new_esEs5(xuu40000, xuu3000, cfa, cfb, cfc)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu40002, xuu3002)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_Maybe, fc)) → new_esEs7(xuu4610, xuu4810, fc)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs11(xuu4612, xuu4812)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(xuu4600)), Pos(xuu480)) → LT
new_not(True) → False
new_compare1([], [], bdf) → EQ
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_[], ee)) → new_lt7(xuu4610, xuu4810, ee)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare13(x0, x1, True)
new_compare24(x0, x1, True, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_esEs23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_compare29(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Zero))
new_esEs20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_compare29(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare29(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt19(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs16([], [], x0)
new_compare14(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_compare210(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), False, x4, x5)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_lt6(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_lt12(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_compare31(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs8(GT, GT)
new_primCompAux00(x0, LT)
new_compare7(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare14(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_esEs7(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_compare29(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt19(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs8(LT, LT)
new_esEs14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), x4)
new_esEs23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs10(x0, x1, x2)
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_lt9(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_esEs20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs15(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_compare29(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_lt19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt19(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs19(True, True)
new_compare29(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs8(LT, GT)
new_esEs8(GT, LT)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt12(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare9(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_compare110(x0, x1, False)
new_lt8(x0, x1)
new_lt19(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare210(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare23(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare19(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare12(x0, x1, True, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs16(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_compare23(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs12(@0, @0)
new_compare29(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_lt17(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_lt12(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare18(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Integer)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare12(x0, x1, False, x2, x3, x4)
new_lt12(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs4(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_lt12(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare29(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare1(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_lt14(x0, x1)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_lt12(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs17(x0, x1)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt5(x0, x1)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs17(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_compare112(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5, x6)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs15(x0, x1)
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_pePe(True, x0)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_ltEs16(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt12(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primCmpNat1(x0, Succ(x1))
new_esEs21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs5(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCompAux00(x0, EQ)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_compare30(x0, x1)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_esEs19(True, False)
new_esEs19(False, True)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_compare26(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_esEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Succ(x1)))
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_esEs21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare10(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_compare16(x0, x1)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt12(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_lt19(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs13(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_compare28(x0, x1, True)
new_esEs23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare29(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_lt19(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt18(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs24(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare8(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_esEs21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare24(x0, x1, False, x2, x3, x4)
new_lt19(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_compare17(x0, x1)
new_ltEs11(False, False)
new_esEs24(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt19(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs19(False, False)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_esEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs8(EQ, EQ)
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_compare29(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs11(False, True)
new_ltEs11(True, False)
new_lt11(x0, x1)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_asAs(False, x0)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare1(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_compare11(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_lt19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs12(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_ltEs6(x0, x1)
new_esEs13(x0, x1)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_lt12(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt13(x0, x1)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_lt12(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs9(LT, LT)
new_asAs(True, x0)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs25(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCmpNat1(x0, Zero)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Succ(x1)))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs8(GT, EQ)
new_esEs8(EQ, GT)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_compare25(x0, x1, True)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs12(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_primCmpNat2(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare112(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs11(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_compare18(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Int)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare6(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_sr0(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_compare25(x0, x1, False)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_esEs21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare29(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT)
new_ltEs9(LT, GT)
new_esEs21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt15(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_pePe(False, x0)
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_compare29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(x0, x1)
new_lt12(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare15(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare1([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_esEs18(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt19(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs5(x0, x1)
new_lt12(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs14(x0, x1)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_esEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt19(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs16(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_lt16(x0, x1)
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_lt19(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare28(x0, x1, False)
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_lt12(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs8(EQ, LT)
new_esEs8(LT, EQ)
new_compare26(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primCompAux0(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_ltEs9(GT, GT)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare27(@0, @0)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCmpNat2(Zero, x0)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs7(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare110(x0, x1, True)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCompAux00(x0, GT)
new_lt7(x0, x1, x2)
new_compare29(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt19(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt10(x0, x1)
new_compare10(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare13(x0, x1, False)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare1([], [], x0)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_ltEs11(True, True)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_lt12(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs25(x0, x1, ty_Int)

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_addToFM_C(Branch(@2(xuu300, xuu301), xuu31, xuu32, xuu33, xuu34), @2(xuu4000, xuu4001), xuu401, bc, bd, be) → new_addToFM_C2(xuu300, xuu301, xuu31, xuu32, xuu33, xuu34, xuu4000, xuu4001, xuu401, new_esEs30(xuu4000, xuu4001, xuu300, xuu301, new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, bc), bc, bd), bc, bd, be)
new_addToFM_C2(xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu19, xuu20, xuu21, xuu22, xuu23, xuu24, True, h, ba, bb) → new_addToFM_C(xuu20, @2(xuu22, xuu23), xuu24, h, ba, bb)
new_addToFM_C1(xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu19, xuu20, xuu21, xuu22, xuu23, xuu24, True, h, ba, bb) → new_addToFM_C(xuu21, @2(xuu22, xuu23), xuu24, h, ba, bb)
new_addToFM_C2(xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu19, xuu20, xuu21, xuu22, xuu23, xuu24, False, h, ba, bb) → new_addToFM_C1(xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu19, xuu20, xuu21, xuu22, xuu23, xuu24, new_esEs8(new_compare210(@2(xuu22, xuu23), @2(xuu16, xuu17), new_esEs4(@2(xuu22, xuu23), @2(xuu16, xuu17), h, ba), h, ba), GT), h, ba, bb)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_ltEs15(xuu461, xuu481) → new_fsEs(new_compare6(xuu461, xuu481))
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), app(ty_Maybe, chg)) → new_esEs7(xuu40000, xuu3000, chg)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(ty_Maybe, gh)) → new_esEs7(xuu40000, xuu3000, gh)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), beb, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_primCmpNat2(Zero, xuu4600) → LT
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Int) → new_lt16(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(ty_[], dcg)) → new_esEs16(xuu40000, xuu3000, dcg)
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), ty_Double) → new_ltEs6(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, app(ty_Ratio, bhc)) → new_ltEs16(xuu4612, xuu4812, bhc)
new_esEs5(@3(xuu40000, xuu40001, xuu40002), @3(xuu3000, xuu3001, xuu3002), he, hf, hg) → new_asAs(new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, he), new_asAs(new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, hf), new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, hg)))
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, app(app(ty_@2, bbh), bca)) → new_compare11(xuu4600, xuu4800, bbh, bca)
new_esEs17(Char(xuu40000), Char(xuu3000)) → new_primEqNat0(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu4000, xuu300)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(ty_[], cff)) → new_ltEs10(xuu4611, xuu4811, cff)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(app(ty_@2, bff), bfg)) → new_esEs4(xuu4611, xuu4811, bff, bfg)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_compare10(xuu460, xuu480, True, ee, ef) → LT
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), hb, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Float) → new_lt14(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, app(app(ty_Either, bcg), bch)) → new_compare31(xuu4600, xuu4800, bcg, bch)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_Ratio, beg)) → new_lt9(xuu4610, xuu4810, beg)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(ty_Maybe, dde)) → new_esEs7(xuu40000, xuu3000, dde)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), hb, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, ty_Double) → new_compare8(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, app(app(app(ty_@3, bcd), bce), bcf)) → new_compare15(xuu4600, xuu4800, bcd, bce, bcf)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(xuu4612, xuu4812)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, app(app(app(ty_@3, he), hf), hg)) → new_esEs5(xuu4000, xuu300, he, hf, hg)
new_ltEs12(Nothing, Nothing, bae) → True
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(ty_@2, ceb), cec)) → new_lt6(xuu4610, xuu4810, ceb, cec)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), app(app(ty_Either, cgf), cgg)) → new_esEs6(xuu40000, xuu3000, cgf, cgg)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_[], ced)) → new_esEs16(xuu4610, xuu4810, ced)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT) → False
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), ty_Char, bec) → new_ltEs8(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, ty_Int) → new_compare17(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Integer) → new_lt4(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(ty_Either, cfa), cfb)) → new_lt17(xuu4610, xuu4810, cfa, cfb)
new_lt8(xuu460, xuu480) → new_esEs8(new_compare16(xuu460, xuu480), LT)
new_compare1([], :(xuu4800, xuu4801), fd) → LT
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), ty_Float, bec) → new_ltEs5(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, app(ty_Maybe, dga)) → new_esEs7(xuu40002, xuu3002, dga)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, ty_Double) → new_ltEs6(xuu4612, xuu4812)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), hb, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(ty_Ratio, ga)) → new_esEs14(xuu40000, xuu3000, ga)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt10(xuu460, xuu480) → new_esEs8(new_compare7(xuu460, xuu480), LT)
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu4000, xuu300)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Ordering) → new_lt8(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, app(app(ty_@2, cdg), cdh)) → new_esEs4(xuu34, xuu36, cdg, cdh)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_lt18(xuu460, xuu480, ha) → new_esEs8(new_compare19(xuu460, xuu480, ha), LT)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, ty_Char) → new_ltEs8(xuu461, xuu481)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_Ratio, beg)) → new_esEs14(xuu4610, xuu4810, beg)
new_compare112(xuu110, xuu111, xuu112, xuu113, False, xuu115, bac, bad) → new_compare111(xuu110, xuu111, xuu112, xuu113, xuu115, bac, bad)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, app(ty_Ratio, baa)) → new_esEs14(xuu460, xuu480, baa)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), app(app(ty_@2, che), chf)) → new_esEs4(xuu40000, xuu3000, che, chf)
new_esEs12(@0, @0) → True
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, app(app(ty_Either, ee), ef)) → new_esEs6(xuu460, xuu480, ee, ef)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT) → True
new_lt11(xuu460, xuu480) → new_esEs8(new_compare27(xuu460, xuu480), LT)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, app(ty_Maybe, caa)) → new_ltEs12(xuu4612, xuu4812, caa)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), app(ty_Ratio, cgh)) → new_esEs14(xuu40000, xuu3000, cgh)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(xuu461, xuu481)
new_compare11(xuu460, xuu480, eg, eh) → new_compare210(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs4(xuu460, xuu480, eg, eh), eg, eh)
new_ltEs16(xuu461, xuu481, bdf) → new_fsEs(new_compare18(xuu461, xuu481, bdf))
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, deb), dec), ded)) → new_esEs5(xuu40001, xuu3001, deb, dec, ded)
new_primCmpNat1(xuu4600, Succ(xuu4800)) → new_primCmpNat0(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_compare19(xuu460, xuu480, ha) → new_compare26(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs7(xuu460, xuu480, ha), ha)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, ty_Ordering) → new_compare16(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), ty_Float, hc) → new_esEs11(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ) → True
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), hb, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, app(app(ty_Either, bhg), bhh)) → new_ltEs4(xuu4612, xuu4812, bhg, bhh)
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), app(ty_Ratio, bba)) → new_ltEs16(xuu4610, xuu4810, bba)
new_pePe(False, xuu134) → xuu134
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, app(app(app(ty_@3, bdg), bdh), bea)) → new_ltEs7(xuu461, xuu481, bdg, bdh, bea)
new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, app(ty_[], ff)) → new_esEs16(xuu4000, xuu300, ff)
new_lt16(xuu460, xuu480) → new_esEs8(new_compare17(xuu460, xuu480), LT)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), hb, app(ty_Ratio, cbf)) → new_esEs14(xuu40000, xuu3000, cbf)
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), app(app(ty_@2, cba), cbb), hc) → new_esEs4(xuu40000, xuu3000, cba, cbb)
new_primCmpNat1(xuu4600, Zero) → GT
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Bool) → new_lt13(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(ty_Ratio, cfg)) → new_ltEs16(xuu4611, xuu4811, cfg)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(ty_Maybe, ed)) → new_esEs7(xuu40001, xuu3001, ed)
new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, app(ty_Maybe, cea)) → new_esEs7(xuu34, xuu36, cea)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(ty_@2, bed), bee)) → new_esEs4(xuu4610, xuu4810, bed, bee)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_compare31(xuu460, xuu480, ee, ef) → new_compare23(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs6(xuu460, xuu480, ee, ef), ee, ef)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(app(ty_Either, cgc), cgd)) → new_ltEs4(xuu4611, xuu4811, cgc, cgd)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(ty_Maybe, bgg)) → new_esEs7(xuu4611, xuu4811, bgg)
new_esEs4(@2(xuu40000, xuu40001), @2(xuu3000, xuu3001), bf, bg) → new_asAs(new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, bf), new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, bg))
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu4000, xuu300)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu460, xuu480)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, dg), dh), ea)) → new_esEs5(xuu40001, xuu3001, dg, dh, ea)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ) → True
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), beb, app(app(ty_Either, dca), dcb)) → new_ltEs4(xuu4610, xuu4810, dca, dcb)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_compare18(:%(xuu4600, xuu4601), :%(xuu4800, xuu4801), ty_Integer) → new_compare6(new_sr0(xuu4600, xuu4801), new_sr0(xuu4800, xuu4601))
new_ltEs11(False, True) → True
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Char) → new_lt10(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), beb, bec) → True
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, app(app(ty_@2, dfg), dfh)) → new_esEs4(xuu40002, xuu3002, dfg, dfh)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, app(ty_Maybe, ha)) → new_lt18(xuu460, xuu480, ha)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), beb, app(app(app(ty_@3, dbf), dbg), dbh)) → new_ltEs7(xuu4610, xuu4810, dbf, dbg, dbh)
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(xuu48000)) → LT
new_primCompAux0(xuu4600, xuu4800, xuu135, fd) → new_primCompAux00(xuu135, new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, fd))
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, ty_@0) → new_lt11(xuu460, xuu480)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, app(ty_[], bcb)) → new_compare1(xuu4600, xuu4800, bcb)
new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, app(app(ty_@2, bf), bg)) → new_esEs4(xuu4000, xuu300, bf, bg)
new_compare15(xuu460, xuu480, fa, fb, fc) → new_compare24(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs5(xuu460, xuu480, fa, fb, fc), fa, fb, fc)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), hb, hc) → False
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), hb, hc) → False
new_esEs8(LT, LT) → True
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), app(ty_Maybe, dba), bec) → new_ltEs12(xuu4610, xuu4810, dba)
new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu4000, xuu300)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(ty_Ratio, bga)) → new_lt9(xuu4611, xuu4811, bga)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_Ratio, cee)) → new_lt9(xuu4610, xuu4810, cee)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(ty_Ratio, cb)) → new_esEs14(xuu40000, xuu3000, cb)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_compare25(xuu460, xuu480, False) → new_compare13(xuu460, xuu480, new_ltEs9(xuu460, xuu480))
new_pePe(True, xuu134) → True
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero) → True
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), ty_Char) → new_ltEs8(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs14(:%(xuu40000, xuu40001), :%(xuu3000, xuu3001), hd) → new_asAs(new_esEs24(xuu40000, xuu3000, hd), new_esEs25(xuu40001, xuu3001, hd))
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_Maybe, cfc)) → new_lt18(xuu4610, xuu4810, cfc)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(app(ty_Either, bge), bgf)) → new_esEs6(xuu4611, xuu4811, bge, bgf)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Double) → new_lt5(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), ty_Int, bec) → new_ltEs17(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs11(Float(xuu40000, xuu40001), Float(xuu3000, xuu3001)) → new_esEs13(new_sr(xuu40000, xuu3000), new_sr(xuu40001, xuu3001))
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Int) → new_lt16(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu34, xuu36)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), beb, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, app(app(ty_Either, ee), ef)) → new_lt17(xuu460, xuu480, ee, ef)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), hb, app(app(ty_Either, cbd), cbe)) → new_esEs6(xuu40000, xuu3000, cbd, cbe)
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), ty_Double, hc) → new_esEs15(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs19(True, True) → True
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT) → False
new_esEs25(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40002, xuu3002)
new_esEs30(xuu33, xuu34, xuu35, xuu36, False, ccf, ccg) → new_esEs8(new_compare210(@2(xuu33, xuu34), @2(xuu35, xuu36), False, ccf, ccg), LT)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_sr(xuu40000, xuu3000) → new_primMulInt(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs25(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_compare12(xuu460, xuu480, True, fa, fb, fc) → LT
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), hb, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), app(ty_[], cha)) → new_esEs16(xuu40000, xuu3000, cha)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(app(ty_Either, ddf), ddg)) → new_esEs6(xuu40001, xuu3001, ddf, ddg)
new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu34, xuu36)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(ty_[], cc)) → new_esEs16(xuu40000, xuu3000, cc)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), hb, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs8(GT, GT) → True
new_esEs13(xuu4000, xuu300) → new_primEqInt(xuu4000, xuu300)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(xuu1010), xuu300000) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(xuu1010, xuu300000)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(xuu4600)), Pos(xuu480)) → new_primCmpNat1(xuu4600, xuu480)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, app(app(app(ty_@3, fa), fb), fc)) → new_lt15(xuu460, xuu480, fa, fb, fc)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs8(LT, GT) → False
new_esEs8(GT, LT) → False
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(app(ty_@3, beh), bfa), bfb)) → new_lt15(xuu4610, xuu4810, beh, bfa, bfb)
new_ltEs13(@2(xuu4610, xuu4611), @2(xuu4810, xuu4811), bdd, bde) → new_pePe(new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, bdd), new_asAs(new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, bdd), new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, bde)))
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(app(ty_Either, bge), bgf)) → new_lt17(xuu4611, xuu4811, bge, bgf)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), ty_Ordering, bec) → new_ltEs9(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, ty_Bool) → new_compare30(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu34, xuu36)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Ordering) → new_lt8(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_compare24(xuu460, xuu480, True, fa, fb, fc) → EQ
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(xuu400000)), Neg(Succ(xuu30000))) → new_primEqNat0(xuu400000, xuu30000)
new_compare25(xuu460, xuu480, True) → EQ
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, ty_Integer) → new_compare6(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(xuu38200), Zero) → Succ(xuu38200)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(xuu9700)) → Succ(xuu9700)
new_compare13(xuu460, xuu480, False) → GT
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), ty_@0) → new_ltEs14(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), ty_Bool, bec) → new_ltEs11(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_compare111(xuu110, xuu111, xuu112, xuu113, True, bac, bad) → LT
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(ty_Maybe, bgg)) → new_lt18(xuu4611, xuu4811, bgg)
new_esEs19(False, False) → True
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs11(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs17(xuu461, xuu481) → new_fsEs(new_compare17(xuu461, xuu481))
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, app(app(app(ty_@3, cdd), cde), cdf)) → new_esEs5(xuu34, xuu36, cdd, cde, cdf)
new_primCmpNat2(Succ(xuu4800), xuu4600) → new_primCmpNat0(xuu4800, xuu4600)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, ty_@0) → new_ltEs14(xuu461, xuu481)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(xuu30000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(xuu400000)), Neg(Zero)) → False
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), app(app(ty_Either, dag), dah), bec) → new_ltEs4(xuu4610, xuu4810, dag, dah)
new_esEs8(EQ, EQ) → True
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), app(ty_Ratio, cad), hc) → new_esEs14(xuu40000, xuu3000, cad)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), hb, app(ty_[], cbg)) → new_esEs16(xuu40000, xuu3000, cbg)
new_lt6(xuu460, xuu480, eg, eh) → new_esEs8(new_compare11(xuu460, xuu480, eg, eh), LT)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_@0) → new_lt11(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Ordering) → new_lt8(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Float) → new_lt14(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_compare7(Char(xuu4600), Char(xuu4800)) → new_primCmpNat0(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, app(ty_[], cdc)) → new_esEs16(xuu34, xuu36, cdc)
new_ltEs9(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, app(ty_[], dfc)) → new_esEs16(xuu40002, xuu3002, dfc)
new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu34, xuu36)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(app(ty_@3, beh), bfa), bfb)) → new_esEs5(xuu4610, xuu4810, beh, bfa, bfb)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu460, xuu480)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_compare18(:%(xuu4600, xuu4601), :%(xuu4800, xuu4801), ty_Int) → new_compare17(new_sr(xuu4600, xuu4801), new_sr(xuu4800, xuu4601))
new_lt5(xuu460, xuu480) → new_esEs8(new_compare8(xuu460, xuu480), LT)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, app(ty_Ratio, bdf)) → new_ltEs16(xuu461, xuu481, bdf)
new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu34, xuu36)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(xuu46000), Succ(xuu48000)) → new_primCmpNat0(xuu46000, xuu48000)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(xuu400000)), Pos(Succ(xuu30000))) → new_primEqNat0(xuu400000, xuu30000)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, app(app(app(ty_@3, bhd), bhe), bhf)) → new_ltEs7(xuu4612, xuu4812, bhd, bhe, bhf)
new_compare10(xuu460, xuu480, False, ee, ef) → GT
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), app(app(app(ty_@3, caf), cag), cah), hc) → new_esEs5(xuu40000, xuu3000, caf, cag, cah)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, ty_Char) → new_compare7(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), beb, ty_Double) → new_ltEs6(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs11(True, False) → False
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt7(xuu460, xuu480, fd) → new_esEs8(new_compare1(xuu460, xuu480, fd), LT)
new_compare14(xuu460, xuu480, False, ha) → GT
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(app(app(ty_@3, cfh), cga), cgb)) → new_ltEs7(xuu4611, xuu4811, cfh, cga, cgb)
new_esEs15(Double(xuu40000, xuu40001), Double(xuu3000, xuu3001)) → new_esEs13(new_sr(xuu40000, xuu3000), new_sr(xuu40001, xuu3001))
new_primEqNat0(Succ(xuu400000), Succ(xuu30000)) → new_primEqNat0(xuu400000, xuu30000)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(ty_Ratio, bga)) → new_esEs14(xuu4611, xuu4811, bga)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu40002, xuu3002)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(ty_@2, bed), bee)) → new_lt6(xuu4610, xuu4810, bed, bee)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs10(xuu461, xuu481, bab) → new_fsEs(new_compare1(xuu461, xuu481, bab))
new_primCompAux00(xuu140, LT) → LT
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Bool) → new_lt13(xuu460, xuu480)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(app(ty_Either, bh), ca)) → new_esEs6(xuu40000, xuu3000, bh, ca)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), app(ty_Ratio, dac), bec) → new_ltEs16(xuu4610, xuu4810, dac)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(ty_@2, ceb), cec)) → new_esEs4(xuu4610, xuu4810, ceb, cec)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dch), dda), ddb)) → new_esEs5(xuu40000, xuu3000, dch, dda, ddb)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(xuu4612, xuu4812)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs11(xuu461, xuu481)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs7(Nothing, Nothing, hh) → True
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_compare1(:(xuu4600, xuu4601), :(xuu4800, xuu4801), fd) → new_primCompAux0(xuu4600, xuu4800, new_compare1(xuu4601, xuu4801, fd), fd)
new_esEs8(LT, EQ) → False
new_esEs8(EQ, LT) → False
new_compare30(xuu460, xuu480) → new_compare28(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs19(xuu460, xuu480))
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, ty_Double) → new_ltEs6(xuu461, xuu481)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(xuu30000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(xuu400000)), Pos(Zero)) → False
new_lt4(xuu460, xuu480) → new_esEs8(new_compare6(xuu460, xuu480), LT)
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), ty_Bool) → new_ltEs11(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(ty_Maybe, cge)) → new_ltEs12(xuu4611, xuu4811, cge)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu460, xuu480)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu460, xuu480)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), hb, app(ty_Maybe, cce)) → new_esEs7(xuu40000, xuu3000, cce)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(xuu46000), Zero) → GT
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(xuu4612, xuu4812)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(xuu4800))) → LT
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_@0) → new_ltEs14(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_esEs19(False, True) → False
new_esEs19(True, False) → False
new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu4000, xuu300)
new_sr0(Integer(xuu46000), Integer(xuu48010)) → Integer(new_primMulInt(xuu46000, xuu48010))
new_compare13(xuu460, xuu480, True) → LT
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), beb, ty_Char) → new_ltEs8(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_compare6(Integer(xuu4600), Integer(xuu4800)) → new_primCmpInt(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(xuu38200), Succ(xuu9700)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(xuu38200, xuu9700)))
new_compare16(xuu460, xuu480) → new_compare25(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs8(xuu460, xuu480))
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), ty_Char, hc) → new_esEs17(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(xuu400000)), Pos(xuu3000)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(xuu400000)), Neg(xuu3000)) → False
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), app(ty_Maybe, bbg)) → new_ltEs12(xuu4610, xuu4810, bbg)
new_esEs7(Nothing, Just(xuu3000), hh) → False
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Nothing, hh) → False
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, app(app(ty_Either, beb), bec)) → new_ltEs4(xuu461, xuu481, beb, bec)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, app(ty_Ratio, baa)) → new_lt9(xuu460, xuu480, baa)
new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, app(ty_Ratio, cdb)) → new_esEs14(xuu34, xuu36, cdb)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Float) → new_lt14(xuu460, xuu480)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(xuu30000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(xuu30000))) → False
new_ltEs6(xuu461, xuu481) → new_fsEs(new_compare8(xuu461, xuu481))
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), app(app(ty_@2, baf), bag)) → new_ltEs13(xuu4610, xuu4810, baf, bag)
new_compare24(xuu460, xuu480, False, fa, fb, fc) → new_compare12(xuu460, xuu480, new_ltEs7(xuu460, xuu480, fa, fb, fc), fa, fb, fc)
new_primCompAux00(xuu140, EQ) → xuu140
new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu4000, xuu300)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Bool) → new_lt13(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_@0) → new_lt11(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs5(xuu461, xuu481) → new_fsEs(new_compare9(xuu461, xuu481))
new_compare26(xuu460, xuu480, False, ha) → new_compare14(xuu460, xuu480, new_ltEs12(xuu460, xuu480, ha), ha)
new_esEs8(EQ, GT) → False
new_esEs8(GT, EQ) → False
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(ty_[], df)) → new_esEs16(xuu40001, xuu3001, df)
new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu4000, xuu300)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(ty_Ratio, ddh)) → new_esEs14(xuu40001, xuu3001, ddh)
new_compare26(xuu460, xuu480, True, ha) → EQ
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Double) → new_lt5(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, ty_Char) → new_ltEs8(xuu4612, xuu4812)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_Maybe, bfe)) → new_lt18(xuu4610, xuu4810, bfe)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, app(app(ty_@2, bgh), bha)) → new_ltEs13(xuu4612, xuu4812, bgh, bha)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_esEs24(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_not(False) → True
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), beb, bec) → False
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), app(app(ty_Either, cab), cac), hc) → new_esEs6(xuu40000, xuu3000, cab, cac)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Char) → new_lt10(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(ty_[], dea)) → new_esEs16(xuu40001, xuu3001, dea)
new_esEs24(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_compare210(xuu46, xuu48, True, bdb, bdc) → EQ
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, xuu300000) → Succ(xuu300000)
new_compare9(Float(xuu4600, xuu4601), Float(xuu4800, xuu4801)) → new_compare17(new_sr(xuu4600, xuu4800), new_sr(xuu4601, xuu4801))
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, app(ty_[], bhb)) → new_ltEs10(xuu4612, xuu4812, bhb)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_Ratio, cee)) → new_esEs14(xuu4610, xuu4810, cee)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(xuu4612, xuu4812)
new_compare12(xuu460, xuu480, False, fa, fb, fc) → GT
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs9(LT, GT) → True
new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu34, xuu36)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(app(app(ty_@3, bgb), bgc), bgd)) → new_lt15(xuu4611, xuu4811, bgb, bgc, bgd)
new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, app(ty_Ratio, hd)) → new_esEs14(xuu4000, xuu300, hd)
new_esEs16(:(xuu40000, xuu40001), :(xuu3000, xuu3001), ff) → new_asAs(new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, ff), new_esEs16(xuu40001, xuu3001, ff))
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Ordering) → new_lt8(xuu460, xuu480)
new_ltEs11(False, False) → True
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Integer) → new_lt4(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_compare28(xuu460, xuu480, True) → EQ
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(app(ty_Either, dcd), dce)) → new_esEs6(xuu40000, xuu3000, dcd, dce)
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), app(ty_[], bah)) → new_ltEs10(xuu4610, xuu4810, bah)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Float) → new_lt14(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, gc), gd), ge)) → new_esEs5(xuu40000, xuu3000, gc, gd, ge)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(xuu4600)), Neg(xuu480)) → GT
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(ty_Maybe, deg)) → new_esEs7(xuu40001, xuu3001, deg)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, app(app(app(ty_@3, fa), fb), fc)) → new_esEs5(xuu460, xuu480, fa, fb, fc)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_[], bef)) → new_esEs16(xuu4610, xuu4810, bef)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), beb, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, app(ty_Maybe, ha)) → new_esEs7(xuu460, xuu480, ha)
new_primMulInt(Pos(xuu400000), Pos(xuu30000)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(xuu400000, xuu30000))
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, app(app(ty_@2, eg), eh)) → new_esEs4(xuu460, xuu480, eg, eh)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), app(app(ty_@2, chh), daa), bec) → new_ltEs13(xuu4610, xuu4810, chh, daa)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), ty_@0, bec) → new_ltEs14(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_lt15(xuu460, xuu480, fa, fb, fc) → new_esEs8(new_compare15(xuu460, xuu480, fa, fb, fc), LT)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_primMulInt(Neg(xuu400000), Neg(xuu30000)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(xuu400000, xuu30000))
new_compare110(xuu460, xuu480, True) → LT
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), beb, app(app(ty_@2, dbb), dbc)) → new_ltEs13(xuu4610, xuu4810, dbb, dbc)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(xuu400000), Zero) → False
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(xuu30000)) → False
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), ty_Integer, bec) → new_ltEs15(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), beb, app(ty_Ratio, dbe)) → new_ltEs16(xuu4610, xuu4810, dbe)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, cd), ce), cf)) → new_esEs5(xuu40000, xuu3000, cd, ce, cf)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Int) → new_lt16(xuu460, xuu480)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, app(ty_[], fd)) → new_lt7(xuu460, xuu480, fd)
new_compare110(xuu460, xuu480, False) → GT
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_compare23(xuu460, xuu480, False, ee, ef) → new_compare10(xuu460, xuu480, new_ltEs4(xuu460, xuu480, ee, ef), ee, ef)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt14(xuu460, xuu480) → new_esEs8(new_compare9(xuu460, xuu480), LT)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(app(ty_Either, fg), fh)) → new_esEs6(xuu40000, xuu3000, fg, fh)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, app(app(ty_@2, eg), eh)) → new_lt6(xuu460, xuu480, eg, eh)
new_esEs16([], :(xuu3000, xuu3001), ff) → False
new_esEs16(:(xuu40000, xuu40001), [], ff) → False
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, ty_Float) → new_compare9(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_ltEs9(GT, GT) → True
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, app(app(ty_Either, deh), dfa)) → new_esEs6(xuu40002, xuu3002, deh, dfa)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), app(ty_[], dab), bec) → new_ltEs10(xuu4610, xuu4810, dab)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), app(app(app(ty_@3, dad), dae), daf), bec) → new_ltEs7(xuu4610, xuu4810, dad, dae, daf)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, app(app(app(ty_@3, dfd), dfe), dff)) → new_esEs5(xuu40002, xuu3002, dfd, dfe, dff)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(ty_Either, bfc), bfd)) → new_lt17(xuu4610, xuu4810, bfc, bfd)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), hb, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Integer) → new_lt4(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu34, xuu36)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu460, xuu480)
new_compare23(xuu460, xuu480, True, ee, ef) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(xuu4800))) → GT
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), app(ty_Maybe, cbc), hc) → new_esEs7(xuu40000, xuu3000, cbc)
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), ty_Ordering, hc) → new_esEs8(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Double) → new_lt5(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Char) → new_ltEs8(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu40002, xuu3002)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), hb, app(app(ty_@2, ccc), ccd)) → new_esEs4(xuu40000, xuu3000, ccc, ccd)
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), ty_Integer, hc) → new_esEs18(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(app(ty_@2, bff), bfg)) → new_lt6(xuu4611, xuu4811, bff, bfg)
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), app(app(app(ty_@3, bbb), bbc), bbd)) → new_ltEs7(xuu4610, xuu4810, bbb, bbc, bbd)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Integer) → new_lt4(xuu460, xuu480)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, app(ty_[], bab)) → new_ltEs10(xuu461, xuu481, bab)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), app(app(app(ty_@3, chb), chc), chd)) → new_esEs5(xuu40000, xuu3000, chb, chc, chd)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(app(ty_@2, eb), ec)) → new_esEs4(xuu40001, xuu3001, eb, ec)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(app(ty_@2, cg), da)) → new_esEs4(xuu40000, xuu3000, cg, da)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Char) → new_lt10(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(ty_Ratio, dcf)) → new_esEs14(xuu40000, xuu3000, dcf)
new_compare112(xuu110, xuu111, xuu112, xuu113, True, xuu115, bac, bad) → new_compare111(xuu110, xuu111, xuu112, xuu113, True, bac, bad)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Bool) → new_lt13(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(ty_[], gb)) → new_esEs16(xuu40000, xuu3000, gb)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(app(ty_@2, dee), def)) → new_esEs4(xuu40001, xuu3001, dee, def)
new_asAs(False, xuu63) → False
new_ltEs11(True, True) → True
new_primMulInt(Pos(xuu400000), Neg(xuu30000)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(xuu400000, xuu30000))
new_primMulInt(Neg(xuu400000), Pos(xuu30000)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(xuu400000, xuu30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(xuu4600)), Neg(xuu480)) → new_primCmpNat2(xuu480, xuu4600)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(xuu300000)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(xuu4000000), Zero) → Zero
new_ltEs7(@3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612), @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812), bdg, bdh, bea) → new_pePe(new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, bdg), new_asAs(new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, bdg), new_pePe(new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, bdh), new_asAs(new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, bdh), new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, bea)))))
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), app(app(ty_Either, bbe), bbf)) → new_ltEs4(xuu4610, xuu4810, bbe, bbf)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu460, xuu480)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu40002, xuu3002)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), beb, ty_@0) → new_ltEs14(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs8(xuu461, xuu481) → new_fsEs(new_compare7(xuu461, xuu481))
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_Maybe, cfc)) → new_esEs7(xuu4610, xuu4810, cfc)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu40002, xuu3002)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs18(Integer(xuu40000), Integer(xuu3000)) → new_primEqInt(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_compare17(xuu46, xuu48) → new_primCmpInt(xuu46, xuu48)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, app(ty_Maybe, bae)) → new_ltEs12(xuu461, xuu481, bae)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_[], ced)) → new_lt7(xuu4610, xuu4810, ced)
new_compare14(xuu460, xuu480, True, ha) → LT
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), ty_Double, bec) → new_ltEs6(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), beb, app(ty_Maybe, dcc)) → new_ltEs12(xuu4610, xuu4810, dcc)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(xuu4800))) → new_primCmpNat2(Zero, xuu4800)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(xuu461, xuu481)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu460, xuu480)
new_compare111(xuu110, xuu111, xuu112, xuu113, False, bac, bad) → GT
new_ltEs12(Nothing, Just(xuu4810), bae) → True
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, app(app(ty_@2, bdd), bde)) → new_ltEs13(xuu461, xuu481, bdd, bde)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, app(ty_Ratio, bcc)) → new_compare18(xuu4600, xuu4800, bcc)
new_esEs30(xuu33, xuu34, xuu35, xuu36, True, ccf, ccg) → new_esEs8(new_compare210(@2(xuu33, xuu34), @2(xuu35, xuu36), new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, ccg), ccf, ccg), LT)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(app(ty_@2, gf), gg)) → new_esEs4(xuu40000, xuu3000, gf, gg)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, ty_@0) → new_compare27(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ) → False
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, ty_@0) → new_ltEs14(xuu4612, xuu4812)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu40002, xuu3002)
new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, app(app(ty_Either, hb), hc)) → new_esEs6(xuu4000, xuu300, hb, hc)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(app(ty_@2, ddc), ddd)) → new_esEs4(xuu40000, xuu3000, ddc, ddd)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs16([], [], ff) → True
new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu4000, xuu300)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), beb, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_lt13(xuu460, xuu480) → new_esEs8(new_compare30(xuu460, xuu480), LT)
new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, app(app(ty_Either, cch), cda)) → new_esEs6(xuu34, xuu36, cch, cda)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(ty_Maybe, db)) → new_esEs7(xuu40000, xuu3000, db)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(xuu461, xuu481)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(ty_Either, bfc), bfd)) → new_esEs6(xuu4610, xuu4810, bfc, bfd)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), beb, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs11(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), ty_Int, hc) → new_esEs13(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt17(xuu460, xuu480, ee, ef) → new_esEs8(new_compare31(xuu460, xuu480, ee, ef), LT)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), ty_Bool, hc) → new_esEs19(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), beb, app(ty_[], dbd)) → new_ltEs10(xuu4610, xuu4810, dbd)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(xuu4800))) → new_primCmpNat1(xuu4800, Zero)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(app(ty_@3, cef), ceg), ceh)) → new_lt15(xuu4610, xuu4810, cef, ceg, ceh)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu460, xuu480)
new_lt9(xuu460, xuu480, baa) → new_esEs8(new_compare18(xuu460, xuu480, baa), LT)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(ty_Ratio, de)) → new_esEs14(xuu40001, xuu3001, de)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(ty_[], bfh)) → new_esEs16(xuu4611, xuu4811, bfh)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(ty_Either, cfa), cfb)) → new_esEs6(xuu4610, xuu4810, cfa, cfb)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_ltEs14(xuu461, xuu481) → new_fsEs(new_compare27(xuu461, xuu481))
new_asAs(True, xuu63) → xuu63
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_compare27(@0, @0) → EQ
new_primMulNat0(Succ(xuu4000000), Succ(xuu300000)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(xuu4000000, Succ(xuu300000)), xuu300000)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(app(ty_@3, cef), ceg), ceh)) → new_esEs5(xuu4610, xuu4810, cef, ceg, ceh)
new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, app(ty_Maybe, hh)) → new_esEs7(xuu4000, xuu300, hh)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(app(ty_Either, dc), dd)) → new_esEs6(xuu40001, xuu3001, dc, dd)
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), ty_@0, hc) → new_esEs12(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(ty_[], bfh)) → new_lt7(xuu4611, xuu4811, bfh)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_compare8(Double(xuu4600, xuu4601), Double(xuu4800, xuu4801)) → new_compare17(new_sr(xuu4600, xuu4800), new_sr(xuu4601, xuu4801))
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Nothing, bae) → False
new_compare1(:(xuu4600, xuu4601), [], fd) → GT
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40002, xuu3002)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_fsEs(xuu122) → new_not(new_esEs8(xuu122, GT))
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_@0) → new_lt11(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Double) → new_ltEs6(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Int) → new_lt16(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(app(app(ty_@3, bgb), bgc), bgd)) → new_esEs5(xuu4611, xuu4811, bgb, bgc, bgd)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Char) → new_lt10(xuu460, xuu480)
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(xuu461, xuu481)
new_compare210(@2(xuu460, xuu461), @2(xuu480, xuu481), False, bdb, bdc) → new_compare112(xuu460, xuu461, xuu480, xuu481, new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, bdb), new_asAs(new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, bdb), new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, bdc)), bdb, bdc)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(app(ty_@2, cfd), cfe)) → new_ltEs13(xuu4611, xuu4811, cfd, cfe)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, app(ty_Ratio, dfb)) → new_esEs14(xuu40002, xuu3002, dfb)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Double) → new_lt5(xuu460, xuu480)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, app(ty_Maybe, bda)) → new_compare19(xuu4600, xuu4800, bda)
new_compare28(xuu460, xuu480, False) → new_compare110(xuu460, xuu480, new_ltEs11(xuu460, xuu480))
new_primCompAux00(xuu140, GT) → GT
new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu34, xuu36)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, app(ty_[], fd)) → new_esEs16(xuu460, xuu480, fd)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), hb, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), app(ty_[], cae), hc) → new_esEs16(xuu40000, xuu3000, cae)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), hb, app(app(app(ty_@3, cbh), cca), ccb)) → new_esEs5(xuu40000, xuu3000, cbh, cca, ccb)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu40002, xuu3002)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_Maybe, bfe)) → new_esEs7(xuu4610, xuu4810, bfe)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs11(xuu4612, xuu4812)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(xuu4600)), Pos(xuu480)) → LT
new_not(True) → False
new_compare1([], [], fd) → EQ
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_[], bef)) → new_lt7(xuu4610, xuu4810, bef)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare12(x0, x1, False, x2, x3, x4)
new_compare13(x0, x1, True)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs12(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_esEs23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_compare29(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Zero))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare10(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_compare29(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_lt17(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_esEs31(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare29(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt19(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs31(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs30(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt12(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs8(GT, GT)
new_primCompAux00(x0, LT)
new_compare7(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare26(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare19(x0, x1, x2)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_compare29(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs8(LT, LT)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare1([], [], x0)
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_esEs20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs15(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_compare112(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5, x6)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_compare10(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_lt19(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs19(True, True)
new_compare29(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs8(LT, GT)
new_esEs8(GT, LT)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt12(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare9(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_compare110(x0, x1, False)
new_compare1([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_lt8(x0, x1)
new_lt19(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare1(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_esEs31(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_esEs12(@0, @0)
new_compare29(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs12(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_esEs23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare18(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Integer)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt12(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare29(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare23(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt14(x0, x1)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt12(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs17(x0, x1)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt5(x0, x1)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs17(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs4(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs15(x0, x1)
new_pePe(True, x0)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_lt12(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare24(x0, x1, True, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primCmpNat1(x0, Succ(x1))
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCompAux00(x0, EQ)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_compare30(x0, x1)
new_compare11(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_compare112(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs19(True, False)
new_esEs19(False, True)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_lt12(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Succ(x1)))
new_esEs21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare15(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_compare1(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_esEs14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), x4)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare16(x0, x1)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_lt7(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_lt12(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs7(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_compare23(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt19(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_esEs21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_compare28(x0, x1, True)
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_lt12(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ)
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_lt19(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare26(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_compare14(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs24(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare8(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_esEs21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt19(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_compare17(x0, x1)
new_ltEs11(False, False)
new_primCompAux0(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs24(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt19(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs19(False, False)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs8(EQ, EQ)
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_lt12(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare29(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_compare29(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs16([], [], x0)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_ltEs11(False, True)
new_ltEs11(True, False)
new_lt11(x0, x1)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_asAs(False, x0)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt6(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_ltEs6(x0, x1)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs13(x0, x1)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_lt12(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt19(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt13(x0, x1)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs9(LT, LT)
new_asAs(True, x0)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_esEs25(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCmpNat1(x0, Zero)
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Succ(x1)))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs8(GT, EQ)
new_esEs8(EQ, GT)
new_compare29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_lt19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare25(x0, x1, True)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs16([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_primCmpNat2(Succ(x0), x1)
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs11(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_compare31(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_lt18(x0, x1, x2)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare18(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Int)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt9(x0, x1, x2)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare6(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_esEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_sr0(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_compare29(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare25(x0, x1, False)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs16(x0, x1, x2)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare29(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT)
new_ltEs9(LT, GT)
new_esEs21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare14(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare210(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), False, x4, x5)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs5(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt12(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_pePe(False, x0)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare210(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_ltEs8(x0, x1)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs18(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt19(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs5(x0, x1)
new_lt12(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs14(x0, x1)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt19(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt16(x0, x1)
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt19(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare24(x0, x1, False, x2, x3, x4)
new_compare28(x0, x1, False)
new_ltEs13(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_esEs8(EQ, LT)
new_esEs8(LT, EQ)
new_esEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs16(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs30(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs9(GT, GT)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_lt19(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_lt15(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_compare27(@0, @0)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCmpNat2(Zero, x0)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs7(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_compare110(x0, x1, True)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_ltEs10(x0, x1, x2)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_primCompAux00(x0, GT)
new_compare12(x0, x1, True, x2, x3, x4)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt10(x0, x1)
new_compare29(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_lt12(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare13(x0, x1, False)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_ltEs11(True, True)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_lt12(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs25(x0, x1, ty_Int)

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_foldl(xuu3, :(xuu40, xuu41), h, ba, bb) → new_foldl(new_addListToFM_CAdd(xuu3, xuu40, h, ba, bb), xuu41, h, ba, bb)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_ltEs15(xuu461, xuu481) → new_fsEs(new_compare6(xuu461, xuu481))
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), app(ty_Maybe, ddd)) → new_esEs7(xuu40000, xuu3000, ddd)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(ty_Maybe, gg)) → new_esEs7(xuu40000, xuu3000, gg)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bcf, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_primCmpNat2(Zero, xuu4600) → LT
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Int) → new_lt16(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(ty_[], ddh)) → new_esEs16(xuu40000, xuu3000, ddh)
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), ty_Double) → new_ltEs6(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, app(ty_Ratio, bfh)) → new_ltEs16(xuu4612, xuu4812, bfh)
new_esEs5(@3(xuu40000, xuu40001, xuu40002), @3(xuu3000, xuu3001, xuu3002), cdb, cdc, cdd) → new_asAs(new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, cdb), new_asAs(new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, cdc), new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, cdd)))
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, app(app(ty_@2, bad), bae)) → new_compare11(xuu4600, xuu4800, bad, bae)
new_esEs17(Char(xuu40000), Char(xuu3000)) → new_primEqNat0(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu4000, xuu300)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(ty_[], dbc)) → new_ltEs10(xuu4611, xuu4811, dbc)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(app(ty_@2, bec), bed)) → new_esEs4(xuu4611, xuu4811, bec, bed)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_compare10(xuu460, xuu480, True, eb, ec) → LT
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ccg, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Float) → new_lt14(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, app(app(ty_Either, bbc), bbd)) → new_compare31(xuu4600, xuu4800, bbc, bbd)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_Ratio, bdd)) → new_lt9(xuu4610, xuu4810, bdd)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(ty_Maybe, def)) → new_esEs7(xuu40000, xuu3000, def)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, ty_Double) → new_compare8(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ccg, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, app(app(app(ty_@3, bah), bba), bbb)) → new_compare15(xuu4600, xuu4800, bah, bba, bbb)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(xuu4612, xuu4812)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, app(app(app(ty_@3, cdb), cdc), cdd)) → new_esEs5(xuu4000, xuu300, cdb, cdc, cdd)
new_ltEs12(Nothing, Nothing, bch) → True
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(ty_@2, chg), chh)) → new_lt6(xuu4610, xuu4810, chg, chh)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), app(app(ty_Either, dcc), dcd)) → new_esEs6(xuu40000, xuu3000, dcc, dcd)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_[], daa)) → new_esEs16(xuu4610, xuu4810, daa)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT) → False
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), ty_Char, bcg) → new_ltEs8(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, ty_Int) → new_compare17(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Integer) → new_lt4(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(ty_Either, daf), dag)) → new_lt17(xuu4610, xuu4810, daf, dag)
new_lt8(xuu460, xuu480) → new_esEs8(new_compare16(xuu460, xuu480), LT)
new_compare1([], :(xuu4800, xuu4801), bac) → LT
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), ty_Float, bcg) → new_ltEs5(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, app(ty_Maybe, dhb)) → new_esEs7(xuu40002, xuu3002, dhb)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, ty_Double) → new_ltEs6(xuu4612, xuu4812)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ccg, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(ty_Ratio, fh)) → new_esEs14(xuu40000, xuu3000, fh)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt10(xuu460, xuu480) → new_esEs8(new_compare7(xuu460, xuu480), LT)
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu4000, xuu300)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Ordering) → new_lt8(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, app(app(ty_@2, bhh), caa)) → new_esEs4(xuu34, xuu36, bhh, caa)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_lt18(xuu460, xuu480, hg) → new_esEs8(new_compare19(xuu460, xuu480, hg), LT)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, ty_Char) → new_ltEs8(xuu461, xuu481)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_Ratio, bdd)) → new_esEs14(xuu4610, xuu4810, bdd)
new_compare112(xuu110, xuu111, xuu112, xuu113, False, xuu115, baa, bab) → new_compare111(xuu110, xuu111, xuu112, xuu113, xuu115, baa, bab)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, app(ty_Ratio, hf)) → new_esEs14(xuu460, xuu480, hf)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), app(app(ty_@2, ddb), ddc)) → new_esEs4(xuu40000, xuu3000, ddb, ddc)
new_esEs12(@0, @0) → True
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT) → True
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, app(app(ty_Either, eb), ec)) → new_esEs6(xuu460, xuu480, eb, ec)
new_lt11(xuu460, xuu480) → new_esEs8(new_compare27(xuu460, xuu480), LT)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, app(ty_Maybe, bgf)) → new_ltEs12(xuu4612, xuu4812, bgf)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), app(ty_Ratio, dce)) → new_esEs14(xuu40000, xuu3000, dce)
new_compare11(xuu460, xuu480, eg, eh) → new_compare210(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs4(xuu460, xuu480, eg, eh), eg, eh)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(xuu461, xuu481)
new_ltEs16(xuu461, xuu481, bcb) → new_fsEs(new_compare18(xuu461, xuu481, bcb))
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, dfc), dfd), dfe)) → new_esEs5(xuu40001, xuu3001, dfc, dfd, dfe)
new_primCmpNat1(xuu4600, Succ(xuu4800)) → new_primCmpNat0(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_compare19(xuu460, xuu480, hg) → new_compare26(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs7(xuu460, xuu480, hg), hg)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, ty_Ordering) → new_compare16(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), ty_Float, cch) → new_esEs11(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ) → True
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ccg, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, app(app(ty_Either, bgd), bge)) → new_ltEs4(xuu4612, xuu4812, bgd, bge)
new_pePe(False, xuu134) → xuu134
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), app(ty_Ratio, cea)) → new_ltEs16(xuu4610, xuu4810, cea)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, app(app(app(ty_@3, bcc), bcd), bce)) → new_ltEs7(xuu461, xuu481, bcc, bcd, bce)
new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, app(ty_[], fd)) → new_esEs16(xuu4000, xuu300, fd)
new_lt16(xuu460, xuu480) → new_esEs8(new_compare17(xuu460, xuu480), LT)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), app(app(ty_@2, cgb), cgc), cch) → new_esEs4(xuu40000, xuu3000, cgb, cgc)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ccg, app(ty_Ratio, cgg)) → new_esEs14(xuu40000, xuu3000, cgg)
new_primCmpNat1(xuu4600, Zero) → GT
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Bool) → new_lt13(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(ty_Ratio, dbd)) → new_ltEs16(xuu4611, xuu4811, dbd)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(ty_Maybe, ea)) → new_esEs7(xuu40001, xuu3001, ea)
new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, app(ty_Maybe, cab)) → new_esEs7(xuu34, xuu36, cab)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(ty_@2, bda), bdb)) → new_esEs4(xuu4610, xuu4810, bda, bdb)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_compare31(xuu460, xuu480, eb, ec) → new_compare23(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs6(xuu460, xuu480, eb, ec), eb, ec)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(app(ty_Either, dbh), dca)) → new_ltEs4(xuu4611, xuu4811, dbh, dca)
new_gt(xuu90, xuu89) → new_esEs8(new_compare17(xuu90, xuu89), GT)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(ty_Maybe, bfd)) → new_esEs7(xuu4611, xuu4811, bfd)
new_esEs4(@2(xuu40000, xuu40001), @2(xuu3000, xuu3001), bc, bd) → new_asAs(new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, bc), new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, bd))
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu4000, xuu300)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, dd), de), df)) → new_esEs5(xuu40001, xuu3001, dd, de, df)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu460, xuu480)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ) → True
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bcf, app(app(ty_Either, ccd), cce)) → new_ltEs4(xuu4610, xuu4810, ccd, cce)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_compare18(:%(xuu4600, xuu4601), :%(xuu4800, xuu4801), ty_Integer) → new_compare6(new_sr0(xuu4600, xuu4801), new_sr0(xuu4800, xuu4601))
new_ltEs11(False, True) → True
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Char) → new_lt10(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bcf, bcg) → True
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, app(app(ty_@2, dgh), dha)) → new_esEs4(xuu40002, xuu3002, dgh, dha)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, app(ty_Maybe, hg)) → new_lt18(xuu460, xuu480, hg)
new_mkBranch5(xuu202, xuu203, xuu204, xuu205, xuu206, ceh, cfa, cfb) → new_mkBranchResult(xuu203, xuu204, xuu206, xuu205, ceh, cfa, cfb)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bcf, app(app(app(ty_@3, cca), ccb), ccc)) → new_ltEs7(xuu4610, xuu4810, cca, ccb, ccc)
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(xuu48000)) → LT
new_primCompAux0(xuu4600, xuu4800, xuu135, bac) → new_primCompAux00(xuu135, new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, bac))
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, ty_@0) → new_lt11(xuu460, xuu480)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, app(ty_[], baf)) → new_compare1(xuu4600, xuu4800, baf)
new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, app(app(ty_@2, bc), bd)) → new_esEs4(xuu4000, xuu300, bc, bd)
new_compare15(xuu460, xuu480, gh, ha, hb) → new_compare24(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs5(xuu460, xuu480, gh, ha, hb), gh, ha, hb)
new_esEs8(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ccg, cch) → False
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), ccg, cch) → False
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), app(ty_Maybe, cbd), bcg) → new_ltEs12(xuu4610, xuu4810, cbd)
new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu4000, xuu300)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(ty_Ratio, bef)) → new_lt9(xuu4611, xuu4811, bef)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_Ratio, dab)) → new_lt9(xuu4610, xuu4810, dab)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(ty_Ratio, bg)) → new_esEs14(xuu40000, xuu3000, bg)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_compare25(xuu460, xuu480, False) → new_compare13(xuu460, xuu480, new_ltEs9(xuu460, xuu480))
new_pePe(True, xuu134) → True
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero) → True
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), ty_Char) → new_ltEs8(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs14(:%(xuu40000, xuu40001), :%(xuu3000, xuu3001), cda) → new_asAs(new_esEs24(xuu40000, xuu3000, cda), new_esEs25(xuu40001, xuu3001, cda))
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_Maybe, dah)) → new_lt18(xuu4610, xuu4810, dah)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(app(ty_Either, bfb), bfc)) → new_esEs6(xuu4611, xuu4811, bfb, bfc)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Double) → new_lt5(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), ty_Int, bcg) → new_ltEs17(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs11(Float(xuu40000, xuu40001), Float(xuu3000, xuu3001)) → new_esEs13(new_sr(xuu40000, xuu3000), new_sr(xuu40001, xuu3001))
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Int) → new_lt16(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bcf, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu34, xuu36)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, app(app(ty_Either, eb), ec)) → new_lt17(xuu460, xuu480, eb, ec)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ccg, app(app(ty_Either, cge), cgf)) → new_esEs6(xuu40000, xuu3000, cge, cgf)
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), ty_Double, cch) → new_esEs15(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs19(True, True) → True
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT) → False
new_esEs25(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40002, xuu3002)
new_esEs30(xuu33, xuu34, xuu35, xuu36, False, bgg, bgh) → new_esEs8(new_compare210(@2(xuu33, xuu34), @2(xuu35, xuu36), False, bgg, bgh), LT)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_sr(xuu40000, xuu3000) → new_primMulInt(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs25(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_compare12(xuu460, xuu480, True, gh, ha, hb) → LT
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ccg, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), app(ty_[], dcf)) → new_esEs16(xuu40000, xuu3000, dcf)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(app(ty_Either, deg), deh)) → new_esEs6(xuu40001, xuu3001, deg, deh)
new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu34, xuu36)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(ty_[], bh)) → new_esEs16(xuu40000, xuu3000, bh)
new_primPlusInt(Neg(xuu3820), Neg(xuu970)) → Neg(new_primPlusNat1(xuu3820, xuu970))
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ccg, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs8(GT, GT) → True
new_addToFM_C10(xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu19, xuu20, xuu21, xuu22, xuu23, xuu24, True, ed, ee, ef) → new_mkBalBranch(xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu20, new_addToFM_C0(xuu21, @2(xuu22, xuu23), xuu24, ed, ee, ef), ed, ee, ef)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(xuu1010), xuu300000) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(xuu1010, xuu300000)))
new_esEs13(xuu4000, xuu300) → new_primEqInt(xuu4000, xuu300)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(xuu4600)), Pos(xuu480)) → new_primCmpNat1(xuu4600, xuu480)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, app(app(app(ty_@3, gh), ha), hb)) → new_lt15(xuu460, xuu480, gh, ha, hb)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs8(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs8(LT, GT) → False
new_addToFM_C0(EmptyFM, xuu400, xuu401, h, ba, bb) → Branch(xuu400, xuu401, Pos(Succ(Zero)), new_emptyFM(h, ba, bb), new_emptyFM(h, ba, bb))
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(app(ty_@3, bde), bdf), bdg)) → new_lt15(xuu4610, xuu4810, bde, bdf, bdg)
new_ltEs13(@2(xuu4610, xuu4611), @2(xuu4810, xuu4811), bbh, bca) → new_pePe(new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, bbh), new_asAs(new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, bbh), new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, bca)))
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(app(ty_Either, bfb), bfc)) → new_lt17(xuu4611, xuu4811, bfb, bfc)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), ty_Ordering, bcg) → new_ltEs9(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, ty_Bool) → new_compare30(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu34, xuu36)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Ordering) → new_lt8(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_compare24(xuu460, xuu480, True, gh, ha, hb) → EQ
new_compare25(xuu460, xuu480, True) → EQ
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(xuu400000)), Neg(Succ(xuu30000))) → new_primEqNat0(xuu400000, xuu30000)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, ty_Integer) → new_compare6(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(xuu9700)) → Succ(xuu9700)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(xuu38200), Zero) → Succ(xuu38200)
new_compare13(xuu460, xuu480, False) → GT
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), ty_@0) → new_ltEs14(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), ty_Bool, bcg) → new_ltEs11(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_compare111(xuu110, xuu111, xuu112, xuu113, True, baa, bab) → LT
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(ty_Maybe, bfd)) → new_lt18(xuu4611, xuu4811, bfd)
new_esEs19(False, False) → True
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs11(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs17(xuu461, xuu481) → new_fsEs(new_compare17(xuu461, xuu481))
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, app(app(app(ty_@3, bhe), bhf), bhg)) → new_esEs5(xuu34, xuu36, bhe, bhf, bhg)
new_primCmpNat2(Succ(xuu4800), xuu4600) → new_primCmpNat0(xuu4800, xuu4600)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, ty_@0) → new_ltEs14(xuu461, xuu481)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), app(app(ty_Either, cbb), cbc), bcg) → new_ltEs4(xuu4610, xuu4810, cbb, cbc)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(xuu400000)), Neg(Zero)) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(xuu30000))) → False
new_esEs8(EQ, EQ) → True
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), app(ty_Ratio, cfe), cch) → new_esEs14(xuu40000, xuu3000, cfe)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ccg, app(ty_[], cgh)) → new_esEs16(xuu40000, xuu3000, cgh)
new_lt6(xuu460, xuu480, eg, eh) → new_esEs8(new_compare11(xuu460, xuu480, eg, eh), LT)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_@0) → new_lt11(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Ordering) → new_lt8(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Float) → new_lt14(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, app(ty_[], bhd)) → new_esEs16(xuu34, xuu36, bhd)
new_compare7(Char(xuu4600), Char(xuu4800)) → new_primCmpNat0(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_ltEs9(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, app(ty_[], dgd)) → new_esEs16(xuu40002, xuu3002, dgd)
new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu34, xuu36)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(app(ty_@3, bde), bdf), bdg)) → new_esEs5(xuu4610, xuu4810, bde, bdf, bdg)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu460, xuu480)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_compare18(:%(xuu4600, xuu4601), :%(xuu4800, xuu4801), ty_Int) → new_compare17(new_sr(xuu4600, xuu4801), new_sr(xuu4800, xuu4601))
new_lt5(xuu460, xuu480) → new_esEs8(new_compare8(xuu460, xuu480), LT)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, app(ty_Ratio, bcb)) → new_ltEs16(xuu461, xuu481, bcb)
new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu34, xuu36)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(xuu46000), Succ(xuu48000)) → new_primCmpNat0(xuu46000, xuu48000)
new_primMinusNat0(Succ(xuu38200), Zero) → Pos(Succ(xuu38200))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(xuu400000)), Pos(Succ(xuu30000))) → new_primEqNat0(xuu400000, xuu30000)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, app(app(app(ty_@3, bga), bgb), bgc)) → new_ltEs7(xuu4612, xuu4812, bga, bgb, bgc)
new_compare10(xuu460, xuu480, False, eb, ec) → GT
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), app(app(app(ty_@3, cfg), cfh), cga), cch) → new_esEs5(xuu40000, xuu3000, cfg, cfh, cga)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, ty_Char) → new_compare7(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bcf, ty_Double) → new_ltEs6(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01(xuu210, xuu211, xuu212, EmptyFM, xuu214, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu38, False, ed, ee, ef) → error([])
new_ltEs11(True, False) → False
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_addToFM_C20(xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu19, xuu20, xuu21, xuu22, xuu23, xuu24, True, ed, ee, ef) → new_mkBalBranch(xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, new_addToFM_C0(xuu20, @2(xuu22, xuu23), xuu24, ed, ee, ef), xuu21, ed, ee, ef)
new_lt7(xuu460, xuu480, bac) → new_esEs8(new_compare1(xuu460, xuu480, bac), LT)
new_compare14(xuu460, xuu480, False, hg) → GT
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(app(app(ty_@3, dbe), dbf), dbg)) → new_ltEs7(xuu4611, xuu4811, dbe, dbf, dbg)
new_esEs15(Double(xuu40000, xuu40001), Double(xuu3000, xuu3001)) → new_esEs13(new_sr(xuu40000, xuu3000), new_sr(xuu40001, xuu3001))
new_primEqNat0(Succ(xuu400000), Succ(xuu30000)) → new_primEqNat0(xuu400000, xuu30000)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(ty_Ratio, bef)) → new_esEs14(xuu4611, xuu4811, bef)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu40002, xuu3002)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(ty_@2, bda), bdb)) → new_lt6(xuu4610, xuu4810, bda, bdb)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs10(xuu461, xuu481, hh) → new_fsEs(new_compare1(xuu461, xuu481, hh))
new_primCompAux00(xuu140, LT) → LT
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Bool) → new_lt13(xuu460, xuu480)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(app(ty_Either, be), bf)) → new_esEs6(xuu40000, xuu3000, be, bf)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), app(ty_Ratio, caf), bcg) → new_ltEs16(xuu4610, xuu4810, caf)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3(xuu21, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu38, False, ed, ee, ef) → new_mkBranchResult0(xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu21, xuu38, ed, ee, ef)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(ty_@2, chg), chh)) → new_esEs4(xuu4610, xuu4810, chg, chh)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dea), deb), dec)) → new_esEs5(xuu40000, xuu3000, dea, deb, dec)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(xuu4612, xuu4812)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs11(xuu461, xuu481)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs7(Nothing, Nothing, cde) → True
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_compare1(:(xuu4600, xuu4601), :(xuu4800, xuu4801), bac) → new_primCompAux0(xuu4600, xuu4800, new_compare1(xuu4601, xuu4801, bac), bac)
new_esEs8(EQ, LT) → False
new_esEs8(LT, EQ) → False
new_compare30(xuu460, xuu480) → new_compare28(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs19(xuu460, xuu480))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(xuu400000)), Pos(Zero)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(xuu30000))) → False
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, ty_Double) → new_ltEs6(xuu461, xuu481)
new_lt4(xuu460, xuu480) → new_esEs8(new_compare6(xuu460, xuu480), LT)
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), ty_Bool) → new_ltEs11(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3(xuu21, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, Branch(xuu380, xuu381, xuu382, xuu383, xuu384), True, ed, ee, ef) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11(xuu21, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu380, xuu381, xuu382, xuu383, xuu384, new_lt16(new_sizeFM(xuu384, ed, ee, ef), new_sr(Pos(Succ(Succ(Zero))), new_sizeFM(xuu383, ed, ee, ef))), ed, ee, ef)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(ty_Maybe, dcb)) → new_ltEs12(xuu4611, xuu4811, dcb)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu460, xuu480)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu460, xuu480)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ccg, app(ty_Maybe, chf)) → new_esEs7(xuu40000, xuu3000, chf)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(xuu46000), Zero) → GT
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(xuu4612, xuu4812)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(xuu4800))) → LT
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_@0) → new_ltEs14(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_esEs19(False, True) → False
new_esEs19(True, False) → False
new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu4000, xuu300)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bcf, ty_Char) → new_ltEs8(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_compare13(xuu460, xuu480, True) → LT
new_sr0(Integer(xuu46000), Integer(xuu48010)) → Integer(new_primMulInt(xuu46000, xuu48010))
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(xuu38200), Succ(xuu9700)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(xuu38200, xuu9700)))
new_compare6(Integer(xuu4600), Integer(xuu4800)) → new_primCmpInt(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_compare16(xuu460, xuu480) → new_compare25(xuu460, xuu480, new_esEs8(xuu460, xuu480))
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), ty_Char, cch) → new_esEs17(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(xuu400000)), Neg(xuu3000)) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(xuu400000)), Pos(xuu3000)) → False
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), app(ty_Maybe, ceg)) → new_ltEs12(xuu4610, xuu4810, ceg)
new_esEs7(Nothing, Just(xuu3000), cde) → False
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Nothing, cde) → False
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, app(app(ty_Either, bcf), bcg)) → new_ltEs4(xuu461, xuu481, bcf, bcg)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, app(ty_Ratio, hf)) → new_lt9(xuu460, xuu480, hf)
new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, app(ty_Ratio, bhc)) → new_esEs14(xuu34, xuu36, bhc)
new_primPlusInt(Pos(xuu3820), Neg(xuu970)) → new_primMinusNat0(xuu3820, xuu970)
new_primPlusInt(Neg(xuu3820), Pos(xuu970)) → new_primMinusNat0(xuu970, xuu3820)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Float) → new_lt14(xuu460, xuu480)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(xuu30000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(xuu30000))) → False
new_ltEs6(xuu461, xuu481) → new_fsEs(new_compare8(xuu461, xuu481))
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), app(app(ty_@2, cdf), cdg)) → new_ltEs13(xuu4610, xuu4810, cdf, cdg)
new_compare24(xuu460, xuu480, False, gh, ha, hb) → new_compare12(xuu460, xuu480, new_ltEs7(xuu460, xuu480, gh, ha, hb), gh, ha, hb)
new_primCompAux00(xuu140, EQ) → xuu140
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4(Branch(xuu210, xuu211, xuu212, xuu213, xuu214), xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu38, True, ed, ee, ef) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01(xuu210, xuu211, xuu212, xuu213, xuu214, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu38, new_lt16(new_sizeFM(xuu213, ed, ee, ef), new_sr(Pos(Succ(Succ(Zero))), new_sizeFM(xuu214, ed, ee, ef))), ed, ee, ef)
new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu4000, xuu300)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Bool) → new_lt13(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_@0) → new_lt11(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs5(xuu461, xuu481) → new_fsEs(new_compare9(xuu461, xuu481))
new_compare26(xuu460, xuu480, False, hg) → new_compare14(xuu460, xuu480, new_ltEs12(xuu460, xuu480, hg), hg)
new_esEs8(GT, EQ) → False
new_esEs8(EQ, GT) → False
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11(xuu21, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu380, xuu381, xuu382, xuu383, Branch(xuu3840, xuu3841, xuu3842, xuu3843, xuu3844), False, ed, ee, ef) → new_mkBranch3(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero))))))))), xuu3840, xuu3841, Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))))))), xuu380, xuu381, xuu383, xuu3843, Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero))))))))))), xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu3844, xuu21, ed, ee, ef)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(ty_[], dc)) → new_esEs16(xuu40001, xuu3001, dc)
new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu4000, xuu300)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(ty_Ratio, dfa)) → new_esEs14(xuu40001, xuu3001, dfa)
new_compare26(xuu460, xuu480, True, hg) → EQ
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Double) → new_lt5(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, ty_Char) → new_ltEs8(xuu4612, xuu4812)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_Maybe, beb)) → new_lt18(xuu4610, xuu4810, beb)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, app(app(ty_@2, bfe), bff)) → new_ltEs13(xuu4612, xuu4812, bfe, bff)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_esEs24(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_not(False) → True
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), bcf, bcg) → False
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), app(app(ty_Either, cfc), cfd), cch) → new_esEs6(xuu40000, xuu3000, cfc, cfd)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Char) → new_lt10(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(ty_[], dfb)) → new_esEs16(xuu40001, xuu3001, dfb)
new_esEs24(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, xuu300000) → Succ(xuu300000)
new_compare210(xuu46, xuu48, True, bbf, bbg) → EQ
new_compare9(Float(xuu4600, xuu4601), Float(xuu4800, xuu4801)) → new_compare17(new_sr(xuu4600, xuu4800), new_sr(xuu4601, xuu4801))
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, app(ty_[], bfg)) → new_ltEs10(xuu4612, xuu4812, bfg)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_Ratio, dab)) → new_esEs14(xuu4610, xuu4810, dab)
new_mkBranchResult0(xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu21, xuu38, ed, ee, ef) → Branch(@2(xuu16, xuu17), xuu18, new_mkBranchUnbox(xuu21, xuu38, @2(xuu16, xuu17), new_ps(xuu21, xuu38, @2(xuu16, xuu17), xuu38, ed, ee, ef), ed, ee, ef), xuu38, xuu21)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(xuu4612, xuu4812)
new_compare12(xuu460, xuu480, False, gh, ha, hb) → GT
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3(xuu21, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, EmptyFM, True, ed, ee, ef) → error([])
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs9(LT, GT) → True
new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu34, xuu36)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(app(app(ty_@3, beg), beh), bfa)) → new_lt15(xuu4611, xuu4811, beg, beh, bfa)
new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, app(ty_Ratio, cda)) → new_esEs14(xuu4000, xuu300, cda)
new_sizeFM(Branch(xuu210, xuu211, xuu212, xuu213, xuu214), ed, ee, ef) → xuu212
new_mkBranch(xuu157, xuu158, xuu159, xuu160, xuu161, xuu162, xuu163, xuu164, xuu165, xuu166, xuu167, xuu168, fa, fb, fc) → Branch(xuu158, xuu159, new_mkBranchUnbox(new_mkBranch4(xuu165, xuu166, xuu167, xuu168, fa, fb, fc), new_mkBranch0(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero))))), xuu160, xuu161, xuu162, xuu163, xuu164, fa, fb, fc), xuu158, new_ps(new_mkBranch5(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), xuu165, xuu166, xuu167, xuu168, fa, fb, fc), new_mkBranch5(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero))))), @2(xuu160, xuu161), xuu162, xuu163, xuu164, fa, fb, fc), xuu158, new_mkBranch5(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero))))), @2(xuu160, xuu161), xuu162, xuu163, xuu164, fa, fb, fc), fa, fb, fc), fa, fb, fc), new_mkBranch0(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero))))), xuu160, xuu161, xuu162, xuu163, xuu164, fa, fb, fc), new_mkBranch4(xuu165, xuu166, xuu167, xuu168, fa, fb, fc))
new_esEs16(:(xuu40000, xuu40001), :(xuu3000, xuu3001), fd) → new_asAs(new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, fd), new_esEs16(xuu40001, xuu3001, fd))
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Ordering) → new_lt8(xuu460, xuu480)
new_ltEs11(False, False) → True
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Integer) → new_lt4(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_compare28(xuu460, xuu480, True) → EQ
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(app(ty_Either, dde), ddf)) → new_esEs6(xuu40000, xuu3000, dde, ddf)
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), app(ty_[], cdh)) → new_ltEs10(xuu4610, xuu4810, cdh)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Float) → new_lt14(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, gb), gc), gd)) → new_esEs5(xuu40000, xuu3000, gb, gc, gd)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(xuu4600)), Neg(xuu480)) → GT
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(ty_Maybe, dfh)) → new_esEs7(xuu40001, xuu3001, dfh)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, app(app(app(ty_@3, gh), ha), hb)) → new_esEs5(xuu460, xuu480, gh, ha, hb)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bcf, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_[], bdc)) → new_esEs16(xuu4610, xuu4810, bdc)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, app(ty_Maybe, hg)) → new_esEs7(xuu460, xuu480, hg)
new_primMulInt(Pos(xuu400000), Pos(xuu30000)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(xuu400000, xuu30000))
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), app(app(ty_@2, cac), cad), bcg) → new_ltEs13(xuu4610, xuu4810, cac, cad)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01(xuu210, xuu211, xuu212, Branch(xuu2130, xuu2131, xuu2132, xuu2133, xuu2134), xuu214, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu38, False, ed, ee, ef) → new_mkBranch(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))), xuu2130, xuu2131, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu38, xuu2133, xuu210, xuu211, xuu2134, xuu214, ed, ee, ef)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, app(app(ty_@2, eg), eh)) → new_esEs4(xuu460, xuu480, eg, eh)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), ty_@0, bcg) → new_ltEs14(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_lt15(xuu460, xuu480, gh, ha, hb) → new_esEs8(new_compare15(xuu460, xuu480, gh, ha, hb), LT)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11(xuu21, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu380, xuu381, xuu382, xuu383, xuu384, True, ed, ee, ef) → new_mkBranch2(xuu380, xuu381, xuu383, Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))))), xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu384, xuu21, ed, ee, ef)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11(xuu21, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu380, xuu381, xuu382, xuu383, EmptyFM, False, ed, ee, ef) → error([])
new_primMulInt(Neg(xuu400000), Neg(xuu30000)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(xuu400000, xuu30000))
new_compare110(xuu460, xuu480, True) → LT
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bcf, app(app(ty_@2, cbe), cbf)) → new_ltEs13(xuu4610, xuu4810, cbe, cbf)
new_mkBranch2(xuu147, xuu148, xuu149, xuu150, xuu151, xuu152, xuu153, xuu154, xuu155, hc, hd, he) → new_mkBranchResult1(xuu147, xuu148, xuu150, xuu151, xuu152, xuu153, xuu154, xuu155, xuu149, hc, hd, he)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(xuu400000), Zero) → False
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(xuu30000)) → False
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bcf, app(ty_Ratio, cbh)) → new_ltEs16(xuu4610, xuu4810, cbh)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), ty_Integer, bcg) → new_ltEs15(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01(xuu210, xuu211, xuu212, xuu213, xuu214, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu38, True, ed, ee, ef) → Branch(xuu210, xuu211, new_mkBranchUnbox(xuu214, new_mkBranch0(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero))), xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu38, xuu213, ed, ee, ef), xuu210, new_ps(xuu214, new_mkBranch0(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero))), xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu38, xuu213, ed, ee, ef), xuu210, new_mkBranch0(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero))), xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu38, xuu213, ed, ee, ef), ed, ee, ef), ed, ee, ef), new_mkBranch1(xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu38, xuu213, ed, ee, ef), xuu214)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, ca), cb), cc)) → new_esEs5(xuu40000, xuu3000, ca, cb, cc)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Int) → new_lt16(xuu460, xuu480)
new_compare110(xuu460, xuu480, False) → GT
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, app(ty_[], bac)) → new_lt7(xuu460, xuu480, bac)
new_compare23(xuu460, xuu480, False, eb, ec) → new_compare10(xuu460, xuu480, new_ltEs4(xuu460, xuu480, eb, ec), eb, ec)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_lt14(xuu460, xuu480) → new_esEs8(new_compare9(xuu460, xuu480), LT)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(app(ty_Either, ff), fg)) → new_esEs6(xuu40000, xuu3000, ff, fg)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, app(app(ty_@2, eg), eh)) → new_lt6(xuu460, xuu480, eg, eh)
new_esEs16(:(xuu40000, xuu40001), [], fd) → False
new_esEs16([], :(xuu3000, xuu3001), fd) → False
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, ty_Float) → new_compare9(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_ltEs9(GT, GT) → True
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, app(app(ty_Either, dga), dgb)) → new_esEs6(xuu40002, xuu3002, dga, dgb)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), app(ty_[], cae), bcg) → new_ltEs10(xuu4610, xuu4810, cae)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), app(app(app(ty_@3, cag), cah), cba), bcg) → new_ltEs7(xuu4610, xuu4810, cag, cah, cba)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, app(app(app(ty_@3, dge), dgf), dgg)) → new_esEs5(xuu40002, xuu3002, dge, dgf, dgg)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(ty_Either, bdh), bea)) → new_lt17(xuu4610, xuu4810, bdh, bea)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ccg, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Integer) → new_lt4(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_primMinusNat0(Zero, Zero) → Pos(Zero)
new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu34, xuu36)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu460, xuu480)
new_compare23(xuu460, xuu480, True, eb, ec) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(xuu4800))) → GT
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), app(ty_Maybe, cgd), cch) → new_esEs7(xuu40000, xuu3000, cgd)
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), ty_Ordering, cch) → new_esEs8(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Double) → new_lt5(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Char) → new_ltEs8(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu40002, xuu3002)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ccg, app(app(ty_@2, chd), che)) → new_esEs4(xuu40000, xuu3000, chd, che)
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), ty_Integer, cch) → new_esEs18(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(app(ty_@2, bec), bed)) → new_lt6(xuu4611, xuu4811, bec, bed)
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), app(app(app(ty_@3, ceb), cec), ced)) → new_ltEs7(xuu4610, xuu4810, ceb, cec, ced)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_emptyFM(h, ba, bb) → EmptyFM
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Integer) → new_lt4(xuu460, xuu480)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, app(ty_[], hh)) → new_ltEs10(xuu461, xuu481, hh)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), app(app(app(ty_@3, dcg), dch), dda)) → new_esEs5(xuu40000, xuu3000, dcg, dch, dda)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(app(ty_@2, dg), dh)) → new_esEs4(xuu40001, xuu3001, dg, dh)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(app(ty_@2, cd), ce)) → new_esEs4(xuu40000, xuu3000, cd, ce)
new_mkBranchResult(xuu165, xuu166, xuu168, xuu167, fa, fb, fc) → Branch(xuu165, xuu166, new_mkBranchUnbox(xuu168, xuu167, xuu165, new_ps(xuu168, xuu167, xuu165, xuu167, fa, fb, fc), fa, fb, fc), xuu167, xuu168)
new_mkBranch0(xuu150, xuu151, xuu152, xuu153, xuu154, xuu155, hc, hd, he) → new_mkBranchResult0(xuu151, xuu152, xuu153, xuu155, xuu154, hc, hd, he)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Char) → new_lt10(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_primPlusInt(Pos(xuu3820), Pos(xuu970)) → Pos(new_primPlusNat1(xuu3820, xuu970))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(ty_Ratio, ddg)) → new_esEs14(xuu40000, xuu3000, ddg)
new_compare112(xuu110, xuu111, xuu112, xuu113, True, xuu115, baa, bab) → new_compare111(xuu110, xuu111, xuu112, xuu113, True, baa, bab)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Bool) → new_lt13(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(ty_[], ga)) → new_esEs16(xuu40000, xuu3000, ga)
new_addToFM_C20(xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu19, xuu20, xuu21, xuu22, xuu23, xuu24, False, ed, ee, ef) → new_addToFM_C10(xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu19, xuu20, xuu21, xuu22, xuu23, xuu24, new_esEs8(new_compare210(@2(xuu22, xuu23), @2(xuu16, xuu17), new_esEs4(@2(xuu22, xuu23), @2(xuu16, xuu17), ed, ee), ed, ee), GT), ed, ee, ef)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(app(ty_@2, dff), dfg)) → new_esEs4(xuu40001, xuu3001, dff, dfg)
new_asAs(False, xuu63) → False
new_ltEs11(True, True) → True
new_primMulInt(Pos(xuu400000), Neg(xuu30000)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(xuu400000, xuu30000))
new_primMulInt(Neg(xuu400000), Pos(xuu30000)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(xuu400000, xuu30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(xuu4600)), Neg(xuu480)) → new_primCmpNat2(xuu480, xuu4600)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(xuu300000)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(xuu4000000), Zero) → Zero
new_mkBranch4(xuu165, xuu166, xuu167, xuu168, fa, fb, fc) → new_mkBranchResult(xuu165, xuu166, xuu168, xuu167, fa, fb, fc)
new_ltEs7(@3(xuu4610, xuu4611, xuu4612), @3(xuu4810, xuu4811, xuu4812), bcc, bcd, bce) → new_pePe(new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, bcc), new_asAs(new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, bcc), new_pePe(new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, bcd), new_asAs(new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, bcd), new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, bce)))))
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), app(app(ty_Either, cee), cef)) → new_ltEs4(xuu4610, xuu4810, cee, cef)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu460, xuu480)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu40002, xuu3002)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bcf, ty_@0) → new_ltEs14(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs8(xuu461, xuu481) → new_fsEs(new_compare7(xuu461, xuu481))
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_Maybe, dah)) → new_esEs7(xuu4610, xuu4810, dah)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu40002, xuu3002)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs18(Integer(xuu40000), Integer(xuu3000)) → new_primEqInt(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_compare17(xuu46, xuu48) → new_primCmpInt(xuu46, xuu48)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, app(ty_Maybe, bch)) → new_ltEs12(xuu461, xuu481, bch)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4(xuu21, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu38, False, ed, ee, ef) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3(xuu21, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu38, new_gt(new_mkBalBranch6Size_l(xuu21, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu38, ed, ee, ef), new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkBalBranch6Size_r(xuu21, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu38, ed, ee, ef))), ed, ee, ef)
new_mkBalBranch6Size_l(xuu21, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu38, ed, ee, ef) → new_sizeFM(xuu38, ed, ee, ef)
new_addToFM_C0(Branch(@2(xuu300, xuu301), xuu31, xuu32, xuu33, xuu34), @2(xuu4000, xuu4001), xuu401, h, ba, bb) → new_addToFM_C20(xuu300, xuu301, xuu31, xuu32, xuu33, xuu34, xuu4000, xuu4001, xuu401, new_esEs30(xuu4000, xuu4001, xuu300, xuu301, new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, h), h, ba), h, ba, bb)
new_primCmpInt0(EmptyFM, xuu21, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, ed, ee, ef) → new_primCmpInt(new_primPlusInt(Pos(Zero), new_mkBalBranch6Size_r(xuu21, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, EmptyFM, ed, ee, ef)), Pos(Succ(Succ(Zero))))
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_[], daa)) → new_lt7(xuu4610, xuu4810, daa)
new_compare14(xuu460, xuu480, True, hg) → LT
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bcf, app(ty_Maybe, ccf)) → new_ltEs12(xuu4610, xuu4810, ccf)
new_ltEs4(Left(xuu4610), Left(xuu4810), ty_Double, bcg) → new_ltEs6(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(xuu4800))) → new_primCmpNat2(Zero, xuu4800)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(xuu461, xuu481)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_compare111(xuu110, xuu111, xuu112, xuu113, False, baa, bab) → GT
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu460, xuu480)
new_ltEs12(Nothing, Just(xuu4810), bch) → True
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, app(app(ty_@2, bbh), bca)) → new_ltEs13(xuu461, xuu481, bbh, bca)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, app(ty_Ratio, bag)) → new_compare18(xuu4600, xuu4800, bag)
new_esEs30(xuu33, xuu34, xuu35, xuu36, True, bgg, bgh) → new_esEs8(new_compare210(@2(xuu33, xuu34), @2(xuu35, xuu36), new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, bgh), bgg, bgh), LT)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(app(ty_@2, ge), gf)) → new_esEs4(xuu40000, xuu3000, ge, gf)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, ty_@0) → new_compare27(xuu4600, xuu4800)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ) → False
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, ty_@0) → new_ltEs14(xuu4612, xuu4812)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_addToFM_C10(xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu19, xuu20, xuu21, xuu22, xuu23, xuu24, False, ed, ee, ef) → Branch(@2(xuu22, xuu23), xuu24, xuu19, xuu20, xuu21)
new_primMinusNat0(Zero, Succ(xuu9700)) → Neg(Succ(xuu9700))
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu40002, xuu3002)
new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, app(app(ty_Either, ccg), cch)) → new_esEs6(xuu4000, xuu300, ccg, cch)
new_mkBranchResult1(xuu147, xuu148, xuu150, xuu151, xuu152, xuu153, xuu154, xuu155, xuu149, hc, hd, he) → Branch(xuu147, xuu148, new_mkBranchUnbox(new_mkBranch0(xuu150, xuu151, xuu152, xuu153, xuu154, xuu155, hc, hd, he), xuu149, xuu147, new_ps(new_mkBranch5(xuu150, @2(xuu151, xuu152), xuu153, xuu154, xuu155, hc, hd, he), xuu149, xuu147, xuu149, hc, hd, he), hc, hd, he), xuu149, new_mkBranch0(xuu150, xuu151, xuu152, xuu153, xuu154, xuu155, hc, hd, he))
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(app(ty_@2, ded), dee)) → new_esEs4(xuu40000, xuu3000, ded, dee)
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, ty_@0) → new_esEs12(xuu4000, xuu300)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5(xuu21, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu38, False, ed, ee, ef) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4(xuu21, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu38, new_gt(new_mkBalBranch6Size_r(xuu21, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu38, ed, ee, ef), new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkBalBranch6Size_l(xuu21, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu38, ed, ee, ef))), ed, ee, ef)
new_esEs16([], [], fd) → True
new_sizeFM(EmptyFM, ed, ee, ef) → Pos(Zero)
new_addListToFM_CAdd(xuu3, @2(xuu400, xuu401), h, ba, bb) → new_addToFM_C0(xuu3, xuu400, xuu401, h, ba, bb)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bcf, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_lt13(xuu460, xuu480) → new_esEs8(new_compare30(xuu460, xuu480), LT)
new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, app(app(ty_Either, bha), bhb)) → new_esEs6(xuu34, xuu36, bha, bhb)
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, app(ty_Maybe, cf)) → new_esEs7(xuu40000, xuu3000, cf)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(xuu461, xuu481)
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(ty_Either, bdh), bea)) → new_esEs6(xuu4610, xuu4810, bdh, bea)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5(xuu21, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu38, True, ed, ee, ef) → new_mkBranchResult0(xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu21, xuu38, ed, ee, ef)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bcf, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs11(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), ty_Int, cch) → new_esEs13(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt17(xuu460, xuu480, eb, ec) → new_esEs8(new_compare31(xuu460, xuu480, eb, ec), LT)
new_esEs28(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), ty_Bool, cch) → new_esEs19(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_ltEs4(Right(xuu4610), Right(xuu4810), bcf, app(ty_[], cbg)) → new_ltEs10(xuu4610, xuu4810, cbg)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(xuu4800))) → new_primCmpNat1(xuu4800, Zero)
new_lt21(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(app(ty_@3, dac), dad), dae)) → new_lt15(xuu4610, xuu4810, dac, dad, dae)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Float) → new_esEs11(xuu460, xuu480)
new_lt9(xuu460, xuu480, hf) → new_esEs8(new_compare18(xuu460, xuu480, hf), LT)
new_mkBranch3(xuu199, xuu200, xuu201, xuu202, xuu203, xuu204, xuu205, xuu206, xuu207, xuu208, xuu209, xuu210, xuu211, xuu212, ceh, cfa, cfb) → new_mkBranchResult1(xuu200, xuu201, xuu207, xuu208, xuu209, xuu210, xuu211, xuu212, new_mkBranch5(xuu202, xuu203, xuu204, xuu205, xuu206, ceh, cfa, cfb), ceh, cfa, cfb)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(ty_Ratio, db)) → new_esEs14(xuu40001, xuu3001, db)
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs17(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(ty_[], bee)) → new_esEs16(xuu4611, xuu4811, bee)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(ty_Either, daf), dag)) → new_esEs6(xuu4610, xuu4810, daf, dag)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_esEs9(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_ltEs14(xuu461, xuu481) → new_fsEs(new_compare27(xuu461, xuu481))
new_mkBalBranch6Size_r(xuu21, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu38, ed, ee, ef) → new_sizeFM(xuu21, ed, ee, ef)
new_asAs(True, xuu63) → xuu63
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_compare27(@0, @0) → EQ
new_primMulNat0(Succ(xuu4000000), Succ(xuu300000)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(xuu4000000, Succ(xuu300000)), xuu300000)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(app(app(ty_@3, dac), dad), dae)) → new_esEs5(xuu4610, xuu4810, dac, dad, dae)
new_esEs31(xuu4000, xuu300, app(ty_Maybe, cde)) → new_esEs7(xuu4000, xuu300, cde)
new_mkBranchUnbox(xuu223, xuu149, xuu147, xuu213, hc, hd, he) → xuu213
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, app(app(ty_Either, cg), da)) → new_esEs6(xuu40001, xuu3001, cg, da)
new_primCmpInt0(Branch(xuu380, xuu381, xuu382, xuu383, xuu384), xuu21, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, ed, ee, ef) → new_primCmpInt(new_primPlusInt(xuu382, new_mkBalBranch6Size_r(xuu21, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, Branch(xuu380, xuu381, xuu382, xuu383, xuu384), ed, ee, ef)), Pos(Succ(Succ(Zero))))
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), ty_@0, cch) → new_esEs12(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(ty_[], bee)) → new_lt7(xuu4611, xuu4811, bee)
new_esEs26(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_compare8(Double(xuu4600, xuu4601), Double(xuu4800, xuu4801)) → new_compare17(new_sr(xuu4600, xuu4800), new_sr(xuu4601, xuu4801))
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Nothing, bch) → False
new_compare1(:(xuu4600, xuu4601), [], bac) → GT
new_esEs7(Just(xuu40000), Just(xuu3000), ty_Double) → new_esEs15(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_mkBranch1(xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu38, xuu213, ed, ee, ef) → new_mkBranchResult0(xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu213, xuu38, ed, ee, ef)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40002, xuu3002)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4(EmptyFM, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu38, True, ed, ee, ef) → error([])
new_esEs20(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_fsEs(xuu122) → new_not(new_esEs8(xuu122, GT))
new_lt20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_@0) → new_lt11(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, ty_Double) → new_ltEs6(xuu4611, xuu4811)
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, ty_Int) → new_lt16(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_esEs23(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(app(app(ty_@3, beg), beh), bfa)) → new_esEs5(xuu4611, xuu4811, beg, beh, bfa)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Char) → new_lt10(xuu460, xuu480)
new_ltEs12(Just(xuu4610), Just(xuu4810), ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(xuu4610, xuu4810)
new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(xuu461, xuu481)
new_compare210(@2(xuu460, xuu461), @2(xuu480, xuu481), False, bbf, bbg) → new_compare112(xuu460, xuu461, xuu480, xuu481, new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, bbf), new_asAs(new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, bbf), new_ltEs18(xuu461, xuu481, bbg)), bbf, bbg)
new_ltEs20(xuu4611, xuu4811, app(app(ty_@2, dba), dbb)) → new_ltEs13(xuu4611, xuu4811, dba, dbb)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, app(ty_Ratio, dgc)) → new_esEs14(xuu40002, xuu3002, dgc)
new_compare29(xuu4600, xuu4800, app(ty_Maybe, bbe)) → new_compare19(xuu4600, xuu4800, bbe)
new_lt12(xuu460, xuu480, ty_Double) → new_lt5(xuu460, xuu480)
new_mkBalBranch(xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu38, xuu21, ed, ee, ef) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5(xuu21, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, xuu38, new_esEs8(new_primCmpInt0(xuu38, xuu21, xuu16, xuu17, xuu18, ed, ee, ef), LT), ed, ee, ef)
new_compare28(xuu460, xuu480, False) → new_compare110(xuu460, xuu480, new_ltEs11(xuu460, xuu480))
new_primCompAux00(xuu140, GT) → GT
new_esEs32(xuu34, xuu36, ty_Int) → new_esEs13(xuu34, xuu36)
new_esEs21(xuu460, xuu480, app(ty_[], bac)) → new_esEs16(xuu460, xuu480, bac)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs6(Left(xuu40000), Left(xuu3000), app(ty_[], cff), cch) → new_esEs16(xuu40000, xuu3000, cff)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ccg, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_esEs6(Right(xuu40000), Right(xuu3000), ccg, app(app(app(ty_@3, cha), chb), chc)) → new_esEs5(xuu40000, xuu3000, cha, chb, chc)
new_esEs29(xuu40002, xuu3002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs8(xuu40002, xuu3002)
new_esEs10(xuu40001, xuu3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs18(xuu40001, xuu3001)
new_esEs27(xuu40000, xuu3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs19(xuu40000, xuu3000)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_esEs22(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_Maybe, beb)) → new_esEs7(xuu4610, xuu4810, beb)
new_ltEs19(xuu4612, xuu4812, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs11(xuu4612, xuu4812)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(xuu4600)), Pos(xuu480)) → LT
new_ps(xuu214, xuu225, xuu210, xuu224, ed, ee, ef) → new_primPlusInt(new_primPlusInt(Pos(Succ(Zero)), new_sizeFM(xuu225, ed, ee, ef)), new_sizeFM(xuu214, ed, ee, ef))
new_not(True) → False
new_primMinusNat0(Succ(xuu38200), Succ(xuu9700)) → new_primMinusNat0(xuu38200, xuu9700)
new_compare1([], [], bac) → EQ
new_lt19(xuu4610, xuu4810, app(ty_[], bdc)) → new_lt7(xuu4610, xuu4810, bdc)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs16(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_compare13(x0, x1, True)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, False, x5, x6, x7)
new_gt(x0, x1)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_esEs31(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare23(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs7(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_compare29(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Zero))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primMinusNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_compare24(x0, x1, True, x2, x3, x4)
new_compare29(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_lt19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_compare14(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_esEs14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), x4)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_esEs4(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare210(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), False, x4, x5)
new_addToFM_C10(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, True, x9, x10, x11)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_compare112(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs16(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_compare10(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs8(GT, GT)
new_primCompAux00(x0, LT)
new_compare7(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_esEs16(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, True, x9, x10, x11)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_compare29(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs8(LT, LT)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt12(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_addToFM_C10(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, False, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs15(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_lt19(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs19(True, True)
new_compare29(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_esEs8(GT, LT)
new_esEs8(LT, GT)
new_lt12(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_mkBranch1(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7)
new_compare29(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4(Branch(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4), x5, x6, x7, x8, True, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_addToFM_C0(EmptyFM, x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare9(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_compare110(x0, x1, False)
new_lt8(x0, x1)
new_lt19(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_addListToFM_CAdd(x0, @2(x1, x2), x3, x4, x5)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, False, x5, x6, x7)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs10(x0, x1, x2)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3(x0, x1, x2, x3, EmptyFM, True, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs31(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_mkBranch2(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_addToFM_C0(Branch(@2(x0, x1), x2, x3, x4, x5), @2(x6, x7), x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_compare210(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs12(@0, @0)
new_addToFM_C20(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, True, x9, x10, x11)
new_compare29(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare12(x0, x1, True, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare18(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Integer)
new_primPlusInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_mkBranchResult(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_lt12(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare29(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs12(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt14(x0, x1)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt12(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_esEs5(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs17(x0, x1)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, EmptyFM, False, x8, x9, x10)
new_lt5(x0, x1)
new_esEs16([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_lt19(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs17(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4(EmptyFM, x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primPlusInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3(x0, x1, x2, x3, Branch(x4, x5, x6, x7, x8), True, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt17(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_ltEs15(x0, x1)
new_pePe(True, x0)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_lt12(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primCmpNat1(x0, Succ(x1))
new_esEs7(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT)
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_mkBranch0(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8)
new_primCompAux00(x0, EQ)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primMinusNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_compare30(x0, x1)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_addToFM_C20(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, False, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare11(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_mkBranchUnbox(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_compare1(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_esEs19(True, False)
new_esEs19(False, True)
new_compare29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_lt12(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare23(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs30(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_sizeFM(Branch(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4), x5, x6, x7)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Succ(x1)))
new_esEs21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare26(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt19(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt15(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primMinusNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare16(x0, x1)
new_esEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt9(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_mkBranch5(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt12(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ps(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_lt19(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare1([], [], x0)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_compare28(x0, x1, True)
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt12(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primMinusNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ)
new_lt19(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs24(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs13(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare8(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_ltEs7(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt19(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt7(x0, x1, x2)
new_primCompAux0(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_compare17(x0, x1)
new_ltEs11(False, False)
new_esEs31(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs24(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01(x0, x1, x2, EmptyFM, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, False, x8, x9, x10)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt19(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs19(False, False)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs8(EQ, EQ)
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_compare29(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_sizeFM(EmptyFM, x0, x1, x2)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_emptyFM(x0, x1, x2)
new_mkBranchResult0(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7)
new_esEs30(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs11(False, True)
new_ltEs11(True, False)
new_lt11(x0, x1)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_mkBranch3(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, x16)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_asAs(False, x0)
new_lt12(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_compare19(x0, x1, x2)
new_lt19(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_ltEs12(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_esEs21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_mkBalBranch6Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7)
new_lt6(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs6(x0, x1)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs13(x0, x1)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_lt12(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primCmpInt0(Branch(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4), x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt13(x0, x1)
new_lt19(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs9(LT, LT)
new_asAs(True, x0)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_esEs25(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCmpNat1(x0, Zero)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt12(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Succ(x1)))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare14(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_esEs8(EQ, GT)
new_esEs8(GT, EQ)
new_compare12(x0, x1, False, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt12(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare25(x0, x1, True)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primCmpNat2(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primCmpInt0(EmptyFM, x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs11(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, Branch(x8, x9, x10, x11, x12), False, x13, x14, x15)
new_compare29(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_compare18(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Int)
new_mkBranchResult1(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare6(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_sr0(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_compare25(x0, x1, False)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, False, x5, x6, x7)
new_esEs21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare26(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_compare29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare29(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01(x0, x1, x2, Branch(x3, x4, x5, x6, x7), x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, False, x13, x14, x15)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT)
new_ltEs9(LT, GT)
new_esEs21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare24(x0, x1, False, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_pePe(False, x0)
new_primPlusInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_ltEs8(x0, x1)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare1(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, True, x5, x6, x7)
new_mkBranch4(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16([], [], x0)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_esEs18(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_compare29(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs5(x0, x1)
new_lt12(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs14(x0, x1)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt19(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt16(x0, x1)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt19(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare28(x0, x1, False)
new_esEs8(LT, EQ)
new_esEs8(EQ, LT)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, True, x9, x10, x11)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_mkBalBranch6Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare31(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_ltEs9(GT, GT)
new_esEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs7(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_mkBalBranch(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7)
new_compare27(@0, @0)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCmpNat2(Zero, x0)
new_compare112(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare10(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_compare110(x0, x1, True)
new_mkBranch(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_primCompAux00(x0, GT)
new_ltEs4(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_ltEs4(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare29(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt10(x0, x1)
new_esEs6(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare1([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_compare13(x0, x1, False)
new_compare15(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_ltEs11(True, True)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs12(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_lt12(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt18(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs25(x0, x1, ty_Int)

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs: